- Author/Writer
- My Soothing Poems from the Heart
- White to Black - With Many Shades In Between
- "Train-Trekking" With a Capital "T"
- Five Myths Regarding Women and Heart Disease!
- Heart Disease
- The Kauffman Farm (and other childhood memories)
- Sleepless Nights
- A Mother's Love
- The Secret in The Claw Feet Box
- Prolonged Uncertainties
- Footprints on The Pontiac
- There's a Growl In My Stomach!
- The Rail Rider
- Living and Loving With Divine Mercy
- The Day the Flowers Died
- Crafty-Cruise Wtih A Capital C
- Sassy With A Capital S
- Women & Heart Disease
- Hubert And The Fence
- Returning Home
- "Returning Home"
- Life, Love and Lies
- Generation to Generation: Passing It Onward!
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Are you thankful?
Hi and happy Thanksgiving to each and every one of you. I know there is and will be a lot of family gatherings going on today and that's as it should be. But, I'd ask each of you to find a few minutes during this day to stop quietly, and give your thanks to God for all the blessings He's bestowed upon you during your entire life.
I know we've all gone through both tough, sad times, as well as, very joyous times during our lives. It takes all of those times together to make us the individuals we are today. I for one, am happy with where I am right now. Even with all the heart conditions, I'm still alive and for that, I will be eternally grateful to God.
If I could go back and change any one thing in my past, I wouldn't! Even considering all the hard journeys I've traveled, I'd still want to live my life the same way. Every person who's come into my life was supposed to, for one reason or another. I've had times when I thought I'd never be able to go on, but quite simply put, "I did, with God's help."
So today I too, will make time to spend with God. To speak with Him and to thank Him for all His blessings on my life. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. Spend the day like it could be your last and that way, you'll live today with joy, happiness and thanks.
Monday, November 25, 2013
I'm Feeling Pretty Good Today!
Hi all,
Well, I now have some of my books for sale at Irvin Books, York. I'm very excited about that. Mr. Irvin said that after my newest novel is published (hopefully by the end of Dec. or beginning of Jan.) they will host a "New Release" event for me. I'm so excited about that, also.
My husband and I went in to visit them today. He's been going in the store looking for some copies of new releases of novels I would like to have for Christmas. They were very nice. I understand that they support local authors, which I think is so great. The "unknown" writers need some support, also.
For me, it's not about the money, it's more about making someone smile, laugh, or simply enjoy what I write.
I write fiction and non-fiction both. All thirteen of my current books and booklets, both adult and children's books, are available at: You simply fill in my name in the search block at Amazon and all 13 of my books and booklets will come up. Take some time and check them out. Books, both electronic and actual, make great Christmas gifts for those you love.
Both my "Sassy" With a Capital "S" and "Craft-Cruise" With a Capital "C" are geared more to the mature woman, but also enjoyable for any adult, both female and male. The sixteen characters (fourteen in the Sassy book) are based on the ladies (and their husbands) in my Red Hat group.
Well, how was your Monday? As I mentioned, mine was good. I hope yours wasn't too bad. If I remember correctly, Monday's was always a very busy day at work. I'm not sure why, maybe because everyone was just coming off of two days of being home and really didn't feel like being at work on Monday morning. The only good thing I ever found about Mondays, was that they always seemed to go quickly. For that, I was always thankful. How about you?
Well, Thanksgiving is almost upon us. Please take some time to think about all the blessings you have been given and be thankful for each and every one of them. I know I will.
Well, I just wanted to share my good news with all of you. Even an old lady, like me, sometimes accomplishes something good. You're never too old to learn something new. Never, ever give up!
Take care and stay safe.
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Thanksgiving Day is Almost here.
Hi all,
I'm sure that most of you are making plans for Thanksgiving day. Perhaps either you are hosting this holiday or you and your family are going to another person's home for dinner. I know that the Christmas season is very prevalent right now, but that doesn't mean that everyone isn't also thinking and planning for the Thanksgiving holiday.
I believe that the Thanksgiving holiday should provoke feelings within each of us of the gratitude we feel for all the blessings we've been given. Also, I think it's important for us to remember, not only, the current blessings, but those we've received all through our lives. It should be a very personal time for each of us to reflect back through the years, for all those times that God has been there for us. Then, too, it's a time for us to say "Thank you" to all of those people who have always had our backs, through all the bad times when we couldn't make it on our own. We've all gone through those times at one point during our lives. I certainly have and I know each of you has, also.
How about giving thanks for all the little things that we take for granted, each and every day of our lives. You know, like going out and getting in your car, and it actually starts; how about when you get up in the morning and you have hot water to take a shower; or that you have heat in your home to keep you warm; or for the invention of all the electronic devices that are available today. There are so many more, that I couldn't possibly name them all here.
I am so grateful for all my blessings and I thank God for them every day, not just on Thanksgiving Day. I have been truly blessed and there never will be enough time for me to thank God for everything. Please don't take anything for granted. You could be perfectly healthy today and in a few short hours, be stricken down with a serious illness. One that will change your life for ever. Would you be able to handle those changes? I can tell you, first hand, that it isn't easy. And, you can't think that just because you're young, this can't happen to you, because it can and does. So, right now, I'd like to personally thank each and every one of you for taking time to read my blog.
Tomorrow is Sunday, so please remember to make time to give praise and glory to God. Please stay safe and God speed.
I'm sure that most of you are making plans for Thanksgiving day. Perhaps either you are hosting this holiday or you and your family are going to another person's home for dinner. I know that the Christmas season is very prevalent right now, but that doesn't mean that everyone isn't also thinking and planning for the Thanksgiving holiday.
