Monday, December 3, 2012

Are You In The Mood?

Hi all,

Of course my question is are you in the mood for the Christmas Season.  Well, if you're not, I think you need to do whatever it takes to get yourself in the mood to welcome the birth of Jesus.  If you aren't a Christian, then get in the mood for Santa's big arrival. 

You do know that Santa Claus is a good and generous man.  He gives to everyone and he tries to make every ones life a bit easier.  He loves with all his heart and soul.  To me, he's quite a legend.  I love the feelings of love, peace and generosity that the Christmas season bring to us, if we open up our hearts and let those feelings inside. 

As you may know, I create my own Christmas cards.  I have been asked to display a few of them.  So, I'm posting some of them for everyone to enjoy.

Have a great day and get in the mood.

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