Hi all,
Well, here we are in the middle of the week, once again. How's your week progressing? I hope it's going well. Mine has been fairly good, so far. What have you done exciting, fun or new for you? I can't honestly say I've done anything new, but I have been moving right along with my novel and that's exciting and fun for me.
Yesterday I had a dentist appointment for teeth cleaning. That went okay and I sold another copy of my novel, "Crafty-Cruise With A Capital "C". I only have 14 copies left. So, if you'd like to purchase one, please let me know. Otherwise, you can purchase an electronic copy by going to www.amazon.com and putting my name (Susan Lapp Mellott) into the search block and click 'search'. This will bring up all of the books I currently have available for electronic reading.
I'm rather excited about this new novel. It will be a bit different from the other two, as I've introduced some new phenomenon into this one. It's something that I've always taken an interest in and I hope you will, also.
I just don't know what I'd be doing if I wasn't able to write. Oh, I suppose I could be cleaning my house more often, but then life's too short for me to worry about a clean house. Don't get me wrong, it's not filthy, just sometimes a little dusty. Actually, during the summer it doesn't even get that dusty, because we have central air conditioning. It's just the two of us here and my husband's still working part time, so he's up in his office alot of times. Really, how much dirt do I make!
I believe that as you grow old, you don't worry about the little things; about everything being just perfect, about having name brand clothes, the newest hair style, about making a good impression on everyone you meet, or any of the things that were so important to you when you were young.
At least that's how it is for me now. How about you?
What plans do you have for the upcoming weekend? Anything special? Perhaps you'll be leaving for vacation on Saturday, or heading out to a park or swimming pool, or many a neighborhood or family get-to-gather. Whatever it is, I hope you have a great time and stay safe.
- Author/Writer
- My Soothing Poems from the Heart
- White to Black - With Many Shades In Between
- "Train-Trekking" With a Capital "T"
- Five Myths Regarding Women and Heart Disease!
- Heart Disease
- The Kauffman Farm (and other childhood memories)
- Sleepless Nights
- A Mother's Love
- The Secret in The Claw Feet Box
- Prolonged Uncertainties
- Footprints on The Pontiac
- There's a Growl In My Stomach!
- The Rail Rider
- Living and Loving With Divine Mercy
- The Day the Flowers Died
- Crafty-Cruise Wtih A Capital C
- Sassy With A Capital S
- Women & Heart Disease
- Hubert And The Fence
- Returning Home
- "Returning Home"
- Life, Love and Lies
- Generation to Generation: Passing It Onward!
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Your Hands!
Hi all,
I was just reading a post on Facebook. It was the story of an elderly man and his Grandson who was visiting with the old man. It seems the Grandpa was just staring at his hands and finally the Grandson asked if he was okay.
He went on to explain how, all during his life, his hands were always there for him, even as his body started giving out on him. This story made me think, brought tears to my eyes and yes, made me look at my own hands.
The skin on my hands is all wrinkled, the veins all pop up and are blue. Four of my fingers and my two thumbs are bent out of shape from osteoarthritis. Sometimes they ache from the pain. But over the past sixty five years, my hands have done so much for me. Like right now, I'm typing and they just seem to know where all the letters are without me looking.
How about all the times they've dressed me, feed me, tied my shoes, combed my hair, washed my body, zipped up my zippers, ironed my clothes, loaded clothes into both the washer and the dryer. I could go on and on, but I'm sure by now, you've got the picture.
What would I have done without my hands? Not much I assume! And, no matter how old we become, we still need our hands to work for us. How would I prepare our meals, and place them on the plates or eat, without my hands? How would I dust my house, how would I have diapered my daughters when they were little?
I believe the problem with us humans, is that we never stop to thank God for giving us all that He has blessed us with. The human body is phenomenal; every part of our anatomy is needed to give us a good chance at life. Of course, there are people who loose a leg, an arm, or any other malady, who learn to live either without them, or receive an attachment of a leg or arm.
Come on, be honest, none of us usually ever think about our hands. We just use them, day in and day out. Where would we be without them? I truly hope I never need to find out.
