Thursday, December 26, 2013

Now is the time...

Hi all,

I trust you all had a blessed and joyous Christmas Eve.  It doesn't matter whether you had the money to spend on many presents, or just one that counts.  What matters is that you and your family remembered the real reason why we celebrate Christmas.  Of course it's to honor the birth of Jesus Christ. 

I know the Christmas season has become very commercial, but it can only be that way if we permit it.  Of course, I love giving my daughters, sons-in-law, grandsons and my husband gifts, but that takes place on Christmas Eve.  On Christmas Day it's just my husband and myself at our home.  The very first time this occurred, I was so depressed.  I had never not spent Christmas Day with my children.  But, it has been this way for many years now and I have to say that I look forward to celebrating Christmas Day with just my husband. 

I watched the Mass which was celebrated from the Basilica in Washington, DC.  It was a beautiful ceremony and the sermon was very enlightening.  After breakfast we exchanged our gifts and then it was very quiet during the remainder of the day.  We watched some (3) old movies, which were from 1945-1947.  The one I had seen before, but the other two I don't recall seeing.  The were all in black and white.  I loved them! 

What did you do on Christmas day?  Did you stay at home or go to relatives homes?  I hope that whatever you did, you enjoyed the day!

I finally got my laptop back from the tech-guy today.  Man oh man, did I miss it.  But, the tablet that my husband bought me for a Christmas gift (he gave it to me early) sure came in handy.  I love it and it's so light and easy to use.  Although I do not like typing on it.  I am old school and by that I mean that I learned typing in high school.  We were taught to rest the tips of our fingers on the keys and we were not allowed to look at the keyboard when we were typing.  Actually, I am a pretty good typist and quite fast, also.  My husband purchased me The Dragon last year for Christmas.  For those of you who aren't familiar with that, it's a headset with software that allows you to speak into the headset and the computer automatically types for you.  I fooled around with it earlier this year, but you really need to learn all the commands so that you can correct mistakes and such.  Since I'd already started my current novel, I truly didn't want to take the time to learn the commands just then.  But, now I'm almost ready to send it to the printers and then I plan on spending some time with The Dragon.  I will need to write some crypt-notes so I can remember all the commands.  Getting old affects the memory!

Well, I hope that in the next two weeks I can get my book off to the printing company.  I'm almost finished making the corrections and then I just need to make sure everything is set up correctly.  I am getting so excited to finally see it in print.  I'm hoping that Irvin's Book Store will have a New Release Party for me when it's published. 

I'm getting anxious to start writing something else.  I haven't done really any writing (except on here) for the past month and I must say, "I miss it!"  How about you?  What have you been up to?  What would you like to pursue in the future?  I hope this gives you something to think about in the upcoming weeks. 

My days this week are all messed up.  Today seemed like a Monday instead of a Thursday.  Tomorrow I need to go grocery shopping, but it won't seem like Friday to me.  Oh well, my days often get messed up since my days are all much alike.

I need to close for now, so be safe and have a wonderful day tomorrow.  Enjoy the remainder of the Christmas season.

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