Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy New year!

Hi all,
First of all, let me wish each of you the very best for 2014.  So many people make new year's resolutions every year and then aren't able to keep them.  So, keeping this in mind, my resolution for 2014 is to be more thankful for all the little blessings  that God gives me every day.

You know, All those small things that occur e dry day that we simply take for granted.  Like having a hot cup of coffee or tea every morning to help us wake up.  Or, perhaps having that old heavy winter coat wear on those freezing cold mornings when you have to get into that cold car to drive to work.  Or, if you have a newer car which you can start from inside your home, are you thankful for that, or do you just take it for granted?

There are so many things that we have or do in every day that we just take for granted.  You know there is.  So, I'm going to try to remember to stop for a second to give thanks to God each time.

My great news for today is that my newest manuscript is now at the printers.  Hurrah!  Next is for me to submit it to amazon for electric reading.  Hopefully that will be done over the weekend.  I am very excited about this book.  It is called, "trains trekking" With a Capital"T", and is the third in this series, although each can be read separately.  I have added quite a bit of the paranormal in this novel.

I don't quite know what my next writing will be, but I am so anxious to start again, on something.  I have a few responsibilities to tend to in the next week, but then it is back to the keyboard. I only hope that by then, I will have my laptop back and that it's working properly.  Unless, of course it's a goner, then I will be purchasing a new one. I always say that electronic devices are wonderful, when they work!

Well I hope you all have a great first weekend for 2014!  Take care and check out my books at  take care and God bless!

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