Well, how's your week moving along? I hope it's going well. As for me, I've been doing a lot of writing on my current novel. It's the third in a series, but each one can be read by itself. This one is, apparently, going to be much longer, as it's a twenty five day trip they will be taking across the United States by train. As usual, they will be a very lively, interesting group of older folks, who can get themselves into some difficulty, without even trying. Also, there will be a marriage while on their trip. I'm adding something new to this novel; I'm introducing some of the paranormal into it.
I'm excited about this addition because I've always been very intrigued by the presence of ghosts, spirits and anything paranormal. I've done my research, and I'm so excited about entering some of these facts to this novel. Of course, it's fiction for the most part, but I always add some bits of non-fiction into my stories. I have many stacks of paperwork dedicated to all the research I've already completed.
If you do your research first, the writing part runs more smoothly, at least that's how I find it. Of course, there will always be one to two things you may want to add later, which will require some small amounts of research.
Well, all week I've been dreading going to York Endodonics for a root canal. Going to any dentist is very hard for me, as I have a very active 'gagging reflex'. Once I start, I have absolutely no control over it. Finding the dentist office uncomfortable, has never been about the pain. I used to have my teeth filled without any Novocaine. Of course, today he numbed me real good. The root canal only took about fifteen minutes and it didn't bother me at all. But, after it was over, they tried to take some xrays and then the gagging started. All in all, I was completely done within thirty five minutes and on my way out the door. Needless to say, it cost me mega bucks, of which my insurance company will not reimburse me for, as they do not cover root canals. I am glad it's over and that I went ahead and had it done.
What a wonderful change in the weather during the second half of this week. My husband golfed yesterday and he will be going again tomorrow for a tournament. I'm glad he's getting so much time to enjoy the sport of golf. He simply loves golfing and I love that he gets to go and enjoy it so much.
I have no particular plans for this weekend, except laundry and continuing to work on my novel. What's up with your upcoming weekend? We may have some showers, but I hope you all can get outside to enjoy some of this marvelous weather.
No matter what you do, make sure you take the time to tell your family members how much you love them. Also, just as important, tell them just how proud of them you are. These are things we all need to hear from time to time from our families: Parents, children, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, cousins, and of course grandparents.
Have a great weekend and stay safe in any travels you may be doing.
This was taken at one of my Grandson's graduation party in June.

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