Sunday, October 20, 2013

A very interesting sermon today at church.

Hi all,

Happy Sunday to you all.  I realize that the weekend is soon coming to a close, but you still do have this evening to make it a fun weekend.

I participated in the Mass at noontime today on EWTN.  It is the Catholic television station and I watch it  every Sunday.  This morning's priest was one I've only seen once or twice before, but his sermon was phenomenal, to say the least.

His question to the worshippers was:  How do you pray?  And, what do you pray for?  He told everyone that if your prayers consist of asking God for things all the time, that's not really praying to God.  He expressed that we all should consider praying at simply talking to God.  Letting Him know what's hard for us, how much we thank Him for always being with us.  We can also pray every time we do our daily chores around the house or at work. 

He suggested that when we are doing something that we don't particularly like doing (for me that would be cleaning) that instead of complaining and growling about what we hate doing, we should offer the task up to God and then continue on with the chore with a happy heart. 

He also said that we often pray for the wrong things.  By that, I mean that we pray for God to give us something that simply isn't good for us.  Then we get angry when He doesn't allow us to receive what we pray for.  He suggested that we should start asking God to open our hearts to what will be good for us; to ask God to help us to send us along the route that will bring us closer to being like Him. 

I realize that many people only pray when things are really bad for them.  I have to say that I pray every day of my life.  Mostly I pray for the well being of my family, those who are very close to me.  I try not to pray for myself very often.  I started practicing Gratitude and Acceptance in my life some time ago.

Mostly when I pray or speak to God, I start by thanking Him for all the blessings He's bestowed upon me.  I ask Him to help me to do what honors Him the most.  I also tell Him that I accept my life and my health, just the way it is.  I've found that since I started living my life with Gratitude and Acceptance to God, I'm a happier and more content person. 

I believe that you can watch today's sermon by going to and clicking on the television link.  It is well worth your time. 

If you haven't had any time to yourself this weekend, please try to fit some in before the weekend ends.  We all need to take some time just for ourselves.  Be happy and stay safe.

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