I believe that the Thanksgiving holiday should provoke feelings within each of us of the gratitude we feel for all the blessings we've been given. Also, I think it's important for us to remember, not only, the current blessings, but those we've received all through our lives. It should be a very personal time for each of us to reflect back through the years, for all those times that God has been there for us. Then, too, it's a time for us to say "Thank you" to all of those people who have always had our backs, through all the bad times when we couldn't make it on our own. We've all gone through those times at one point during our lives. I certainly have and I know each of you has, also.
How about giving thanks for all the little things that we take for granted, each and every day of our lives. You know, like going out and getting in your car, and it actually starts; how about when you get up in the morning and you have hot water to take a shower; or that you have heat in your home to keep you warm; or for the invention of all the electronic devices that are available today. There are so many more, that I couldn't possibly name them all here.
I am so grateful for all my blessings and I thank God for them every day, not just on Thanksgiving Day. I have been truly blessed and there never will be enough time for me to thank God for everything. Please don't take anything for granted. You could be perfectly healthy today and in a few short hours, be stricken down with a serious illness. One that will change your life for ever. Would you be able to handle those changes? I can tell you, first hand, that it isn't easy. And, you can't think that just because you're young, this can't happen to you, because it can and does. So, right now, I'd like to personally thank each and every one of you for taking time to read my blog.
Tomorrow is Sunday, so please remember to make time to give praise and glory to God. Please stay safe and God speed.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
It's in the news!
Hi all,
How's every one's Tuesday going? Mine's been pretty good. I spent some time today wrapping Christmas gifts for a Christmas party that's coming up. I also worked on some embroidery work that I'm doing for gifts. The prototype turned out well, so I'm keeping that one. I will need to go back to the fabric store to purchase some more wool felt. Hopefully that will be over the weekend.
I watched the news at both lunch time and five o'clock. Have you ever realized that there's very little of good news in those reports. First of all, they discovered a skull and bones just off Rte. 74 in York County. From what they showed on the news, the person must have been dead for quite some time. There was nothing left on the bones. I think that's sad. Someone was missing a husband, wife, daughter, son, grandchild or friend, and never knew what happened to them. Hopefully they will find out who this person was and bring closure to the people who loved him or her. At least I hope so.
Also, there's the news of the pastor who performed the marriage ceremony for his gay son and his partner some time ago. The church is holding a trial to figure out what to do with him. They claim that many of the parishioners have left the church since finding out, saying it was because they feel it was wrong. Apparently, there are others who say that people left because of the way the church was treating the pastor. Who knows the truth? I would suggest that it's somewhere in between the two.
There was some speculation that if they kept him as a pastor, would he agree that he was wrong and agree not to ever do it again. His answer was "no." Mainly because he has two other gay or lesbian children who he believes they should have the right to have their marriage blessed by God.
My opinion of the subject is that, first of all, no-one asks to be gay. You are born that way. It's been medically proven and is now factual. I believe that most of the folks who are so against gays would change their minds if it was their child or grandchild. If not, then they don't love them unconditionally. This is my opinion and I realize a lot of people have their own opinions, which is their right, just as I have mine.
What I believe is this: God's plan is for each and every one of us to be happy; to find someone who completes our lives; to be happy in this world and to live forever in the next life with Him. I know that this God that I love and worship daily, does not cause any unhappiness in our lives. People do!
I sincerely don't know why anyone believes that another person doesn't have the right to marry someone they love in front of God, to have God bless their union. My hope is that one day, people will stop all the prejudice and hate, and just love one another as God loves each one of us. Every single person alive is a child of God. That includes every race, color, or sexual preference. I pray for peace in the world.
Well, on to another subject. I want to start another writing project, but don't feel quite ready to do that, just yet. I'm not sure why. My manuscript, "Train-Trekking" With A Capital "T", is still being proofed. So, I will either wait until December or January to send it to the printers. Either way is okay with me.
What have you been up to lately? Are you ready for Thanksgiving? My youngest daughter and her husband are hosting Thanksgiving for us all. I'm thankful for their generosity. They provide the turkey, filling and gravy and everyone else brings a covered dish to accompany the turkey. I'm going to make scalloped potatoes and a dessert. Not sure what the dessert will be as of yet. I made scalloped potatoes for a Halloween covered dish and my husband said he loved it. He asked me to make it again for Thanksgiving. So, to please him, I will.
Well, I guess I better close for now. For all you still working at jobs, remember that tomorrow is 'hump day', so that should make you happy. Stay safe and God bless all of you.
How's every one's Tuesday going? Mine's been pretty good. I spent some time today wrapping Christmas gifts for a Christmas party that's coming up. I also worked on some embroidery work that I'm doing for gifts. The prototype turned out well, so I'm keeping that one. I will need to go back to the fabric store to purchase some more wool felt. Hopefully that will be over the weekend.
I watched the news at both lunch time and five o'clock. Have you ever realized that there's very little of good news in those reports. First of all, they discovered a skull and bones just off Rte. 74 in York County. From what they showed on the news, the person must have been dead for quite some time. There was nothing left on the bones. I think that's sad. Someone was missing a husband, wife, daughter, son, grandchild or friend, and never knew what happened to them. Hopefully they will find out who this person was and bring closure to the people who loved him or her. At least I hope so.
Also, there's the news of the pastor who performed the marriage ceremony for his gay son and his partner some time ago. The church is holding a trial to figure out what to do with him. They claim that many of the parishioners have left the church since finding out, saying it was because they feel it was wrong. Apparently, there are others who say that people left because of the way the church was treating the pastor. Who knows the truth? I would suggest that it's somewhere in between the two.
