Sunday, June 9, 2013

Time just seems to slip on by!

Hi all,

How are you doing today?  This weekend is fastly coming to an end, just like every other weekend does.  I hope you had some fun over the past few days. 

As for me, I've been spending many hours, a lot of paper, ink cartridges and confusion on doing research for my next novel.  My notes are growing by leaps and bounds.  Of course, I'm not typing up all the information I print off, just some of it.  The rest I am arranging by category and state.  I can't honestly say that this part of writing is much fun.  But, it is so much easier to do the bulk of the research ahead of time, rather than constantly stopping to research something or other. 

I believe this will allow me to move along much more swiftly once I actually get started on the novel.
I've chosen a title for this book, but I think I will keep it to myself for a little while yet.  This will be the third book in this series.  Although, each book can be read separately. 

If anyone is interested, I still have sixteen copies of my second adult novel available for sale privately.  It is called, "Crafty-Cruise" With A Capital "C".  The cost is $11.00 plus shipping, unless you live locally.  Then you can pick it up if you'd like to save on the shipping.  I do not have any
copies of the first book available any longer.  You can purchase it for any electronic reader or PC or laptop by going to  All you need to do is enter my name into the search block (Susan Lapp Mellott) and hit click.  All thirteen of the books I have available to electronic reading will then appear. 

I want to thank each and every one of you who are reading my blog.  I means a lot to me that you take the time to share what's happening with me.  I would love it if you'd care to comment.  Let me know what's going on in your life.  Do you write?  Do you paint or draw?  In what way are you crafty?  I'd truly love to know. 

Well, I suppose for a lot of you, it will be back to work, once again bright and early tomorrow morning.  I, too, will be back working on research, as well as, doing laundry and my usual Monday chores.  Late this afternoon, I baked a large scone.  My husband and I had a rather different dinner tonight.  We had strawberry shortcake with nice cold milk.

 This takes me back many, many years.  When I was growing up on the farm, Dad and Grandpa would pick our strawberries, while my Mom would bake a nice shortcake.  That's what we'd have for dinner that evening.  As a child, my siblings and I, thought it was wonderful that we could eat as much as we needed to fill ourselves up. 

Some times those childhood memories overtake me.  I had a wonderful childhood.  We didn't have much money, but we (my brother and sister) received everything we needed, and even a few things we didn't.  I never remember feeling that I was deprived in any way.  We lived a rather simple lifestyle.  We grew a lot of our own vegetables and fruits.  My Mom did alot of home canning and home freezing.  We grew up appreciating every thing that we had.  I have to say that my Mom and Dad were great Parents!  I loved them so much.

I suppose I'll close to today.  I hope before the day ends, you will find a few minutes just for yourself.  It's something each and every one of us needs, every day.  I hope you start this new week with joy and optimism.  Stay safe.

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