Saturday, March 12, 2016

Horrah! It's the weekend...

Hi everyone,
I guess a lot of you feel that way about the weekend, and I understand because I used to feel that way also.  Isn't it funny how quickly the weekends go by, but how slowly the weekdays drag. 

As for me, my days are all about the same and that's okay with me.  My husband drove me to the craft store this morning so I could pick up a few supplies.  They had yarn on sale, 4 for $10.00, so I stocked up so that I'd have it handy for crocheting Christmas gifts.

I just have to keep myself busy doing something creative.  What better way to use those abilities than to make hand-made Christmas gifts.  Right now, I'm working on my hand embroidered Christmas bags, made from felt.  I put a large design on the front of them using other pieces of felt, such as Santa Claus faces and other Christmas designs.  Then I attach either a ribbon or weave embroidery floss into the tops of the bags so they can be closed. 

What have all of you been up to lately?  I do hope you're working on something creative.  It surely makes a person feel good about themselves when they create something by hand, especially something to be used as gifts for family and friends.  So get started on something!

My husband and I are meeting some close friends for dinner this evening.  We don't go out very often and that's my fault.  I'd simply rather stay at home, especially during the colder months.  But, it is nice to go out once and awhile.  What are you up to today?

I visited my friend yesterday, Friday, at the rehabilitation center.  So doesn't seem like she's improving any to me.  She does cheer up a bit while I'm there, but she seems so depressed because she doesn't want to be in a nursing home for the rest of her life.  I can understand that, but that's the best place for her to be at this time in her life.  She finds that hard to accept and I understand that, but she has to try to put her faith in God, and put her life in His hands. 

Once again, we all need to practice Gratitude and Acceptance in our lives.  I'm not saying it's easy to do, but it is so very necessary.  As I've said before, my life is so content now since I live every day with gratitude and acceptance.  Gratitude to God for all the many blessings He's given e throughout my lifetime and acceptance for everything in my life, even my chronic illness. 

Please remember this friend of mine in your prayers.  I know there is nothing greater than the power of prayer.  So, I'll thank you now for your prayers.

I'm glad the weather has gotten a bit more normal for this time of year.  It's still warmer than it should be for March, but temperatures in the low 60's is better than temps in the high 70's.  Why don't we have a spring and fall anymore.  It seems we go directly from the furnace to the central air conditioning.  I have to tell you that I do not like that, not one bit! 

Well, whatever you have going for this weekend, I hope you are safe and remember to do something creative.  It will make you feel good! 

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