Monday, April 30, 2018

Monday's Mercy Minutes...

Divine Mercy Daily

My Mercy as a Defense



My daughter, tell souls that I am giving them My mercy as a defense. I Myself am fighting for them and am bearing the just anger of My Father (Diary, 1516).
Today before Holy Communion, the Lord said to me, My daughter, today talk openly to the superior [Mother Irene] about My mercy because, of all the superiors, she has taken the greatest part in pro- claiming My mercy (Diary, 1519). 

My Prayer Response:

Thank You, Jesus, that You give Your mercy as our defense in the battle of life — and that You Yourself are fighting for us. Help me to talk openly of Your mercy to others, not giving into discouragement.
*Diary passages with bolded words are Jesus speaking


Sunday, April 29, 2018

Happy and blessed Sunday!

Here's Sunday's Divine Mercy Minutes:

Divine Mercy Daily

Do Not Be Discouraged



I heard a voice: Apostle of My mercy, proclaim to the whole world My unfathomable mercy. Do not be discouraged by the difficulties you encounter in proclaiming My mercy. These difficulties that affect you so painfully are needed for your sanctification and evidence that this work is Mine(Diary, 1142). 

My Prayer Response:

Lord Jesus, do not let us apostles of Divine Mercy be discouraged by the difficulties we encounter, but may we rejoice in them because they are needed for our sanctification — it is all Your work. All for the glory of Your name, Merciful Savior.
*Diary passages with bolded words are Jesus speaking

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Here's your Divine Mercy reading for Saturday.

Divine Mercy Daily

Spread the Honor of My Mercy



Souls who spread the honor of My mercy I shield through their entire lives as a tender mother her infant, and at the hour of death I will not be a Judge for them, but the Merciful Savior. At that last hour, a soul has nothing with which to defend itself except My mercy. Happy is the soul that during its lifetime immersed itself in the Fountain of Mercy, because justice will have no hold on it (Diary, 1075). 

My Prayer Response:

O my Jesus, immerse me and all promoters of Divine Mercy in the Fountain of Your mercy, the source of joy during our lifetime. Shield us through our entire lives as a tender mother does her infant. 
*Diary passages with bolded words are Jesus speaking

Friday, April 27, 2018

Friday's Mercy Minutes....

Divine Mercy Daily


Devotion to My Mercy



The flames of mercy are burning Me. I desire to pour them out upon human souls. Oh, what pain they cause Me when they do not want to accept them!
My daughter, do whatever is within your power to spread devotion to My mercy. I will make up for what you lack. Tell aching mankind to snuggle close to My merciful Heart, and I will fill it with peace (Diary, 1074). 

My Prayer Response:

Lord Jesus, help me and all apostles of Divine Mercy to tell aching mankind of Your great desire to pour out Your mercy upon human souls and for them to snuggle close to Your merciful Heart.
*Diary passages with bolded words are Jesus speaking

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Thursday's Mercy Minutes...

Divine Mercy Daily

Rouse Others to Love Me



I heard a voice within my soul. I am very pleased that you had not been talking with Me, but were making My goodness known to souls and rousing them to love Me(Diary, 404).
Tell the world about My mercy and My love (Diary, 1074).

My Prayer Response:

Dear Jesus, teach me and all apostles of Divine Mercy to tell the world about Your mercy and love — and rouse them to love You! May the whole world come to know of Your mercy. 
*Diary passages with bolded words are Jesus speakings 

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Wednesday's Mercy Minutes...

Divine Mercy Daily

The Last Hope of Salvation



I heard a voice in my soul: These words are for you. Do all you possibly can for this work of My mercy. I desire that My mercy be worshiped, and I am giving mankind the last hope of salvation; that is, recourse to My mercy. My Heart rejoices in this feast. After these words, I understood that nothing can dispense me from the obligation which the Lord demands from me (Diary, 998).

My Prayer Response:

Lord Jesus, help me and all souls to worship Your mercy and to have recourse to Your mercy as the last hope of salvation for mankind. 
*Diary passages with bolded words are Jesus speaking

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Good evening to everyone,

I'm sorry that I haven't done a personal blog for awhile now, although I have been posting your daily Divine Mercy Minutes readings.

I hope you've all been well.  I'm about the same, health wise, but my husband's father recently passed away.  He was almost 98 years old, so he did live a long life.  A lot longer than I'm sure I will live, but I'm okay with that. 

I thank God every single day for giving me another day of life.  I suppose that when you're in fairly good health, one doesn't really think about dying much.  And, of course, when you're still quite young, the thought of your death doesn't enter your mind very often.  That's just human nature.