There was some speculation that if they kept him as a pastor, would he agree that he was wrong and agree not to ever do it again. His answer was "no." Mainly because he has two other gay or lesbian children who he believes they should have the right to have their marriage blessed by God.
My opinion of the subject is that, first of all, no-one asks to be gay. You are born that way. It's been medically proven and is now factual. I believe that most of the folks who are so against gays would change their minds if it was their child or grandchild. If not, then they don't love them unconditionally. This is my opinion and I realize a lot of people have their own opinions, which is their right, just as I have mine.
What I believe is this: God's plan is for each and every one of us to be happy; to find someone who completes our lives; to be happy in this world and to live forever in the next life with Him. I know that this God that I love and worship daily, does not cause any unhappiness in our lives. People do!
I sincerely don't know why anyone believes that another person doesn't have the right to marry someone they love in front of God, to have God bless their union. My hope is that one day, people will stop all the prejudice and hate, and just love one another as God loves each one of us. Every single person alive is a child of God. That includes every race, color, or sexual preference. I pray for peace in the world.
Well, on to another subject. I want to start another writing project, but don't feel quite ready to do that, just yet. I'm not sure why. My manuscript, "Train-Trekking" With A Capital "T", is still being proofed. So, I will either wait until December or January to send it to the printers. Either way is okay with me.
What have you been up to lately? Are you ready for Thanksgiving? My youngest daughter and her husband are hosting Thanksgiving for us all. I'm thankful for their generosity. They provide the turkey, filling and gravy and everyone else brings a covered dish to accompany the turkey. I'm going to make scalloped potatoes and a dessert. Not sure what the dessert will be as of yet. I made scalloped potatoes for a Halloween covered dish and my husband said he loved it. He asked me to make it again for Thanksgiving. So, to please him, I will.
Well, I guess I better close for now. For all you still working at jobs, remember that tomorrow is 'hump day', so that should make you happy. Stay safe and God bless all of you.
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Happy Saturday evening!
Hi all,
How's every one's Saturday going? I hope you're having a great weekend. My Saturday hasn't been too exciting, but I've been keeping busy.
This morning my best friend and I went to the only Fabric Store left in York County. It's JoAnne Fabrics and Crafts. I suppose that because the younger generation of women don't do much sewing anymore, maybe none. It makes me wonder if they even repair their clothes when they tear, or if they need to be hemmed. It's true that I don't sew like I used to do, but I do still sew on occasions. I'd never want to be without a sewing machine, that's for sure.
The reason I went to JoAnne's, was to purchase some wool felt, The craft stores around here only carry the individual pieces of felt and I needed quite a lot for a hand embroidered piece I want to do. Actually, if the one I've started turns out well, I think I'll make seven more for gifts for my lady friends. During the winter months, I truly enjoy sitting and doing hand embroidery while I watch television. It's very soothing to me. But then, any kind of creative work is a stress reliever for me. It's funny, how doing something I love to do relieves my stress. How good is that?
If you are looking for a gift for an older lady for Christmas, I still have about a dozen copies of my novel, Crafty-Cruise With A Capital C, for sale. They're $11.00 each. Just send me a message and I'll mail you a copy after you mail me the money. Or, if you live close by, you can stop and pick it up.
I'm pretty much finished with my Christmas shopping now. I haven't started any wrapping as of yet, but hopefully next week. I know it's early, but I like having things done well ahead of time. That allows me to sit back and just enjoy the Holiday Season without rushing around and worrying about whether or not I'll get every thing finished in time. I never have done well rushing around. I'm a list person and I like to have all my ducks in a row, so to say!
How about you? Are you a last minute person or organized as I am? I know everyone is different and what works for one doesn't necessarily work for another person. I think we should all try to be who we are and not someone we're not!
What's on your schedule for tomorrow? It's Sunday, you know and it's The Lord's Day. I hope you will all take some time to give praise and honor to God on His day. He loves us all so much. As for me, I'll probably pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy in Song and then participate in the Mass. Whatever you do, just make time for God.
I've decided that I'm not going to rush to get my newest novel, "Train-Trekking" With A Capital "T" published before the end of the year. If I can arrange to have it done by then, that's great, but if not, that's okay, too. I am anxious to see it in print, but January is just as good as December. It will be available to purchase in book form, or eventually it will be available for electronic reading. You will be able to go to and put my name in the search box. All of my books and booklets will be available there for electronic reading. (laptop, Ipad, Ipod, PC, Nook, Kindle, etc.) Please feel free to check the thirteen I already have available there. They would make a good gift for anyone who prefers electronic reading.
I have my next writing project in mind, but I'm not ready to start it just yet. Perhaps I'll wait until after the first of the year, we'll see. Do you have any projects you're working on now? If so, let me know what they are.
I'm watching a Christmas movie now. I've seen it before, but I love watching them over and over. It's called, The Christmas Hope. It's a sad movie, but it ends happily, which makes me feel good inside. Why not tune your television to a Christmas movie and sit back and enjoy the loving story. I guarantee you it will make you feel good inside.
Well, I better close for now. I hope the remainder of your Saturday will be good and that tomorrow is a great day for all of you. Stay safe and God be with you.
How's every one's Saturday going? I hope you're having a great weekend. My Saturday hasn't been too exciting, but I've been keeping busy.