I've been giving my hands a good workout lately, working on my current novel, "Train-Trekking" With A Capital "T". It's moving right along and I'm getting very excited about it. I've added a new twist to this one. I hope you'll all be anxious to read it once it's complete. I'm not pushing for any particular deadline date. The writing is going well.
This weekend is soon coming to an end. I hope yours was a good one. Stay safe and be happy.
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Well, what's going on with you all?
Hi all,
Well, how's your week moving along? I hope it's going well. As for me, I've been doing a lot of writing on my current novel. It's the third in a series, but each one can be read by itself. This one is, apparently, going to be much longer, as it's a twenty five day trip they will be taking across the United States by train. As usual, they will be a very lively, interesting group of older folks, who can get themselves into some difficulty, without even trying. Also, there will be a marriage while on their trip. I'm adding something new to this novel; I'm introducing some of the paranormal into it.
I'm excited about this addition because I've always been very intrigued by the presence of ghosts, spirits and anything paranormal. I've done my research, and I'm so excited about entering some of these facts to this novel. Of course, it's fiction for the most part, but I always add some bits of non-fiction into my stories. I have many stacks of paperwork dedicated to all the research I've already completed.
If you do your research first, the writing part runs more smoothly, at least that's how I find it. Of course, there will always be one to two things you may want to add later, which will require some small amounts of research.
Well, all week I've been dreading going to York Endodonics for a root canal. Going to any dentist is very hard for me, as I have a very active 'gagging reflex'. Once I start, I have absolutely no control over it. Finding the dentist office uncomfortable, has never been about the pain. I used to have my teeth filled without any Novocaine. Of course, today he numbed me real good. The root canal only took about fifteen minutes and it didn't bother me at all. But, after it was over, they tried to take some xrays and then the gagging started. All in all, I was completely done within thirty five minutes and on my way out the door. Needless to say, it cost me mega bucks, of which my insurance company will not reimburse me for, as they do not cover root canals. I am glad it's over and that I went ahead and had it done.
What a wonderful change in the weather during the second half of this week. My husband golfed yesterday and he will be going again tomorrow for a tournament. I'm glad he's getting so much time to enjoy the sport of golf. He simply loves golfing and I love that he gets to go and enjoy it so much.
I have no particular plans for this weekend, except laundry and continuing to work on my novel. What's up with your upcoming weekend? We may have some showers, but I hope you all can get outside to enjoy some of this marvelous weather.
No matter what you do, make sure you take the time to tell your family members how much you love them. Also, just as important, tell them just how proud of them you are. These are things we all need to hear from time to time from our families: Parents, children, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, cousins, and of course grandparents.
Have a great weekend and stay safe in any travels you may be doing.
This was taken at one of my Grandson's graduation party in June.

Well, how's your week moving along? I hope it's going well. As for me, I've been doing a lot of writing on my current novel. It's the third in a series, but each one can be read by itself. This one is, apparently, going to be much longer, as it's a twenty five day trip they will be taking across the United States by train. As usual, they will be a very lively, interesting group of older folks, who can get themselves into some difficulty, without even trying. Also, there will be a marriage while on their trip. I'm adding something new to this novel; I'm introducing some of the paranormal into it.
I'm excited about this addition because I've always been very intrigued by the presence of ghosts, spirits and anything paranormal. I've done my research, and I'm so excited about entering some of these facts to this novel. Of course, it's fiction for the most part, but I always add some bits of non-fiction into my stories. I have many stacks of paperwork dedicated to all the research I've already completed.
If you do your research first, the writing part runs more smoothly, at least that's how I find it. Of course, there will always be one to two things you may want to add later, which will require some small amounts of research.
