Saturday, March 29, 2014

Hi, friends!

How's everyone doing today?  Here in York, it's a rainy, ugly day.  It's supposed to be that way through the weekend.  Oh well, that's better than snow, don't you think so?

I'm in the process of trying to figure out just what my next creative project will be.  I'd like to start another writing project, but I'm not sure if I want to start another novel or do a non-fictional piece.  I'll have to think some more on that.

In the meantime, I finished two wall hangings that I was working on for my two step-daughters.  They are completely done by hand, using vintage hankerchiefs from their grandmother, who was my husband's mom.  I love doing hand-sewn pieces, especially during the winter months.  Here's a picture of both of them.


I'm sorry, the photographs don't do justice to the hangings.  I suppose it took me about four hours each to create these.  I hope they like them and will treasure them always.

I think I may enter a writing contest again on WOW, which stands for Women On Writing.  It only costs $10. to enter and I have until May 31st. to complete the piece.  Have you ever heard of this web site before and if you have, have you ever entered any of their contests?  (

I also am a member of   I have quite a few of my stories listed on this site.  Basically when you join this site, you read and rate other people's stories or poems.  I don't know how good I am at rating other folks work, but I do know when I like something and why I like it or not.  I appreciate all the coments I get in reference to my work, also. 

I also spend time on , as well as all the time I spend here on my blog,  Some times I wander where the time goes in a day.  Of course, I still have my laundry, cleaning and cooking to take care of during the week. 

I wander how other creative folks out there manage their time, especially if they also hold down full time jobs.  There's no way I could do all that, not at this time in my life.  Being chronically ill means I get tired very quickly.  Mornings aren't bad for me, but seeing that I don't get out of bed until about 8:30 am.  Until I am ready to start whatever I'm going to tackle that morning, I only have approximately two hours left until lunch time. 

I do spend some times during the course of the afternoons, either writing or doing hand sewing.  Sometimes I will go up to my craft room for forty-five minutes or so after lunch, but I get lower back pain very fast in the afternoons. 

Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining.  I have completely accepted my life exactly as it is right now.  And if my health starts to get worse, I'll accept that also.  I'm at peace with myself, my health, my abilities and my God.  I'm happy and content with the life God has blessed me with now.

I hope the rest of your weekend is restful.  Stay safe and God bless you.

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