This morning my best friend and I went to the only Fabric Store left in York County. It's JoAnne Fabrics and Crafts. I suppose that because the younger generation of women don't do much sewing anymore, maybe none. It makes me wonder if they even repair their clothes when they tear, or if they need to be hemmed. It's true that I don't sew like I used to do, but I do still sew on occasions. I'd never want to be without a sewing machine, that's for sure.
The reason I went to JoAnne's, was to purchase some wool felt, The craft stores around here only carry the individual pieces of felt and I needed quite a lot for a hand embroidered piece I want to do. Actually, if the one I've started turns out well, I think I'll make seven more for gifts for my lady friends. During the winter months, I truly enjoy sitting and doing hand embroidery while I watch television. It's very soothing to me. But then, any kind of creative work is a stress reliever for me. It's funny, how doing something I love to do relieves my stress. How good is that?
If you are looking for a gift for an older lady for Christmas, I still have about a dozen copies of my novel, Crafty-Cruise With A Capital C, for sale. They're $11.00 each. Just send me a message and I'll mail you a copy after you mail me the money. Or, if you live close by, you can stop and pick it up.
I'm pretty much finished with my Christmas shopping now. I haven't started any wrapping as of yet, but hopefully next week. I know it's early, but I like having things done well ahead of time. That allows me to sit back and just enjoy the Holiday Season without rushing around and worrying about whether or not I'll get every thing finished in time. I never have done well rushing around. I'm a list person and I like to have all my ducks in a row, so to say!
How about you? Are you a last minute person or organized as I am? I know everyone is different and what works for one doesn't necessarily work for another person. I think we should all try to be who we are and not someone we're not!
What's on your schedule for tomorrow? It's Sunday, you know and it's The Lord's Day. I hope you will all take some time to give praise and honor to God on His day. He loves us all so much. As for me, I'll probably pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy in Song and then participate in the Mass. Whatever you do, just make time for God.
I've decided that I'm not going to rush to get my newest novel, "Train-Trekking" With A Capital "T" published before the end of the year. If I can arrange to have it done by then, that's great, but if not, that's okay, too. I am anxious to see it in print, but January is just as good as December. It will be available to purchase in book form, or eventually it will be available for electronic reading. You will be able to go to and put my name in the search box. All of my books and booklets will be available there for electronic reading. (laptop, Ipad, Ipod, PC, Nook, Kindle, etc.) Please feel free to check the thirteen I already have available there. They would make a good gift for anyone who prefers electronic reading.
I have my next writing project in mind, but I'm not ready to start it just yet. Perhaps I'll wait until after the first of the year, we'll see. Do you have any projects you're working on now? If so, let me know what they are.
I'm watching a Christmas movie now. I've seen it before, but I love watching them over and over. It's called, The Christmas Hope. It's a sad movie, but it ends happily, which makes me feel good inside. Why not tune your television to a Christmas movie and sit back and enjoy the loving story. I guarantee you it will make you feel good inside.
Well, I better close for now. I hope the remainder of your Saturday will be good and that tomorrow is a great day for all of you. Stay safe and God be with you.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
What would you do?
Hi all,
I was just sitting here thinking about what I would do today, if it was the last day of my life. I definitely would call each of my daughters, son-in-laws, grandsons, sister, brother and all my friends to let them know how much I love and cherish them. Of course, my husband would be first on the list. Then I believe I'd spend time in prayer. Just me and God alone. It's very important to me that He be with me in my last hours before death.
Here's the thing though, we usually don't know what day will be our last. So, I try to let each of those people I love that I do love and cherish them every day. Whether it's my last day or just the next day. How about you? What would you do? Any thoughts on this subject?
I called a neighbor today to see how she's doing. She's been having some spine or hip problems, I'm not sure which it really is. She takes blood thinners, so she needs the doctor to take her off them so that she can get a shot to help with the pain. Apparently, she goes to her family doctor tomorrow and he'll stop the blood thinner so she can have the shot.
What upset me was that she is so depressed, that she actually said that if she had a gun she'd shoot herself. I read her the riot act about how she needs to be more optimistic instead of so pessimistic. She's taking some pills for the pain and she said it's helping some. I realize she's 89 years old, but up until about ten days ago, she'd been in better health than me, and I'm only 65. She was going out to the mall almost every day to visit with her friends before this happened. She normally gets along much better than I do. She does have some health issues, but nothing chronic.
I found that talking to her was not only depressing me, but also making me angry. She's been having problems for about 10 days, and I asked her how she thinks I feel sometimes after seven years. I definitely try not to let myself become depressed. I also try very hard to live each and every day of my life with gratitude and acceptance to God. That's the only reason that I have a good frame of mind. I am so thankful that I'm still alive!
I spoke to her a few days ago and it was the same then. I really care what happens to her, but I simply can't take too much of the pessimistic attitude. It tends to bring me down and I refuse to let anyone do that to me. I'll call her in a few days, but probably won't stay on the phone too long.
To finish answering my own question, if today was my last day on earth, I'd give thanks to God for all the blessings He has given me through the years. I'd be looking forward to Him meeting me when I pass away.
Just some thoughts for today. Maybe most of us would change our behavior if we knew what day would be our last! Who knows? Be safe and stay healthy.
I was just sitting here thinking about what I would do today, if it was the last day of my life. I definitely would call each of my daughters, son-in-laws, grandsons, sister, brother and all my friends to let them know how much I love and cherish them. Of course, my husband would be first on the list. Then I believe I'd spend time in prayer. Just me and God alone. It's very important to me that He be with me in my last hours before death.
