Sunday, September 29, 2013

And So It Begins Again...

Hi all,

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.  Mine was pretty good.  We spent Saturday and Sunday at the trailer.  It was "Winter Wonderland" weekend.  Mr. and Mrs. Claus, as well as, Judy the Elf came to visit after the Christmas supper on Saturday night.  We didn't stay the entire time, as it started getting damp and I needed to get inside.  There was so much food to eat and everything was delicious.  As usual, my husband ate too much and then felt miserable.  I didn't!

I worked on proofing my manuscript some while up there.  This will only by the first run through, so I will have at least one more read through.  If you've never proof read anything before, I have to tell you that it's very difficult to do.  You really need to read every single word out loud, otherwise you just start skimming and then you miss things.  I know most women read a book by skimming every word, but I believe that men don't .  Don't know why that is, but it seems to be the way with myself, my husband, and my friends.  This is the third novel in the series.  I'm not sure yet, whether this will be the last in the series or not.  We'll see when I finally get this one to the printers and onto Amazon for electronic reading. 

By the way, if any of you took advantage of the two books that I offered up for a free read over this past weekend, I thank you.  I hope you enjoyed them and perhaps learned something new about chronically ill people or about yourself.  The two books I offered this weekend were:  "The Day The Flowers Died" and "Living and Loving With Divine Mercy."  Both of these books were written from the bottom of my heart.  They are both nonfiction books. 

Well, for many of you tomorrow means going back to work once again.  Although I don't work anymore, tomorrow will be a work day for me, as well.  I will have laundry to do and I need to spend at last two or three hours on proof reading.  So, although I won't be leaving my home, I still do have some work to do. 

If you are a heart patient or know someone who is, you may want to check out my booklet at: on heart disease.  There's also a page, right here on my blog, concerning heart disease.  Please educate yourself because at some time, I promise you, someone you love will suffer from this debilitating disease. 

I hope you had a wonderful Sunday and didn't forget to spend some time giving praise to God today for all the many blessings He's given you.  I didn't forget!

Take care and stay safe.

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