Well, all week I've been dreading going to York Endodonics for a root canal. Going to any dentist is very hard for me, as I have a very active 'gagging reflex'. Once I start, I have absolutely no control over it. Finding the dentist office uncomfortable, has never been about the pain. I used to have my teeth filled without any Novocaine. Of course, today he numbed me real good. The root canal only took about fifteen minutes and it didn't bother me at all. But, after it was over, they tried to take some xrays and then the gagging started. All in all, I was completely done within thirty five minutes and on my way out the door. Needless to say, it cost me mega bucks, of which my insurance company will not reimburse me for, as they do not cover root canals. I am glad it's over and that I went ahead and had it done.
What a wonderful change in the weather during the second half of this week. My husband golfed yesterday and he will be going again tomorrow for a tournament. I'm glad he's getting so much time to enjoy the sport of golf. He simply loves golfing and I love that he gets to go and enjoy it so much.
I have no particular plans for this weekend, except laundry and continuing to work on my novel. What's up with your upcoming weekend? We may have some showers, but I hope you all can get outside to enjoy some of this marvelous weather.
No matter what you do, make sure you take the time to tell your family members how much you love them. Also, just as important, tell them just how proud of them you are. These are things we all need to hear from time to time from our families: Parents, children, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, cousins, and of course grandparents.
Have a great weekend and stay safe in any travels you may be doing.
This was taken at one of my Grandson's graduation party in June.

Saturday, July 20, 2013
Finally, Some Relief Coming!
Hi all,
How's your weekend going? If it's not so great yet, you still have one more day to make it special. Finally, tonight come relief should be coming from this intense heat and humidity. I, for one, can't wait. I don't think it was quite as bad today, can't wait for tomorrow and this week to come. The temps should be at least, ten degrees less, with less humidity, also.
I had a very nice day. My oldest daughter and her husband came to our camping trailer to spend the day with us. Then this afternoon, my Red Hat group had a game afternoon, followed by a covered dish supper. The ladies sat inside in the air, while the men played Texas Holdem outside. We played Farkle, the dice game. It was a fun afternoon. Dinner was very yummy with way too much to eat, right down to the desserts. I ate more than I would normally eat, but it was just too good. A fun day with family and friends.
I did a bit of writing yesterday afternoon, but really didn't have a chance to work on my novel today. I ended up yesterday on page 106. I think I'm moving along nicely. I'm not on any time schedule, so whenever I complete it, is okay with me. I do believe this one is going to be a bit longer than even the last one. I hope everyone will enjoy reading it! If you haven't had a chance to check out my other books, ranging from fiction for adults and children, to health books and one on Divine Mercy, please take time to check them out, here, on my blog. You can also go to: www.amazon.com and enter my name (Susan Lapp Mellott) in the search block and then click on the search key. All thirteen of them will come up for you to view or to purchase for any electronic reader, PC, laptop, Ipad, etc.
I wish all of you a good finish to the weekend. Stay cool and be safe.
How's your weekend going? If it's not so great yet, you still have one more day to make it special. Finally, tonight come relief should be coming from this intense heat and humidity. I, for one, can't wait. I don't think it was quite as bad today, can't wait for tomorrow and this week to come. The temps should be at least, ten degrees less, with less humidity, also.
I had a very nice day. My oldest daughter and her husband came to our camping trailer to spend the day with us. Then this afternoon, my Red Hat group had a game afternoon, followed by a covered dish supper. The ladies sat inside in the air, while the men played Texas Holdem outside. We played Farkle, the dice game. It was a fun afternoon. Dinner was very yummy with way too much to eat, right down to the desserts. I ate more than I would normally eat, but it was just too good. A fun day with family and friends.
I did a bit of writing yesterday afternoon, but really didn't have a chance to work on my novel today. I ended up yesterday on page 106. I think I'm moving along nicely. I'm not on any time schedule, so whenever I complete it, is okay with me. I do believe this one is going to be a bit longer than even the last one. I hope everyone will enjoy reading it! If you haven't had a chance to check out my other books, ranging from fiction for adults and children, to health books and one on Divine Mercy, please take time to check them out, here, on my blog. You can also go to: www.amazon.com and enter my name (Susan Lapp Mellott) in the search block and then click on the search key. All thirteen of them will come up for you to view or to purchase for any electronic reader, PC, laptop, Ipad, etc.