Here's the thing though, we usually don't know what day will be our last. So, I try to let each of those people I love that I do love and cherish them every day. Whether it's my last day or just the next day. How about you? What would you do? Any thoughts on this subject?
I called a neighbor today to see how she's doing. She's been having some spine or hip problems, I'm not sure which it really is. She takes blood thinners, so she needs the doctor to take her off them so that she can get a shot to help with the pain. Apparently, she goes to her family doctor tomorrow and he'll stop the blood thinner so she can have the shot.
What upset me was that she is so depressed, that she actually said that if she had a gun she'd shoot herself. I read her the riot act about how she needs to be more optimistic instead of so pessimistic. She's taking some pills for the pain and she said it's helping some. I realize she's 89 years old, but up until about ten days ago, she'd been in better health than me, and I'm only 65. She was going out to the mall almost every day to visit with her friends before this happened. She normally gets along much better than I do. She does have some health issues, but nothing chronic.
I found that talking to her was not only depressing me, but also making me angry. She's been having problems for about 10 days, and I asked her how she thinks I feel sometimes after seven years. I definitely try not to let myself become depressed. I also try very hard to live each and every day of my life with gratitude and acceptance to God. That's the only reason that I have a good frame of mind. I am so thankful that I'm still alive!
I spoke to her a few days ago and it was the same then. I really care what happens to her, but I simply can't take too much of the pessimistic attitude. It tends to bring me down and I refuse to let anyone do that to me. I'll call her in a few days, but probably won't stay on the phone too long.
To finish answering my own question, if today was my last day on earth, I'd give thanks to God for all the blessings He has given me through the years. I'd be looking forward to Him meeting me when I pass away.
Just some thoughts for today. Maybe most of us would change our behavior if we knew what day would be our last! Who knows? Be safe and stay healthy.
Sunday, November 10, 2013
What's up with you today?
Hi all,
How is everyone doing this afternoon? So far today, I've watched a Christmas movie and now I'm watching my all time favorite movie. That, of course, would be "Dirty Dancing." I've always loved dancing and music, so naturally, I'd love this movie. I think both Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Gray did a phenomenal acting job on this movie. I think the movie world lost a wonderful actor the day Patrick Swayze passed away from cancer. He had pancreatic cancer, but I think he lived about a year or two after he was diagnosed, which is pretty good for pancreatic cancer. I still miss seeing him on movies. He really wasn't very old when he passed.
My Mother, Dorothy, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in early January, 1996. We were told she wouldn't live more than a few months. Then in March of the same year, she suffered a severe stroke, which pretty much paralyzed her. We were then told that she wouldn't last more then a month. So, we brought her home to die, but she didn't. I suppose god wasn't finished with her on this earth just yet. She finally died in October, 1996, after ten months of struggling and being in the hospital nine times. She was the strongest woman I've ever known. I miss her so much.
How's your weekend going? Yesterday, my Red Hat group had a Progressive Dinner. We started here at our home with appetizers, then moved to another member's home for the main meal, and ended up at another member's home for dessert. My husband and I declined the dessert part because I was extremely tired and my back was hurting me. So, we came home instead. Neither of us really needed the sweets anyways. We had a good time and I hope everyone else did, also. It's always nice getting together with our friends.
Well, the good news is that I've finally finished up my handmade Christmas cards. I've completed eighty of them. This year I ended up making alot of my own envelopes, as well. I so enjoyed creating these cards, but I'm happy they're done now. Now my craft room needs a good cleaning. There are paper scraps and bits and pieces of cut-offs from paper and ribbons. I'll get to that this week one day. Sometime during the beginning of December, I'll post some photos of my Christmas cards on my blog so you can all enjoy them, if you'd like to see them.
Now, I just need to soon get my manuscript to the printers. Hopefully, that will be in the next couple of weeks. I'm excited to finally see my third novel in book form. I will be selling about 50 copies of the book, plus it will be available for electronic reading on You can check out the thirteen books and booklets I currently have available there, as well. Just type my name in the search block and click.
How's the weather where you are today? It's a bit chilly here in Pennsylvania today. I suppose that's because it's pretty windy. I can always tell when it's windy outside, because it's always feels cooler in the house to me. A little while ago, I made myself a nice hot cup of Tastefully Simple cocoa. It was yummy. My youngest daughter has been a representative for TS for many years now. She's worked her way up in the ranks and is doing well. If you haven't tried Tastefully Simple's products, you really should.
My middle daughter is about ready to start her own jewelry business. She's always been very creative. I suppose she takes after me and her Grandmother. I'm glad she's finally decided to use her creative abilities. I know she'll do well.
That leaves my oldest daughter, who is a school bus driver, as well as working for a marketing firm. She had been in direct sales for many years, but over a year ago, she gave it all up. She needed a change. She went through a bad time for awhile, but she's better now.
I'm very proud of all three of my daughters. They are strong, independent, honest woman. They remind me so much of my Mother. She was a very strong woman, also. I never thought of myself as being a strong woman, but my daughter says that's where she learned to be that way. Who knew? Not me!
Well, I need to get back to my movie now. I hope you enjoy the remainder of your Sunday.
Stay safe and God speed.
How is everyone doing this afternoon? So far today, I've watched a Christmas movie and now I'm watching my all time favorite movie. That, of course, would be "Dirty Dancing." I've always loved dancing and music, so naturally, I'd love this movie. I think both Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Gray did a phenomenal acting job on this movie. I think the movie world lost a wonderful actor the day Patrick Swayze passed away from cancer. He had pancreatic cancer, but I think he lived about a year or two after he was diagnosed, which is pretty good for pancreatic cancer. I still miss seeing him on movies. He really wasn't very old when he passed.
