Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Jesus Comes!

Hi all,

As we look forward to the honoring of the birth of Jesus Christ, I hope each and every one of you will be kind, loving, friendly, thoughtful, generous with someone you meet today.  It could be that stranger you encounter while waiting for your lunch to arrive; if could be that woman in the grocery line ahead of you, who is counting her money hoping she has enough to pay for her meager groceries; it could be your own family member, who is going through a particularly difficult time right now; whoever it is, please take 60 seconds to offer a kind word of encouragement.  Or make a donation to the Salvation Army or some other organization that's helps those in need.  Trust me, you will feel so good in doing just one kind act for another human being.  Or, you could just smile at someone and ask how they're doing.  Sometimes a smile makes all the difference in the world to someone else.
Christmas is exactly one week away.  So, that means you still have seven days to pass on God's love and kindness to someone else.

My laptop is still not fixed, but I'm managing okay without it at present.  I'm using the Tablet that my husband purchased me for Christmas.  He buys me something and then gives it to me right away.  Not sure why he does that, except maybe he's excited to give it to me.  Either way, I love it, as it allows me to once again sit on my sofa with my feet up and check out my emails and FB and blogger.

I'm already now for Christmas to come.  Everything is done, well, except for the Christmas Eve meal, which I can't really do now.  I'm just going to enjoy the next six days of Christmas.  How about you?  Are you about done, too?  I started very early on my shopping and did all of it online.  If you haven't ever tried that, perhaps next year you should. 

Well, I'm officially going to publish my newest novel in January.  The proofing is complete, but I still have some changes to make before it's ready to go to the publisher.  I have an idea for a booklet that I'd like to work on next, but won't start that until January, also.  I must say that I'm missing the daily writing, but the past six weeks have just been too busy for me.  I suppose if I wasn't chronically ill, I'd be able to do more, but I am, so I only do what I can. 

I do hope you'll take a few minutes out of your busy day to give that smile to another person who perhaps really needs it.  Sometimes one simple kind deed keeps another human being from doing something bad to themselves or to some one else.  Play it forward, always!

Have a wonderful day and stay safe.

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