I wish all of you a good finish to the weekend. Stay cool and be safe.
Monday, July 15, 2013
Fry eggs on the sidewalk!
Hi all,
How is everyone doing today? I do hope you are staying out of the intense heat and humidity that today has brought. Apparently, it will be with us for the next six days. Then we're to have a slight break in the weather, only being in the upper eighties instead of mid nineties. The bad part is that it won't even cool off during the night. I saw that it's only to go down to about 74 during the night time hours. What's up with that?
Well, enough complaining about the weather! Obviously, there' isnt' anything we can do to change it anyways. What's on your schedule for this week. For those of you still working, I hope you get to do something fun in the evenings. For the rest of you, what's on your agenda?
As for me, I will be inside all week. Today I had to visit York Endodontics about getting a root canal. "Joy" That will be on my schedule for next week. I can't believe how much money this will cost me. We have dental insurance, but they don't accept our insurance. So, I assume I'll be paying it our of my pocket. What do those people do who simply can't afford to have the work done? I just can't imagine how it costs to much.
I also did two loads of laundry today. Then this afternoon I got back to working on my current novel, "Train-Trekking" With A Capital "T". I'm on page 78. It's moving along nicely now. I'm not pushing to get it finished by any particular date though. Whenever it's complete, will be okay with me.
How was your weekend? Mine was spent indoors. Yesterday, Sunday, I spent eight hours watching Christmas movies on the Hallmark channel. I just love the holiday movies. They let me feeling so peaceful and full of joy. On Saturday, my husband and I attended a graduation party for our Grandson, who just graduated from York Catholic High School. I actually had two Grandsons graduate from there this year. The other party was held at the end of May. Both Grandsons will be soon heading off to college. Yeah! I'm so very proud of all six of my Grandsons.
I can't believe that today is the 15th of July already. The summer is just flying by, don't you agree. Before we know it, all the kids will be returning back to school. Have you taken a vacation yet this summer? Or, perhaps you will not be going on vacation this year.
I remember, that as a child, we only could afford to go on vacation every few years. By that, I mean every five or six years. Money was extremely tight for my folks. We, (my sister, brother and myself) received everything we needed, but not always what we wanted. Which was a good lesson for us. I think all children need to know that money doesn't grow on trees. You have to work hard to get what you want. If there was something special we wanted, we saved our allowance until we had enough to buy it. Too bad that isn't the way it is much today anymore!
I hope you will make some time this week to do something creative. Come on, don't tell me you are not a creative person, because we all have some creative abilities in us. You just have to look deep inside yourself and let it flow. You don't have to be extremely good at it, you just have to enjoy doing it. Give it a try.
I hope your week is a good one and that you stay cool.
How is everyone doing today? I do hope you are staying out of the intense heat and humidity that today has brought. Apparently, it will be with us for the next six days. Then we're to have a slight break in the weather, only being in the upper eighties instead of mid nineties. The bad part is that it won't even cool off during the night. I saw that it's only to go down to about 74 during the night time hours. What's up with that?
Well, enough complaining about the weather! Obviously, there' isnt' anything we can do to change it anyways. What's on your schedule for this week. For those of you still working, I hope you get to do something fun in the evenings. For the rest of you, what's on your agenda?
As for me, I will be inside all week. Today I had to visit York Endodontics about getting a root canal. "Joy" That will be on my schedule for next week. I can't believe how much money this will cost me. We have dental insurance, but they don't accept our insurance. So, I assume I'll be paying it our of my pocket. What do those people do who simply can't afford to have the work done? I just can't imagine how it costs to much.
I also did two loads of laundry today. Then this afternoon I got back to working on my current novel, "Train-Trekking" With A Capital "T". I'm on page 78. It's moving along nicely now. I'm not pushing to get it finished by any particular date though. Whenever it's complete, will be okay with me.
