I do hope that you all had a safe and happy Christmas and New Year's Day. I loved every minute of the Christmas Season, but now it's back to the same old thing. Tomorrow is Monday, so that means it's laundry day for me. I'd also like to start cleaning my upstairs tomorrow, but we'll see how much energy I have when tomorrow comes. But, I will have it cleaned before the end of the week, that much I can say for sure.
I soon need to start creating my handmade birthday cards, Valentine cards, Easter cards, Halloween cards and Thanksgiving cards. I will also be creating some Get Well cards, Sympathy cards and Thinking of You cards. I will probably be working on them for about two months or so.
I've also been thinking about writing another book of poems. I so enjoyed creating the first book, "My Soothing Book of Poems", so I think I'll give it another try. You can purchase my book of poems by going to www.amazon.com, enter my full name into the search block and all of my books will come up. Remember, you can also join the Kindle Borrowing Library for free and of course, you can read electronic books on most any electronic device.

So, what is on your busy schedule in the "creative" department? I do hope that you use the talents that God has bestowed upon you. Each one of us is good at something, some times we just need to figure out what that talent is. Usually, it's the one thing that you do that makes you feel good about yourself. It doesn't have to be the job you go to every day. I think that for most of us, our paying job is something we do because we're good at it, not necessarily because we enjoy doing it.
I worked in the accounting field for many, many years. I can honestly say that I have always hated math, but I was very good at it. So, of course, the logical field I would go into would be accounting, but it wasn't what made me feel good about myself. What made me feel that I had achieved something good was doing anything creative. It took me a while to figure this out, but I finally did!
So, I would advise each of you to take some time to stop and think, long and hard, about what you to that gives you a feeling of joy and happiness. Then, just do it! Please don't wait until you're old to start doing something that you love. It just may be way too late at that point.
Well, so far, how is your new year going? I hope it's been smooth sailing so far. Of course, this is only January 4. We're really not very far into the new year, so you've got plenty of time to put some happiness and joy into your life.
I believe that the easiest way to do this is by living every single day giving gratitude and acceptance to God. Accept God's mercy into your life and try your best to be a good person every minute of every day. Just be satisfied with what you do have and stop obsessing about what you don't have.
As always, I wish you a safe and happy day!
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