Friday, December 27, 2013

Looking for a good book for electronic reading?

Hi all,

This will just be a short hello.  I just wanted to invite everyone to check out all thirteen of my novels and booklets.  You can find them by going to:  Once there, enter my full name in the Search block and click search.  All my books will come up. 

Unfortunately, all of them, accept for "Crafty-Cruise" With a Capital "C" are only for electronic reading.  I do have some actual copies of the above book for sale.  They are $16. each and I will be happy to mail one to you as soon as I receive your check.    Although I only have a limited number of actual books left. 

Did you know:  That you can read an electronic book on any electronic device, such as:  Ipod, Ipad, laptop, PC, tablet, Kindle or Nook. 

I do hope your Christmas Holidays are going well.  I'll be doing a new blog very soon.  Take care and God bless each and every one of you.

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