Sunday, September 22, 2013

All good things must end...

Hi all,

Well, we have returned back home after spending two glorious and relaxing weeks at Ocean City, MD.  I had a very relaxing time and I spent so much of my time taking absolutely beautiful photos of the sky over the ocean.  My husband and I would sit out on our terrace for a while every afternoon and evening, just people watching and enjoying the sights. 

Gerry fished every morning and he, apparently had a great time.  The same fellows would be over there every morning, some were fishing and some were just gabbing.  He'd get over there about 8:00 am and come back a bit after 12:00 noon.  I'm so happy he enjoyed himself so much. 

It's always so good to get away for a time, but I have to say, it was good to get home yesterday, too.  Some times I'm amazed at just how much like my Dad I am.  He was always a bit of a home body.  Oh, he'd go away, but he couldn't wait to get home, either. 

Actually, I'm sort of happy to realize,  as I got older, that I am so much like my Dad.  Since I was young, I always thought I was my Mom, out and out!  She was so creative and such a good cook.  She was, also, always trying new things.  She was always open to new ideas and challenges.  I so admired her, and I still do. 

So, as you can imagine, I miss both my Mom and Dad so much.  The two of them taught me, and my siblings, so much.  Sometimes it's so hard for me to believe that Mom's been gone seventeen years and Dad fourteen. 

How about you?  Are your parents still living, or have they, also, passed away?  I suppose many of you who are senior citizens, have already lost your parents.  If so, then you know how I feel.  I don't think I'll ever get over their deaths.  When you grow up in a great family, with wonderful parents, you just assume they'll always be there with you. 

Then, one day, you realize that you're now an orphan.  That's how I felt after my Dad passed away.  Mom was already gone and I recall saying to myself, "I'm an orphan now!"  I was fifty-one years old at the time.  For the first time in my life, I did not have one of my parents to turn to if I needed them.  I felt so lost! 

Well, that's enough of this conversation.  How was your weekend?  Did you do anything exciting?  We arrived home yesterday about 1:05pm, and I really didn't do too much the rest of the day.  It took me a while to put everything away and then I just rested and watched television.  This morning I did two loads of laundry so I wouldn't have so much to do tomorrow, but other then that, my day was very uneventful.  I did watch the Mass on EWTN.  Today's Mass was being held from Italy and the Pope was the celebrant.  It was very nice, although I didn't understand a lot of it, since it was mostly in Italian and Latin. 

Well, I suppose I'll close for now.  Tomorrow I'm hopping to get back to writing my novel, "Train-Trekking" With A Capital "T".  I do so much enjoy spending time on my writing.    I'm going to post a few of the photos I took while in OC.

If you get a chance, stop over at, and check out the thirteen books I have for sale for electronic readers.  You can read them on a laptop, PC, Kindle, any reader, or electronic device.  Just enter my full name in the search block and they will come up.

Stay safe and have a great Monday.

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