My Mother, Dorothy, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in early January, 1996. We were told she wouldn't live more than a few months. Then in March of the same year, she suffered a severe stroke, which pretty much paralyzed her. We were then told that she wouldn't last more then a month. So, we brought her home to die, but she didn't. I suppose god wasn't finished with her on this earth just yet. She finally died in October, 1996, after ten months of struggling and being in the hospital nine times. She was the strongest woman I've ever known. I miss her so much.
How's your weekend going? Yesterday, my Red Hat group had a Progressive Dinner. We started here at our home with appetizers, then moved to another member's home for the main meal, and ended up at another member's home for dessert. My husband and I declined the dessert part because I was extremely tired and my back was hurting me. So, we came home instead. Neither of us really needed the sweets anyways. We had a good time and I hope everyone else did, also. It's always nice getting together with our friends.
Well, the good news is that I've finally finished up my handmade Christmas cards. I've completed eighty of them. This year I ended up making alot of my own envelopes, as well. I so enjoyed creating these cards, but I'm happy they're done now. Now my craft room needs a good cleaning. There are paper scraps and bits and pieces of cut-offs from paper and ribbons. I'll get to that this week one day. Sometime during the beginning of December, I'll post some photos of my Christmas cards on my blog so you can all enjoy them, if you'd like to see them.
Now, I just need to soon get my manuscript to the printers. Hopefully, that will be in the next couple of weeks. I'm excited to finally see my third novel in book form. I will be selling about 50 copies of the book, plus it will be available for electronic reading on You can check out the thirteen books and booklets I currently have available there, as well. Just type my name in the search block and click.
How's the weather where you are today? It's a bit chilly here in Pennsylvania today. I suppose that's because it's pretty windy. I can always tell when it's windy outside, because it's always feels cooler in the house to me. A little while ago, I made myself a nice hot cup of Tastefully Simple cocoa. It was yummy. My youngest daughter has been a representative for TS for many years now. She's worked her way up in the ranks and is doing well. If you haven't tried Tastefully Simple's products, you really should.
My middle daughter is about ready to start her own jewelry business. She's always been very creative. I suppose she takes after me and her Grandmother. I'm glad she's finally decided to use her creative abilities. I know she'll do well.
That leaves my oldest daughter, who is a school bus driver, as well as working for a marketing firm. She had been in direct sales for many years, but over a year ago, she gave it all up. She needed a change. She went through a bad time for awhile, but she's better now.
I'm very proud of all three of my daughters. They are strong, independent, honest woman. They remind me so much of my Mother. She was a very strong woman, also. I never thought of myself as being a strong woman, but my daughter says that's where she learned to be that way. Who knew? Not me!
Well, I need to get back to my movie now. I hope you enjoy the remainder of your Sunday.
Stay safe and God speed.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
All in good time!
Hi all,
How's everyone today? I just realized that Thanksgiving is three weeks from today. It's coming too fast! My youngest daughter and my Son-in-law, will be hosting Thanksgiving supper. They open their home to family and friends to celebrate the holiday. We all bring a covered dish for the meal, while they furnish the turkey and stuffing. As usual, there will be too much food and we'll all be really full after eating. It's always so good to celebrate Thanksgiving with family and friends. I am always so thankful for my family and close friends. What will you be thankful for this Thanksgiving? You have three weeks to be thinking about what you are truly thankful for always.
I still haven't started another writing project yet. I've been spending all my free time trying to finish up my handmade Christmas cards. I'll soon be finished, as I now have approximately 70 finished. I love creating them, and I am so thankful for the creative abilities God has blessed me with all my life.
I suppose that when I was younger, I just kind of took those creative abilities for granted. That was very wrong of me. They are a blessing from God. It took my becoming chronically ill to stop and realize just how good God has been to me. The fact that I'm still living is proof enough. After being diagnosed in 2006 with Chronic Congestive Heart Failure, I realized just how close to dying I had been. I also realized then that God had a plan for me. I didn't know what it was then, but I later realized that He wanted me to give back for all His blessings on me. So, I give back the only way I can, as I lead a very sedentary lifestyle. I create! I write and I make handmade greeting cards. I also read every day.
Hopefully I will soon get started on another writing project. I'm pretty sure I know what it will be, but I'll decide for sure, later. I'm getting very excited to soon be publishing my third novel in the series. It's called, "Train-Trekking" With A Capital "T". The first one was "Sassy" With A Capital "S" and the second was, "Crafty-Cruise" With A Capital "C". If you haven't yet read the first two, you can read them for any electronic reader (laptop, PC, Ipad, Ipod, Kindle, Nook, etc.) by going to Enter my name in the search square and all thirteen of my books or booklets will come up for your perusal. You can also check out the pages for each book here on my blog.
Have you started any of your Christmas shopping as of yet? I'm almost finished. I like to be completely finished with my shopping and wrapping by the 10th of December. I like to have plenty of time to just relax and enjoy the holidays. I'm sure a lot of you are thinking: I don't even want to think about Christmas yet!. So, for all of you who think that way, Christmas is only 45 days away!!!
Tomorrow is Friday and the end of the work week for many of you. I'm sure that makes you all very happy. How well I remember those days...
Have a great Thursday evening and remember to make time for yourself. You deserve it!
