Monday, March 31, 2014

What to do next????

Hi all,

Hi everyone.  How are you all doing?  I hope the answer to this question is 'good'.  Well, we're on the downward slope of the first day of this week.  I do hope you all had a wonderful day today.  I remember how busy Mondays used to be when I was still working a full time job.  But, the good part was that it always went very quickly.

If you haven't guessed what today's topic means, here's the answer.  I can't decide what project to start next:  a new novel, a piece on heart disease, an art piece, or a new hand sewing piece.  Well, actually, I've already started a new hand sewing project.  It will be a runner for my dining room table and it will be totally done by hand.  But, that won't stop me from starting a writing project.

It was very nice outside today and tomorrow's to be nice also.  It's to be in the low sixties but then on Wednesday, through next Monday, it's to be only in the fifties with a chance of rain five out of the seven days.  I was so surprised last evening when I went to bed, to see we had at least an inch of snow on the ground.  Of course, by lunch time today, it had all melted.  Hurrah!

Well, the two handmade wall hangings that I made for my two Stepdaughters, are on their way to California.  I hope they like them.  They were made with all vintage handkerchiefs from their grandmother.  I don't get to see them, and their families, very often, but I care about them very much.
I'm glad I could do this project for them.

I truly don't know how my life would be without my creative abilities.  They bring so much satisfaction and purpose to my life.  I don't have any aspirations to be a famous writer, artist or anything else.  I just love doing creative things and I want to do the very best I can, with the blessings God has bestowed upon me. I simply can not just sit around the house feeling sorry for myself.  Yes, my life is very sedentary since I became chronically ill eight years ago, but I refuse to let that get me down.  I truly don't feel I have anything to feel bad about.  I'm still alive and able to enjoy each day God gives me.  I feel so blessed!

If you are chronically ill, I know it changes your entire life, but please don't just sit around feeling sorry for yourself and your lot in life.  God does have other plans for you, but if you don't open your heart and your mind, you won't find out what those plans are.  It's true, you're normal life doesn't exist anymore, but there must be something you can do to give back for the gift of life.  Please think seriously on this. 

Well, I hope your week will go well for you.  If you have to go to work every day, just be thankful that you have a job.  Stay strong and be safe always.

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