Hi all,
Good morning to all of you. I hope the first part of your weekend went well and I hope the second half goes equally as well. I don't know what it's like where you are, but it's blustery cold here in the state of Pennsylvania, USA. We have reached some record lows this past week and I'm ready to have that old temperature gauge raise itself up into the thirties once again.
If you haven't gathered it by now, I'm definitely not a winter person! I do love the change of the seasons, but I don't enjoy the cold weather. Of course, being disabled and sedentary, I stay indoors most of the time. Therefore, it's tolerable. What are your feelings on the cold weather? I'm sure some of you don't mind it at all.
I hear so many folks complaining about the cold temperatures and all the snow that we've been having, but when we're in the middle of the summer, with all the heat pouring out, they complain about that also. I suppose that's just human nature. For myself, I've always preferred the spring and fall times of the year best. But, it seems those two seasons have gotten shorter and shorter as the years have gone by. It appears to me that we go from winter straight into summer and then into winter, once again. Where did spring and fall go to?
It's hard for me to realize that today is already the 5th of January, 2014. Time goes by so quickly, especially when you get old. It's strange, because one would think that time would go slower as we age and become sedentary, but it truly does not! Why is that? I wish someone could explain that to me.
I had some problems in getting my manuscript to the publishers, but I hope that now that's taken care of. I won't know until tomorrow morning, as they don't work over the weekends. I spend the last two days in total frustration, but I feel good about things today. I just hope it stays that way, and I get a good reply from the printers tomorrow morning.
I love writing, actually I love doing anything creative. But, I have to say when it comes to going from one format to another on the computer, I'm out of my league. I become extremely frustrated with my projects and momentarily wonder why I put myself through these things! Once I figure things out, I'm better, but I truly don't need all this frustration. I will be so happy once everything is okay and headed to the print machines. I can't wait to see the novel (Train-Trekking With a Capital T) in book form. It certainly gives me a sense of accomplishment to see the finished project and to hold it in my hands.
Well, I hope you have a blessed Sunday and save a bit of time to do something for yourself. Tomorrow you all head back to work, so you need the luxury of down time today. God bless you all and keep you safe, always.
- Author/Writer
- My Soothing Poems from the Heart
- White to Black - With Many Shades In Between
- "Train-Trekking" With a Capital "T"
- Five Myths Regarding Women and Heart Disease!
- Heart Disease
- The Kauffman Farm (and other childhood memories)
- Sleepless Nights
- A Mother's Love
- The Secret in The Claw Feet Box
- Prolonged Uncertainties
- Footprints on The Pontiac
- There's a Growl In My Stomach!
- The Rail Rider
- Living and Loving With Divine Mercy
- The Day the Flowers Died
- Crafty-Cruise Wtih A Capital C
- Sassy With A Capital S
- Women & Heart Disease
- Hubert And The Fence
- Returning Home
- "Returning Home"
- Life, Love and Lies
- Generation to Generation: Passing It Onward!
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