Thursday, October 17, 2013

How busy have you been lately, doing something that matters?

Hi all,

I ask each of you the above question, not to judge you, but just to make yourself stop and think.  Doing something that's important to you is wonderful, as well as doing something that's important to other people.  I realize that many of you work full time jobs and there's very little time left at the end of the day to do anything of importance for yourself.  But, it's necessary that you do.

This could be something very small, such as taking a long bubble bath, or an extra long hot shower.  It could also be grabbing that book you've been meaning to read and actually start reading it.  Perhaps it could be taking an extra ten or fifteen minutes when putting your child to bed tonight.  Just take those minutes and sit on the side of his/her bed, sharing how much they mean to you and how richer your life is since they were born.  Believe me, it will not only mean the world to them, it will also make you feel good about yourself.  This child doesn't have to be young, either.  How about telling your teenager the same thing.  As parents we spend so much time correcting and disciplining our children so that they will know right from wrong.  How about starting a new habit of letting them know all the things you love about them for a change.  Even those simple things that we take for granted.  Maybe he/she awakes in the morning in a good mood and you're not in a good mood.  Let them know how their cheerfulness helps you to start your day feeling better.

There are many things one can do that matters both to oneself and to others.  Look at me, I live a very sedentary lifestyle, so I don't have the option of going out and volunteering anyplace to help another person.  But I try very hard to use my God given talents to reach others through my writing and hand made greeting cards.  It certainly isn't much, but it's all I have available to do. 

We were put here on this earth by God, so we could live our lives according to His teachings for us.  I know that's really hard sometimes, but we need to just keep trying to change.  If God has blessed us with a child or children, it is our responsible to honor God by raising that child in accordance to God's plan.  We are blessed in so many ways, that I couldn't even list them all here. 

Each of us matter to God.  We are each so important to Him and He loves us so much.  So, be kind to yourself, love yourself and praise God always. 

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