Hi all,
I've been thinking alot about the different ways people look for happiness. I think that some of the problems that we face today, are because of the way many people go about finding happiness. For instance, some think that unless you have a lot of money, you can't be happy. Or, that if you don't live in the best section of town, or if you don't drive a fairly new car, that you must not be happy.
I think that's why some people do the bad things they do. I believe they think that by robbing a store of some expensive electronic devices or hitting a mini market for the cash, will make them happy. Actually, if you stop to think about it, the only thing it will get them is a stay in jail and a permanent arrest record. Where's the happiness in that?
Another way that I think people try to find happiness is by "putting up a front" for everyone else. They think that if they make other people think that they have money, a spectacular house, a fancy car or all the finest things that life has to offer, that they will be happy. I can guarantee you that they won't find any happiness in that, either. Pretending to be someone that you're not never gives you anything, except sorrow.
This subject has been on my mind a lot lately. I'm an old woman, but one thing I've learned is that no
one finds happiness in any of the above ways. Happiness comes from inside you, not by exterior circumstances or things. I'm quite sure that there are many extremely rich people in this world, who are still not completely happy. They have every thing money can buy them, but there is no happiness or contentment in their hearts. I think that's sad!
I truly believe that you can not have complete happiness unless you live every single day of your life giving gratitude and acceptance to God. I'm sure many of you will ask, "Why should I just accept my life the way it is? Why shouldn't I want more?"
What I believe is this: If you give gratitude and acceptance to God daily, it doesn't mean that you still can't try to improve yourself. When you accept the things in your life just the way they are, especially those things you can't do anything about anyways, you can and will accomplish good things.
I am so grateful for all the blessings that God's given to me. I have a roof over my head, enough to eat, heat in the winter and cool air in the summer, enough money to pay all our bills, a wonderful family and friends, a loving husband who supports me and can do a few fun things in our spare time.
Those are all blessings from God. I also have Chronic Congestive Heart Failure, Arthritis, H-V Block, and a few other diseases to content with, but I am alive! I am blessed!
So, I am happy. I am contented with my life just the way it is. I don't sit alone feeling sorry for myself or asking, "why me?" I want to live every single minute of the life God's given me as best as I can. That's why I write by books, both fiction and non-fiction. And, that's why I make hand made greeting cards. I feel God wants me to use my talents to give back the many blessings He's bestowed on me. That's why I write this blog.
How about you? Are you happy in your life? If not, why don't you try my formula. It's simple, just thank God daily, for all the good things you have in your life. Next, accept your life the way it is. Don't torture yourself by hating the way you live. Turn to God for support and praise Him always.
I can tell you that I haven't always lived my life this way. I suppose, like everyone else, I had to learn the hard way. It took me a long time, but I've finally gotten there. My heart is filled with happiness and contentment. Will I live to be a very old woman, probably not. I already know that, but I'm okay with it. I try to make every day count. Remember, we never know which day will be our last!
Please take some time to think about all I've said. It certainly can't hurt, now can it? Good luck and God be with you.
- Author/Writer
- My Soothing Poems from the Heart
- White to Black - With Many Shades In Between
- "Train-Trekking" With a Capital "T"
- Five Myths Regarding Women and Heart Disease!
- Heart Disease
- The Kauffman Farm (and other childhood memories)
- Sleepless Nights
- A Mother's Love
- The Secret in The Claw Feet Box
- Prolonged Uncertainties
- Footprints on The Pontiac
- There's a Growl In My Stomach!
- The Rail Rider
- Living and Loving With Divine Mercy
- The Day the Flowers Died
- Crafty-Cruise Wtih A Capital C
- Sassy With A Capital S
- Women & Heart Disease
- Hubert And The Fence
- Returning Home
- "Returning Home"
- Life, Love and Lies
- Generation to Generation: Passing It Onward!
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