How was your weekend? Mine was spent indoors. Yesterday, Sunday, I spent eight hours watching Christmas movies on the Hallmark channel. I just love the holiday movies. They let me feeling so peaceful and full of joy. On Saturday, my husband and I attended a graduation party for our Grandson, who just graduated from York Catholic High School. I actually had two Grandsons graduate from there this year. The other party was held at the end of May. Both Grandsons will be soon heading off to college. Yeah! I'm so very proud of all six of my Grandsons.
I can't believe that today is the 15th of July already. The summer is just flying by, don't you agree. Before we know it, all the kids will be returning back to school. Have you taken a vacation yet this summer? Or, perhaps you will not be going on vacation this year.
I remember, that as a child, we only could afford to go on vacation every few years. By that, I mean every five or six years. Money was extremely tight for my folks. We, (my sister, brother and myself) received everything we needed, but not always what we wanted. Which was a good lesson for us. I think all children need to know that money doesn't grow on trees. You have to work hard to get what you want. If there was something special we wanted, we saved our allowance until we had enough to buy it. Too bad that isn't the way it is much today anymore!
I hope you will make some time this week to do something creative. Come on, don't tell me you are not a creative person, because we all have some creative abilities in us. You just have to look deep inside yourself and let it flow. You don't have to be extremely good at it, you just have to enjoy doing it. Give it a try.
I hope your week is a good one and that you stay cool.
Friday, July 12, 2013
The Weekend Is Upon Us, Once Again!
Hi all,
Well, I'm sure all you day workers out there are giving a big "Yeah! That's what I'm talking about!" because it's now Friday and the work week is through. I remember those days so well. I can't say that I miss them, or working. Of course, if I could trade my poor health for working again, perhaps I would do it.
What does the weekend hold for you? I'm sure many of you will be going to community or private pools, or perhaps, you have an in ground or above ground pool of your own. When my daughters were children, we joined a local pool. Many of our friends were members there, also. If was very nice, although I really didn't get in the pool very often. The girls enjoyed the swimming and playing with their friends, while I enjoyed catching up with my friends. Those were some of the 'good old days'. I really don't miss them, either.
I've been trying to do a little work on my novel each day. Since I haven't felt very good since last Thursday, I didn't have the energy, some days, to think that much. I am feeling much better and I will be seeing a dentist on Monday about my root canal. I can't tell you how glad I'll be when it's over. I still have the infection. I know this, because I'm still swelled a bit, but all the pain is pretty much gone. Give praise!
I have so many ideas for my novel, but they won't come until the trip actually starts, so I need to save them until then. I enjoy writing so much, but I do my best work when it's nice and quiet in the room. This isn't usually a problem, as I spend much of my days alone. I enjoy the quiet time. It allows me to think about my own thoughts. Boy, sometimes that's scary!
What plans do you have for this weekend? Tomorrow, my husband and I will be attending one of my Grandson's graduation party. I'm hoping for a nice day. Low humidity would be nice, but we will take whatever we get. I can always stay inside at my daughters, since they have central air. I'll just wait and see how the day turns out. I'm sure most of the guests will be outside, as they have an in ground swimming pool. They all enjoy it immensely.
Well, what ever you will be doing over the next two days, I hope some of it is fun. I just sort of take each day as they come, with no great expectations. I did hear that the weekend was to be a bit cooler, that is, until Monday. Then the heat and humidity will, once again return. I can't wait! (Sarcasm)
Stay safe and out of trouble.

Well, I'm sure all you day workers out there are giving a big "Yeah! That's what I'm talking about!" because it's now Friday and the work week is through. I remember those days so well. I can't say that I miss them, or working. Of course, if I could trade my poor health for working again, perhaps I would do it.
What does the weekend hold for you? I'm sure many of you will be going to community or private pools, or perhaps, you have an in ground or above ground pool of your own. When my daughters were children, we joined a local pool. Many of our friends were members there, also. If was very nice, although I really didn't get in the pool very often. The girls enjoyed the swimming and playing with their friends, while I enjoyed catching up with my friends. Those were some of the 'good old days'. I really don't miss them, either.
