Tuesday, June 2, 2015

How's Your Week Going Thus Far?

Hi everyone,

Two days down and three to go until the end of the Monday/Friday work week.  My oldest daughter drives a school bus and she's counting down the days until Thursday.  I believe that's their last day of school for this year.  She's a good driver and she's always concerned about the lives of all those children she transports on her bus.  Today, she said that one of her 3rd grade students, a little girl, gave her a fresh box of strawberries as a year end gift.  How thoughtful of her parents to do this for their daughter's bus driver.  Of course, they put their children in the bus driver's care so they should be grateful that they have a bus driver who loves and protects their children.

I have three daughters and I'm so proud of each one of them.  They are all grown women with children of their own.  Well, perhaps I shouldn't say 'children', as they are all pretty much grown up men now.  God truly blessed me with my daughters and my six grandsons.  I'm a proud Mom and Grandmother, in case you haven't figured that out by now.  My Grandsons range in age from 18 to 24 and I don't know where the years have gone.  I loved the time I spent with them when they were youngsters.  I used to do crafts with them all the time.  My husband and I would take two at a time, camping, for the weekend.  We never took siblings, we took cousins.  That always worked better; little fighting occurred with cousins.

I have to say that I miss those days.  I've always liked young children and particularly babies.  Don't get me wrong, I love my grown up boys, but I really don't see them too much because they're quite busy these days.  Four of them have already graduated from high school, with one to graduate this Thursday evening.  That only lets one left in high school.  He'll be a senior next September and then all my boys will be full grown men.  I'm very proud, but I also miss their young years.  How about you, do you have grandchildren and what are their ages? 

Well, I'm getting closer to the end of my current novel.  I don't know why, but I've been busy doing other things lately and haven't had much time to work on it.  But, I have promised myself that within the next two weeks, it will be completed.  Well, the writing will be complete, but then comes the proofing, which takes forever to complete.  If you've never tried proof reading a manuscript, let me tell you that it's not easy.  The mind just seems to skip right over any mistakes because as long as the first and last letters in a word are correct, the brain skips right over it, reading it as correct.  I do use 'spell check' but that doesn't always work on some words. 

I now have about 22 squares finished for my quilt.  In case you didn't read the blog I posted about my quilt, I'll say it again.  I am making a summer quilt for my bed and I'm hand embroidering designs and sayings on all my squares, in different pastel shades.  I love to hand embroider.  I find it to relax me so much, and it gives me a sense of self-worth whenever I complete a project. 

I promised a little boy named Jacob, that I'd teach him how to draw using art pencils only.  He's just turning ten years old this weekend, so I need to keep it pretty simple.  I need to take a trip to the craft store to pick up a few things.  I haven't done any pencil art for a while now, but I do love drawing with art pencils:  HB, 2B, 4B, 6B, etc.  I like how a drawing turns out with no color in it, just using shading to add shadows and color differences.  Have you ever tried drawing with pencil?  It's funny how when we look at something, we don't really see every detail of it, that is, until we go to draw it.  Then we need to examine it completely, every shade, every shadow, every mark, etc.  Basically, you draw without making any lines, which is not too easy.  Try it some time and let me know what you think.

Well, tomorrow is Hump Day, so at least that's good to know.  I do hope your week continues in a good fashion.  Take care and stay safe.

Here's a sample of a pencil drawing that I did years ago.

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