I'm still hand sewing my dressed, teddy bears onto the center of a fleece blanket, which I'm donating to our local hospital, children's ward; and also to two other local organizations for children. Here's a few photographs of my more recent ones.

I hope the kids like them and that they help them to feel safe while in the hospital.  What do you think?  I hope I'm right.

I hope you have a good evening and get some rest before returning to work tomorrow morning.  May God bless each of you.  I will continue posting your daily Mercy Minutes, since it seems that many folks are reading them.  I'd be lost without those readings first thing every morning.

Tuesday's Mercy Minutes

Divine Mercy Daily

Claiming Your Promise



During one of the adorations, Jesus promised me that: With souls that have recourse to My mercy and with those that glorify and proclaim My great mercy to others, I will deal according to My infinite mercy at the hour of their death(Diary, 379).

My Prayer Response:

Jesus, You promised to deal according to Your mercy with all who have recourse to Your mercy — those who glorify it and those who proclaim Your mercy to others. I claim Your promise for all those who are devoted to Your Divine Mercy!
*Diary passages with bolded words are Jesus speaking

Monday, April 23, 2018

Monday's Mercy Minutes...

Divine Mercy Daily

My Own Glory 



But God has promised a great grace especially to you [Father Sopocko] and to all those ... who will proclaim My great mercy. I shall protect them Myself at the hour of death, as My own glory. And even if the sins of souls were as dark as night, when the sinner turns to My mercy, he gives Me the greatest praise and is the glory of My Passion. When a soul extols My goodness, Satan trembles before it and flees to the very bottom of hell (Diary, 378). 

My Prayer Response:

Lord Jesus, I claim Your promise for myself and for all apostles of Divine Mercy: May we be protected as Your own glory at the hour of death, and may Satan tremble and flee to the very bottom of hell.
*Diary passages with bolded words are Jesus speaking

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Sunday's Divine Mercy Minutes...

I'm sorry I didn't get these posted earlier today, but here they are now.

Divine Mercy Daily

My Greatest Attribute



Proclaim that mercy is the greatest attribute of God. All the works of My hands are crowned with mercy (Diary, 301).
Everything that you say about My goodness is true; language has no adequate expression to extol My goodness (Diary, 359). 

My Prayer Response:

Lord Jesus, help me to express and articulate clearly Your goodness. How can I speak of Your greatest attribute of mercy without Your grace? Fill me then, so I can proclaim Your mercy. 
*Diary passages with bolded words are Jesus speaking

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Mercy Minutes for today! 4/21/18

Divine Mercy Daily

My Inconceivable Mercy 



Jesus said to me with kindness, My daughter, speak to priests about this inconceivable mercy of Mine. The flames of mercy are burning Me — clamoring to be spent; I want to keep pouring them out upon souls; souls just don’t want to believe in My goodness (Diary, 177). 

My Prayer Response:

Lord Jesus, give priests a special grace to hear the word of Your inconceivable mercy and to proclaim it to people in need. May distrustful souls come to believe in Your goodness as they hear it proclaimed.
*Diary passages with bolded words are Jesus speaking

Friday, April 20, 2018

Friday's Mercy Minutes just for you...

Divine Mercy Daily

Peace to the Tormented Soul 



Today, the Lord came to me and said, My daughter, help Me to save souls. You will go to a dying sinner, and you will continue to recite the chaplet, and in this way you will obtain for him trust in My mercy, for he is already in despair (Diary, 1797).
Suddenly, I found myself in a strange cottage where an elderly man was dying amidst great torments. All about the bed was a multitude of demons and the family, who were crying. When I began to pray, the spirits of darkness fled, with hissing and threats directed at me. The soul became calm and, filled with trust, rested in the Lord.
At the same moment, I found myself again in my own room. How this happens ... I do not know (Diary, 1798). 

My Prayer Response:

Thank You, Jesus, for the gift of trust for the dying as we pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. You dispel a multitude of demons and bring peace to the tormented soul.
*Diary passages with bolded words are Jesus speaking

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Daily Mercy reading for today...

Divine Mercy Daily

In a Great Storm 



Today I was awakened by a great storm. The wind was raging, and it was raining in torrents, thunderbolts striking again and again. I began to pray that the storm would do no harm, when I heard the words: Say the chaplet I have taught you, and the storm will cease. I began immediately to say the chaplet and hadn’t even finished it when the storm suddenly ceased, and I heard the words: Through the chaplet you will obtain everything, if what you ask for is compatible with My will(Diary, 1731). 

My Prayer Response:

Thank You, Jesus, for teaching us to use the Chaplet of Divine Mercy for a variety of needs. What amazing promises You have made about our praying it. 
*Diary passages with bolded words are Jesus speaking