I've been trying to do a little work on my novel each day. Since I haven't felt very good since last Thursday, I didn't have the energy, some days, to think that much. I am feeling much better and I will be seeing a dentist on Monday about my root canal. I can't tell you how glad I'll be when it's over. I still have the infection. I know this, because I'm still swelled a bit, but all the pain is pretty much gone. Give praise!
I have so many ideas for my novel, but they won't come until the trip actually starts, so I need to save them until then. I enjoy writing so much, but I do my best work when it's nice and quiet in the room. This isn't usually a problem, as I spend much of my days alone. I enjoy the quiet time. It allows me to think about my own thoughts. Boy, sometimes that's scary!
What plans do you have for this weekend? Tomorrow, my husband and I will be attending one of my Grandson's graduation party. I'm hoping for a nice day. Low humidity would be nice, but we will take whatever we get. I can always stay inside at my daughters, since they have central air. I'll just wait and see how the day turns out. I'm sure most of the guests will be outside, as they have an in ground swimming pool. They all enjoy it immensely.
Well, what ever you will be doing over the next two days, I hope some of it is fun. I just sort of take each day as they come, with no great expectations. I did hear that the weekend was to be a bit cooler, that is, until Monday. Then the heat and humidity will, once again return. I can't wait! (Sarcasm)
Stay safe and out of trouble.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013
What next?
Hi all,
How is everyone doing today? I definitely could be doing better, but I'm not complaining because I'm better than I was yesterday. I went to see my dentist yesterday. The bad news is that I will need a root canal. Ugh! I am not looking forward to that procedure. I want to wait for a few days so my pain goes away from the infection. It was not from sinus drainage. I have a small abscess on the bottom on the root.
I have to say that I really like my dentist. His name is John Fisch and he's a very considerate and nice man to an old woman like me. In case you didn't know, I have trouble controlling my 'gag' reflex. It doesn't take much to set me to gagging. I'm always apologizing to Dr. Fisch, as well as, his staff, and all they say is, "Stop apologizing, it's not your fault."
The bottom line is that I don't like not being in control of my own body. But, try as I have, I can't seem to find anything that works, except putting a big smile on your face, which is utterly impossible while someone has their fingers in your mouth! Enough of my problems.
What have you all been up to? I hope you all had a great holiday weekend over the 4th. I sure was hot and humid in this part of the country. How was it where you live? It's still hot and humid here, but I really haven't been outside much. I love the summer time, but I hate the intense heat and humidity. I don't understand why we can't have normal springs and falls like we used to. It seems like we go more directly from winter into summer and from summer into winter. I want my spring and fall back again! How about you?
I haven't done any writing for the last few days, well, since I got sick. I hope I'll soon feel up to getting back into my newest novel, "Train-Trekking" With A Capital "T". I woke up from my nap today and my mind was wandering about a plot for the book. I guess I need to either write these new ideas down or get them typed up, and soon.
Have you done anything creative lately? Oh no, don't automatically say, "No." There are so many ways to be creative that I'm sure you've been expressing your talents in many different ways, even if you're not aware of it. Come on, get started. Summer's a wasting.
Take care and be safe.
How is everyone doing today? I definitely could be doing better, but I'm not complaining because I'm better than I was yesterday. I went to see my dentist yesterday. The bad news is that I will need a root canal. Ugh! I am not looking forward to that procedure. I want to wait for a few days so my pain goes away from the infection. It was not from sinus drainage. I have a small abscess on the bottom on the root.
I have to say that I really like my dentist. His name is John Fisch and he's a very considerate and nice man to an old woman like me. In case you didn't know, I have trouble controlling my 'gag' reflex. It doesn't take much to set me to gagging. I'm always apologizing to Dr. Fisch, as well as, his staff, and all they say is, "Stop apologizing, it's not your fault."
The bottom line is that I don't like not being in control of my own body. But, try as I have, I can't seem to find anything that works, except putting a big smile on your face, which is utterly impossible while someone has their fingers in your mouth! Enough of my problems.