How's everyone today? I just realized that Thanksgiving is three weeks from today. It's coming too fast! My youngest daughter and my Son-in-law, will be hosting Thanksgiving supper. They open their home to family and friends to celebrate the holiday. We all bring a covered dish for the meal, while they furnish the turkey and stuffing. As usual, there will be too much food and we'll all be really full after eating. It's always so good to celebrate Thanksgiving with family and friends. I am always so thankful for my family and close friends. What will you be thankful for this Thanksgiving? You have three weeks to be thinking about what you are truly thankful for always.
I still haven't started another writing project yet. I've been spending all my free time trying to finish up my handmade Christmas cards. I'll soon be finished, as I now have approximately 70 finished. I love creating them, and I am so thankful for the creative abilities God has blessed me with all my life.
I suppose that when I was younger, I just kind of took those creative abilities for granted. That was very wrong of me. They are a blessing from God. It took my becoming chronically ill to stop and realize just how good God has been to me. The fact that I'm still living is proof enough. After being diagnosed in 2006 with Chronic Congestive Heart Failure, I realized just how close to dying I had been. I also realized then that God had a plan for me. I didn't know what it was then, but I later realized that He wanted me to give back for all His blessings on me. So, I give back the only way I can, as I lead a very sedentary lifestyle. I create! I write and I make handmade greeting cards. I also read every day.
Hopefully I will soon get started on another writing project. I'm pretty sure I know what it will be, but I'll decide for sure, later. I'm getting very excited to soon be publishing my third novel in the series. It's called, "Train-Trekking" With A Capital "T". The first one was "Sassy" With A Capital "S" and the second was, "Crafty-Cruise" With A Capital "C". If you haven't yet read the first two, you can read them for any electronic reader (laptop, PC, Ipad, Ipod, Kindle, Nook, etc.) by going to Enter my name in the search square and all thirteen of my books or booklets will come up for your perusal. You can also check out the pages for each book here on my blog.
Have you started any of your Christmas shopping as of yet? I'm almost finished. I like to be completely finished with my shopping and wrapping by the 10th of December. I like to have plenty of time to just relax and enjoy the holidays. I'm sure a lot of you are thinking: I don't even want to think about Christmas yet!. So, for all of you who think that way, Christmas is only 45 days away!!!
Tomorrow is Friday and the end of the work week for many of you. I'm sure that makes you all very happy. How well I remember those days...
Have a great Thursday evening and remember to make time for yourself. You deserve it!
Monday, November 4, 2013
I've been thinking...
Hi all,
How's everyone doing today? I know it's the start of another week, but I hope your Monday is going well. Mine has been okay. I did my usual projects, such as laundry and cooking.
I worked for a short time on my handmade Christmas cards. I have approximately 20/25 to make yet. I'm very proud of the ones I've already made. I think they look pretty nice. I hope the people I mail them to will like them.
I cut our some patterns for mittens to use as small gift wrappings. I'm making them out of red and white felt. They are for the husbands of my Red Hat ladies. We usually give each of the fellows a small gift at our Christmas party. The ladies do the gift exchange and so that the guys don't feel left out, I like to give them a little gift, also.
Now that Halloween is over, Thanksgiving and Christmas will be coming quickly. That doesn't make me upset, because I love those two seasons most of all. Thanksgiving is a time for each of us to give thanks to God for all the blessings He's bestowed upon us. Then, we have the celebration of the birth of Christ to look forward to, once again. I love the Christmas Season so much. I wish people would have that good feeling all year round.
I'm still trying to figure out what I want to do for my next writing project. I'm thinking I may write a booklet on Ethical wills. I loved writing my Ethical will and I think they are as important as a regular will. I had just never heard of them before a year ago. Turns out they've been around since Biblical times. Who knew? Did you?
The way things are going, I may have my newest novel, "Train-Trekking" With A Capital "T", published by the end of the year. I've now finished the front and back covers and I'm very satisfied with both of them. I'm just waiting for the third proofread to be completed. There's quite a bit of paranormal activity in this book.
I wanted everyone to know that I'm offering my first book in the series, "Sassy" With A Capital "S". at a discounted price this Saturday, Nov. 7, only. It will be available at $1.99 just for that day. You can access it for any electronic reading device (laptop, PC, Ipad, Ipod, Kindle, Nook, etc.) by going to Put my full name in the search block and click. All thirteen of my books will come up and then you can scan down to my "Sassy" book. Remember, it's only available at that price this Saturday, Nov. 7, only.
Well, I hope your week will go well and you accomplish everything you need to do. Stay safe and God bless you all.
How's everyone doing today? I know it's the start of another week, but I hope your Monday is going well. Mine has been okay. I did my usual projects, such as laundry and cooking.
I worked for a short time on my handmade Christmas cards. I have approximately 20/25 to make yet. I'm very proud of the ones I've already made. I think they look pretty nice. I hope the people I mail them to will like them.
I cut our some patterns for mittens to use as small gift wrappings. I'm making them out of red and white felt. They are for the husbands of my Red Hat ladies. We usually give each of the fellows a small gift at our Christmas party. The ladies do the gift exchange and so that the guys don't feel left out, I like to give them a little gift, also.
Now that Halloween is over, Thanksgiving and Christmas will be coming quickly. That doesn't make me upset, because I love those two seasons most of all. Thanksgiving is a time for each of us to give thanks to God for all the blessings He's bestowed upon us. Then, we have the celebration of the birth of Christ to look forward to, once again. I love the Christmas Season so much. I wish people would have that good feeling all year round.
I'm still trying to figure out what I want to do for my next writing project. I'm thinking I may write a booklet on Ethical wills. I loved writing my Ethical will and I think they are as important as a regular will. I had just never heard of them before a year ago. Turns out they've been around since Biblical times. Who knew? Did you?
