Tuesday, November 19, 2013

It's in the news!

Hi all,

How's every one's Tuesday going?  Mine's been pretty good.  I spent some time today wrapping Christmas gifts for a Christmas party that's coming up.  I also worked on some embroidery work that I'm doing for gifts.  The prototype turned out well, so I'm keeping that one.  I will need to go  back to the fabric store to purchase some more wool felt.  Hopefully that will be over the weekend. 

I watched the news at both lunch time and five o'clock.  Have you ever realized that there's very little of good news in those reports.  First of all, they discovered a skull and bones just off Rte. 74 in York County.  From what they showed on the news, the person must have been dead for quite some time.  There was nothing left on the bones.  I think that's sad.  Someone was missing a husband, wife, daughter, son, grandchild or friend, and never knew what happened to them.  Hopefully they will find out who this person was and bring closure to the people who loved him or her.  At least I hope so.

Also, there's the news of the pastor who performed the marriage ceremony for his gay son and his partner some time ago.  The church is holding a trial to figure out what to do with him.  They claim that many of the parishioners have left the church since finding out, saying it was because they feel it was wrong.  Apparently, there are others who say that people left because of the way the church was treating the pastor.  Who knows the truth?  I would suggest that it's somewhere in between the two. 

There was some speculation that if they kept him as a pastor, would he agree that he was wrong and agree not to ever do it again.  His answer was "no."  Mainly because he has two other gay or lesbian children who he believes they should have the right to have their marriage blessed by God.

My opinion of the subject is that, first of all, no-one asks to be gay.  You are born that way.  It's been medically proven and is now factual.  I believe that most of the folks who are so against gays would change their minds if it was their child or grandchild.  If not, then they don't love them unconditionally.  This is my opinion and I realize a lot of people have their own opinions, which is their right, just as I have mine.

What I believe is this:  God's plan is for each and every one of us to be happy;  to find someone who completes our lives; to be happy in this world and to live forever in the next life with Him.  I know that this God that I love and worship daily, does not cause any unhappiness in our lives.  People do!
I sincerely don't know why anyone believes that another person doesn't have the right to marry someone they love in front of God, to have God bless their union.  My hope is that one day, people will stop all the prejudice and hate, and just love one another as God loves each one of us.  Every single person alive is a child of God.  That includes every race, color, or sexual preference.  I pray for peace in the world.

Well, on to another subject.  I want to start another writing project, but don't feel quite ready to do that, just yet.  I'm not sure why.  My manuscript, "Train-Trekking" With A Capital "T", is still being proofed.  So, I will either wait until December or January to send it to the printers.  Either way is okay with me.  

What have you been up to lately?  Are you ready for Thanksgiving?  My youngest daughter and her husband are hosting Thanksgiving for us all.  I'm thankful for their generosity.  They provide the turkey, filling and gravy and everyone else brings a covered dish to accompany the turkey.  I'm going to make scalloped potatoes and a dessert.  Not sure what the dessert will be as of yet.  I made scalloped potatoes for a Halloween covered dish and my husband said he loved it.  He asked me to make it again for Thanksgiving.  So, to please him, I will. 

Well, I guess I better close for now.  For all you still working at jobs, remember that tomorrow is 'hump day', so that should make you happy.  Stay safe and God bless all of you.

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