What have you all been up to? I hope you all had a great holiday weekend over the 4th. I sure was hot and humid in this part of the country. How was it where you live? It's still hot and humid here, but I really haven't been outside much. I love the summer time, but I hate the intense heat and humidity. I don't understand why we can't have normal springs and falls like we used to. It seems like we go more directly from winter into summer and from summer into winter. I want my spring and fall back again! How about you?
I haven't done any writing for the last few days, well, since I got sick. I hope I'll soon feel up to getting back into my newest novel, "Train-Trekking" With A Capital "T". I woke up from my nap today and my mind was wandering about a plot for the book. I guess I need to either write these new ideas down or get them typed up, and soon.
Have you done anything creative lately? Oh no, don't automatically say, "No." There are so many ways to be creative that I'm sure you've been expressing your talents in many different ways, even if you're not aware of it. Come on, get started. Summer's a wasting.
Take care and be safe.
Friday, July 5, 2013
I don't know what else to do!!
Hi all,
How are all of you doing this Friday evening? I'm do okay, all except for this constant sinus/allergy problem. It's been going on since last October and I'm so sick and tired of it. I think the drainage has now settled in the roots of one of my teeth and I keep having pain. Just what I need! I've had this happen before, but I don't remember how long it lasted. Any thoughts?
Sorry, I promise not to make this a 'complaining' blog. I know that in the scheme of things, I have been very blessed that I haven't had much pain from anything.
How's the weather where you are? I'm definitely not liking it here. It's been in the low nineties with very high humidity. If you haven't guessed what that means for me, I'll tell you. It means that I'm stuck inside all day. I was outside late this afternoon for a short period of time and I started having a hard time breathing. So, you guessed it, back indoors I went. I'm really not complaining. I feel blessed that we have central air conditioning. I honestly don't know what I'd do if we didn't. I suppose I be stuck in my bedroom twenty-four seven. Ugh!
I haven't done any writing for the last few days. I hope I can get back to my novel either tonight or definitely tomorrow. I really need to be by myself when I work on my novel. It's hard to write when there are a lot of distractions all around you. I really need to be alone with my own thoughts. Heaven only knows, I am alone alot, so I can't use that as an excuse for not writing!
How was your 4th of July? I do hope you all celebrated with either family or friends. Or, perhaps you had just your immediate family with you. As for us, we were invited by my daughter and her husband to come to their home for a celebration. They have an inground pool, so many of their guests were in there alot. As for me, I stayed outside as long as I could, and then had to go inside for awhile. At least there was a nice breeze blowing at their home. I was able to stay about two and one half hours, which was good for me. But, I was bushed when I got home. I suppose it was the combination of not resting with my feet up and the heat and humidity. But, I did enjoy myself and I am glad we went. My thanks to them both for their hospitality.
I find it so hard to believe that tomorrow will be the sixth of July already. Before we know it, it will be time for the kids to return back to school. Time goes by so quickly for me, just as I'm sure it does for many of you. I turned sixty-five last month and I simply don't know where the years went.
I was telling my husband this morning, that my Mother has been gone seventeen years now and my Dad fourteen years. Then we got talking about my Grandpa, who's been gone fifty one years and my Grandma, who died forty-four years ago. My other Grandma died sixty-five years ago on my birthday. Life passes so very quickly. We just don't realize it until we become old, and perhaps ill.
Time really doesn't slow up then, but we have more time to look back and ask ourselves, "Where did all those years go?"
I hope you all enjoy the remainder of the weekend. If you have an illness, effecting either your lungs or heart, please stay indoors. Stay safe and have yourself some fun!
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
I'm on a run, now!
Hi all,
How's everyone doing this morning? For those of you who are at work, I do hope you have a wonderfully uneventful day, with no problems. And for those of you who are no longer working, I hope your day is a good one. As for me, I already have my day planned.
Yesterday, I once again, got busy writing my newest novel. I truly don't know what slump I was in, but I do hope I'm out of it now. So, today my day will be spent working on my book. It's entitled, "Train-Trekking" With a Capital "T". Once again it will be about eight ladies and their marvelous husbands, who yearly go on a super terrific vacation. Some times the guys join their wives and some times they don't, but this year they are being invited to accompany their wives on a splendid train trip across the United States of America.