The way things are going, I may have my newest novel, "Train-Trekking" With A Capital "T", published by the end of the year. I've now finished the front and back covers and I'm very satisfied with both of them. I'm just waiting for the third proofread to be completed. There's quite a bit of paranormal activity in this book.
I wanted everyone to know that I'm offering my first book in the series, "Sassy" With A Capital "S". at a discounted price this Saturday, Nov. 7, only. It will be available at $1.99 just for that day. You can access it for any electronic reading device (laptop, PC, Ipad, Ipod, Kindle, Nook, etc.) by going to Put my full name in the search block and click. All thirteen of my books will come up and then you can scan down to my "Sassy" book. Remember, it's only available at that price this Saturday, Nov. 7, only.
Well, I hope your week will go well and you accomplish everything you need to do. Stay safe and God bless you all.
Friday, November 1, 2013
Once again, God is good!
Hi all,
The good news is that my husband, Gerry, will be discharged from the hospital today. His blood count is once again, normal and the doctors are satisfied with his well being. Hurrah! The past four days have been tiring for me, but I know it was very hard on him. I'm so happy he's healthy once again. Thank you, Lord for sustaining him!
So, once again it's Friday and the start of another weekend. I'm sure all of you are looking forward to the next two days of freedom from work. Well, you may have to work around the house, but that's different from going to the eight to five job every day. I hope you'll plan a block or two of time just for yourself this weekend. Each of us deserve to do that and actually, it's something we need to do for ourselves. So, please make time for yourself during the next two days!
Wow, the sun just peeked through the clouds, but has already gone back behind them once again. It's been such a cloudy, dreary morning here in PA. I woke up about 7:10 am and it was so dreary and cloudy that it looked dark outside yet. I hate this kind of weather. It simply makes me tireder than I already am.
Well, for an update on my newest novel, "Train-Trekking" With A Capital "T", I proofread it twice already and now one of my daughters is going to proof it for me during the next two weeks. Then it's off to the printers. I'll also be putting it in electronic form for I'm getting anxious to see the printed copy. I have the next two weeks to tweak the front cover and to make a back cover. Hopefully, since my husband will be home, once again, I will have some time to work on the covers. My goal is to have it finished in book form before Christmas.
I already know what my next writing project will be, but I'm keeping it a secret for a little while. I need to spend time on my hand-made Christmas cards. I would like to have them finished before Thanksgiving, if possible. I don't foresee any reason why I won't be able to accomplish that goal, but one just never knows what's going to happen. I already have 57 completed, so I will need about 25 more. Of course, I didn't get much done this week, what with spending time at the hospital with my hubby. When I get them all completed, I'm going to take pictures of all of them so everyone can see them. I hope you will enjoy looking at them.
I grocery shopped this morning and now I'm a bit tired out. That always takes so much energy out of me. Usually, my husband helps me by either, going with me or carrying the bags from the car into the house. And, of course, today I had five bags full. I still use the paper bags, not the plastic.
I hope all of you are in good health and that you all have a wonderful weekend with your families. Please don't take your good health for granted. It could change in a second. Believe me, I know first hand how one's life can change forever in a short period of time. God bless and keep each of you safe.
Here's a copy of the cover of my new novel.

The good news is that my husband, Gerry, will be discharged from the hospital today. His blood count is once again, normal and the doctors are satisfied with his well being. Hurrah! The past four days have been tiring for me, but I know it was very hard on him. I'm so happy he's healthy once again. Thank you, Lord for sustaining him!
So, once again it's Friday and the start of another weekend. I'm sure all of you are looking forward to the next two days of freedom from work. Well, you may have to work around the house, but that's different from going to the eight to five job every day. I hope you'll plan a block or two of time just for yourself this weekend. Each of us deserve to do that and actually, it's something we need to do for ourselves. So, please make time for yourself during the next two days!
Wow, the sun just peeked through the clouds, but has already gone back behind them once again. It's been such a cloudy, dreary morning here in PA. I woke up about 7:10 am and it was so dreary and cloudy that it looked dark outside yet. I hate this kind of weather. It simply makes me tireder than I already am.
Well, for an update on my newest novel, "Train-Trekking" With A Capital "T", I proofread it twice already and now one of my daughters is going to proof it for me during the next two weeks. Then it's off to the printers. I'll also be putting it in electronic form for I'm getting anxious to see the printed copy. I have the next two weeks to tweak the front cover and to make a back cover. Hopefully, since my husband will be home, once again, I will have some time to work on the covers. My goal is to have it finished in book form before Christmas.
I already know what my next writing project will be, but I'm keeping it a secret for a little while. I need to spend time on my hand-made Christmas cards. I would like to have them finished before Thanksgiving, if possible. I don't foresee any reason why I won't be able to accomplish that goal, but one just never knows what's going to happen. I already have 57 completed, so I will need about 25 more. Of course, I didn't get much done this week, what with spending time at the hospital with my hubby. When I get them all completed, I'm going to take pictures of all of them so everyone can see them. I hope you will enjoy looking at them.
I grocery shopped this morning and now I'm a bit tired out. That always takes so much energy out of me. Usually, my husband helps me by either, going with me or carrying the bags from the car into the house. And, of course, today I had five bags full. I still use the paper bags, not the plastic.
I hope all of you are in good health and that you all have a wonderful weekend with your families. Please don't take your good health for granted. It could change in a second. Believe me, I know first hand how one's life can change forever in a short period of time. God bless and keep each of you safe.
Here's a copy of the cover of my new novel.

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