Saturday, June 29, 2013

I Seem to be at a Stand Still!

Hi all,

How is your weekend going?  I hope it's flowing smoothly for you.  What a nice change in the weather we had today.  Not that intense heat and humidity from this past week!  Although tomorrow it's to be up in the 80's once again with quite a bit of storms passing through.  I do hope you got to go
outside today and enjoy yourself. 

I'm having trouble getting back to working on my current novel.  Don't know what my problem is though.  I have all these ideas and almost all of my research finished, but I find I just can't seem to get at it.  There have been a lot of interruptions going on around me and I don't like to start writing and then have to stop in a half hour.  Hopefully this week I will have more time for writing, now that my house cleaning is all done. 

Of course, this Thursday is July 4th, a holiday for all of us.  How will you celebrate this day?  Perhaps you will be going to a picnic, an amusement park, an outdoor concert, a friend's cook-out, boating, swimming or any number of other things.  Whatever you choose to do to celebrate the 4th, I hope you have a great day.  If you attend evening fireworks, have fun and enjoy their beauty. 

For many people, Friday will also be a holiday from work.  If you are one of those people who have to go back to work on Friday, remember that's it's just one day and then you have two more days off from work. 

If you are going to be traveling this week, either by car, bus, train or plane, stay safe and enjoy yourself.  I certainly hope you all have good weather for whatever you choose to do to celebrate.

Just a reminder that I have two of my books up for a 'free' read today and tomorrow.  You can access them by going to and then filling in my name (Susan Lapp Mellott) in the search box.  All thirteen of my books will come up. ' The Kauffman Farm' and 'Congestive Heart Failure' are the two offered this weekend.  Enjoy!

I hope you all enjoy the balance of your weekend.  Stay safe and healthy.

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