How's everyone doing today? I hope you are all well and enjoying some nice weather. Here in South Central Pennsylvania it's been quite nice this month. Actually, this whole summer has been a very comfortable one. I've enjoyed sitting on my porch, which doesn't usually happen a whole lot during the summer.
Well now, you all know what tomorrow is, don't you? Of course, it's Hump Day! Where's that old lumpy camel at anyways? I suppose he'll show his face at some point tomorrow. So smile, because tomorrow is the middle of the week and when the day is done, you'll be on the down side of the slope. Hurrah!
What have you all been up to lately? Well, besides working, that is. I'm back to working on hand embroidery work. This time I'm doing Elf bags. I think they're turning out so cute. I saw a photograph of them in a catalog and figured that I could make them myself, instead of purchasing them. Here's a picture of one:

I have finished my autobiography, White to Black - With Many Shades in Between. I now have it for sale at You can purchase it for electronic reading by inserting my full name in the search block on amazon and clicking search. All fourteen of my novels and booklets will come up. Just scroll down until you find the one you'd like to read.
I am going to have a few copies printed up but I haven't done that as of yet. I've been spending quite a bit of my time on writing poetry. I've always enjoyed reading an easy to read poem, but I never really thought of writing them before. I've joined a web site called, fanstory com. It's mainly just for writers who create any type of writings. I've been a member for almost two years now and I truly enjoy the site. Writers post their work, be it stories or poems and then other writers read and review their work. I received some very nice reviews regarding my poems. Of course, I don't really know about all the different types of poetry, I just knew what I like. Some of the writers poems, in my opinion, are a bit confusing. At least they are to me. I suppose they're very deep! I prefer easy to read poems that are written with emotions. That's the type I write.
In a couple of weeks, I'm going to be starting my hand created Christmas cards. I create a type that requires a lot of layering of small pieces of paper. I will create those pieces first and then later one I will incorporate them into a card.
God has blessed me over the years and I am so thankful to Him for all the blessings He's given me. Being creative is just one of those blessings. But, one that I love doing. God gives all of us His blessings. It's just that so many don't use those blessings at all. My husband and I are "giving back" by doing something especially nice for a young married couple we know. The husband is suffering from cancer and we just want to do something nice for them while he's still alive. My Red Hat group is also going to "pay it forward" by gifting them something that is important to them.
Please figure out how you too, can "pay it forward" for all your blessings. There are so many good people out there who could use a helping hand in on way or another. You will not regret it, I promise you!
Enjoy the rest of your week and what's left of the summer. Take some time just for yourself, because we all need to rejuvenate ourselves so that we can be there completely for our families.
Be safe and God bless each of you.
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