There will be quite a few surprise happenings along the way, as well as, a mystery for them to solve. That is, if they can and if they believe in the supernatural! These eight ladies just love adventure and they marvel at a great mystery. So, I'm sure they'll jump right into this one with both feet.
I'm getting excited, once again, about this novel. These ladies often 'fly by the seat of their pants', which is something older women don't usually do. At least, this one doesn't, but then given my illness and my sedentary life style, I guess that's not surprising. I suppose you could say I'm living precariously through my character (Sadie) in my novels. By the way, she's an accomplished, well-known author, with novels on the best seller list.
Don't get me wrong, I basically have no aspirations of becoming a great published writer or to make thousands of dollars on my books. I just love to share my creative abilities with a few people and it's the only way I can give back to God for all His blessings. I'm thrilled if even one person purchases any of my books and enjoys it.
If you are interested in checking my books out, you can go to www.amazon.com and insert my name Susan Lapp Mellott in the search block and all thirteen of them will come up. Also, I have a 'page' here on my blog for most of them. So, you can check them out there, as well.
It's still early in the week, but I hope your week is going well, so far. Please don't forget to take time out of your busy schedule to do something special just for yourself. Even if it's just one hour sitting quietly by the pool, or an extra hour of sleep for yourself. We all need a little pampering once and a while, especially when it comes from yourself. Think good thoughts and let all the negative ones blow away with the wind! Be happy! Remember that happiness comes from the inside, not from things and people around us. Look deep into yourself and let that child inside you come to the surface once and awhile. Remember how easy it was to be happy as a child? We may be adults now, but that innocent child is still inside of us. Let him/her be happy just being them.
Take care and God bless you!
How's everyone doing this morning? For those of you who are at work, I do hope you have a wonderfully uneventful day, with no problems. And for those of you who are no longer working, I hope your day is a good one. As for me, I already have my day planned.
Yesterday, I once again, got busy writing my newest novel. I truly don't know what slump I was in, but I do hope I'm out of it now. So, today my day will be spent working on my book. It's entitled, "Train-Trekking" With a Capital "T". Once again it will be about eight ladies and their marvelous husbands, who yearly go on a super terrific vacation. Some times the guys join their wives and some times they don't, but this year they are being invited to accompany their wives on a splendid train trip across the United States of America.
There will be quite a few surprise happenings along the way, as well as, a mystery for them to solve. That is, if they can and if they believe in the supernatural! These eight ladies just love adventure and they marvel at a great mystery. So, I'm sure they'll jump right into this one with both feet.
I'm getting excited, once again, about this novel. These ladies often 'fly by the seat of their pants', which is something older women don't usually do. At least, this one doesn't, but then given my illness and my sedentary life style, I guess that's not surprising. I suppose you could say I'm living precariously through my character (Sadie) in my novels. By the way, she's an accomplished, well-known author, with novels on the best seller list.
Don't get me wrong, I basically have no aspirations of becoming a great published writer or to make thousands of dollars on my books. I just love to share my creative abilities with a few people and it's the only way I can give back to God for all His blessings. I'm thrilled if even one person purchases any of my books and enjoys it.
If you are interested in checking my books out, you can go to www.amazon.com and insert my name Susan Lapp Mellott in the search block and all thirteen of them will come up. Also, I have a 'page' here on my blog for most of them. So, you can check them out there, as well.
It's still early in the week, but I hope your week is going well, so far. Please don't forget to take time out of your busy schedule to do something special just for yourself. Even if it's just one hour sitting quietly by the pool, or an extra hour of sleep for yourself. We all need a little pampering once and a while, especially when it comes from yourself. Think good thoughts and let all the negative ones blow away with the wind! Be happy! Remember that happiness comes from the inside, not from things and people around us. Look deep into yourself and let that child inside you come to the surface once and awhile. Remember how easy it was to be happy as a child? We may be adults now, but that innocent child is still inside of us. Let him/her be happy just being them.
Take care and God bless you!
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