How is everyone doing today? For all of you who are working full time jobs, tomorrow is 'hump day'. So, things are looking up for you!
As for me, today I had an appointment with one of my cardiologist's PA's. Everything looks good, with no big changes, so that makes me happy. My defibrillator/pacemaker is working very well, and I'm doing about the same, where my heart is concerned. I do know that when change occurs, it will probably not be for the good. But, so far, so good! She did tell me that I am still having a few PVCs, but not too many. Hopefully it won't get any worse than it is now. I suppose it's all in God's hands and that's the way I prefer to let it.
What have you been up too? Have you been doing anything creative? Perhaps you've been working in your flower beds? That, too, is being creative. You don't have to actually be doing drawing, painting or writing to be creating something.
As for me, I've been steadily working on my new novel, "Train-Trekking" With A Capital "T". It's moving along very nicely. I've been trying to write for at least an hour and a half each day. Although some days, it doesn't work out that way, but I do try.
I have to say that the weather for the last three days has been superb. The temperatures have been in the mid seventies with low humidity. This morning, when I went to my Cardiologist's appointment, I actually thought it was a bit chilly. I felt that I should slap myself for actually thinking it was chilly outside. Although, I understand that starting tomorrow, the temperatures are to be in the low eighties with the humidity, once again, going higher. Ugh! That means that we'll probably be having some storms passing through, also. Oh well, there's not a single thing I can do about the weather.
This summer is passing very quickly, don't you agree with me? But then, the years have been flying by for me. Sometimes, it seems that one or two days drag on by, but then when I turn around, the entire week has gone by. I could understand it, if I was as busy as alot of you out there are. But, I lead a very sedentary lifestyle because of my medical conditions. Oh well, I'm just happy to still be alive to see how fast the times goes by.
Has anyone out there been watching America's Got Talent? My husband and I watch it every week. It's one of the only reality television shows that we watch. It's on tonight, so that means I have to try to make myself stay awake until eleven o'clock tonight. That's very hard for me, because I usually an fast asleep by ten o'clock. Actually, I'm in bed by nine o'clock and it always makes me feel so good to stretch out in my nice comfy bed. My body is quite tired by the time nine o'clock rolls around.
If anyone out there is interested, I have all thirteen of my books for electronic reading at You can purchase them for a Kindle, Ipad, Ipod, laptop, PC or any other electronic reading device, including many cell phones. You can check them out, right here on my Blog. All the individual pages are listed a the top of my home page.
Well, I do hope the rest of your week goes well. Try to get some time just for yourself. We all need and deserve time alone, once and a while.
Take care!
This is one of the books available on Amazon.

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