Tuesday, March 11, 2014

It will be finished soon!

Hi all,

How's everyone this fine evening?  We've had some very warm temperatures yesterday and today.  I understand tomorrow is to be warm, also.  But, on Thursday, it's to be only in the twenties with either rain and/or snow.  I can't wait!  (That's sarcasm, if you didn't know.)

Well, since I've gotten this infection, I did pretty much nothing.  I am feeling much better now.  Actually, yesterday was better, too.  So, today I took the time to do my first proofing on my new book.  Hopefully, I will get the second read-through done tomorrow.  I'm getting anxious to finish it. 

I also need to create the cover and back page.  Hopefully tomorrow I will get to those as well.  I did a mock up of a cover, but I'm not sure if I like it or not.  We'll see what tomorrow bring.

What have you been doing that's creative?  Please don't say that you're not creative, because we all have some creative abilities within us.  Those abilities don't have to be in art form or writing.  There are many forms of creativity.  What do you do for fun?  Do you bake or do you love to cook?  Do you sew or do you like redecorating your  home?  For you men, do you do woodworking, do you play a sport or do you, perhaps do leather work?  If you do any one of these things, and a whole lot more, you are creative. 

In the summer time, do you have a garden or flower beds where you enjoy spending time?  If you do, then that's being creative.  Having any hobby and learning to do it well, is being creative in the area.
I also think many of us use our creative abilities every day, just getting organized.  It takes creative ways to keep your families functioning every single day.

So, I'll ask you once again, what have you been doing that's creative?  I'm sure that now you have an answer to that question.  Develop your talents and do what you love doing, for that's your passion.  If you don't have anything that you're passionate about just now, please find something.

I need to get back to my handmade cards now that I'm feeling better.  I'm almost done with my holiday and birthday cards, but I still need to create "Thinking of You" and "Get Well Cards", as well as "Sympathy" cards. 

Tomorrow, as you well know, is Hump Day, which marks the middle of the work week.  So, take a deep breath because after tomorrow, you'll be on the downward run.  Make the most of every single day that you are given.  Please believe that we never know when our life will change permanently through illness or death.  Be safe and God bless you all.

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