Thursday, March 7, 2013

God Doesn't Give Us More Than We Can Handle!

Hi all,

What's your take on my title?  Do you believe this statement to be true?  Well, I do.  I know that sometimes it's hard to believe this, especially when you're the one going through difficult times.  But, we need to stay strong in our faith in God. 

Today was one of those times for me.  As most of you already know, I have Chronic Congestive Heart Failure.  I have an implanted defibrillator with a built in pacemaker because I am pacer dependent and have been for most of the last twenty one years.  My heart is not working at full capacity and hasn't been for the past seven years.  Those are just the facts, as I know them.  I'm not complaining at all.  Actually, I thank God daily for still giving me life.

Today started like any other day.  Then after I was up for about a half hour, I knew something wasn't right and I knew it was either my defibrillator, my pacemaker or my heart.  I just didn't know which one.  I went to the grocery store, since Thursday is my regular grocery shopping day.  That was a mistake. 

I definitely wasn't feeling 'right' in my chest.  I started sweating a lot while I was in the check out line.  My husband has been going along with me to get the groceries, for the last few weeks, but today he wasn't able to go with me.  I should have just waited and gone tomorrow, but I didn't.  Of course, we all know that hindsight is 20/20, but I wasn't entertaining that theory this morning.

Once I got home, I unloaded all five of the bags and drug them into the house by myself, proceeded to put them away and then made myself sit down for at least fifteen minutes to rest.  I then took my blood pressure and heart rate.  They seemed normal.  So, I called my cardiologist and reported my symptoms.  She explained to me how I could do a manual reading via my Merlin.  (My Merlin reads and checks my heart rate, irregular beats and pacemaker once every day now.  I now have a chip built into my new defibrillator.) 

So, I did what she told me to do and then sat still, in front on Merlin for fifteen minutes, which was about the time it took to do it's job.  She later called me to let me know that both the defibrillator and the pacemaker where working fine.  She noted that I was having PVC's in some of my readings and assumed that was what happened this morning.  We deducted that the prescription nasal spray, which I was using for sinus congestion, could have been this mornings culprit.  By this afternoon, I was feeling much better.  I was not happy that I have been having PVC's, but I was extremely happy that she didn't tell me to go to the hospital or to the cardiologist's office. 

I can live with the PVC's and I will.  What's one more thing to deal with?  Basically, it's one more thing that I will turn over to God.  He has wide arms and will surround me with them when I need a hug.  I trust in His mercy and love.  How about you?  I hope your answer is 'yes'!

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