Tuesday, April 9, 2013

I finally heard His Words!

Hi all,

What have you all been up to?  I hope you've been setting aside some time for yourself and I hope you've found your passion.  I have and it makes my life complete.

I've been asking God what He would like me to write next.  My husband wanted to know if I was going to be starting my next novel now.  I told him that I'm not ready to start another fiction novel, just yet.  He asked me what I am going to write.   I didn't have an answer for him.  Now I do!

I've been asking God to direct me to write what He wanted me to write about this time.  I've done some writings about cardiovascular disease, how chronic illness changes both your life and your spouses, and chronic congestive heart failure.  So, I didn't think that was what He wanted of me.  But, what? 

I finally got my answer on Sunday.  How appropriate!  I became familiar with Divine Mercy about a year and a half ago.  I don't know how I could have been going to church all these years and the priest never talked about Divine Mercy.  This past Sunday (the first Sunday after Easter) was Divine Mercy Sunday.  I spent over three and a half hours watching the Catholic television station.  The Mass was beautiful.  It was held outside, even though it was quite cold and windy.  To think that thousands of people stayed out in the cold and wind for well over four and one half hours, to participate in Divine Mercy Mass at Stonebridge, MS.  It was truly amazing.  My husband even watched some of it with me.  We were both moved.

Later, when I got to thinking about all the Divine Mercy Helpers and how hard they work to spread Jesus' mercy to everyone else, that I heard God whispering to me that this subject was what He wanted for my next writing project.  So, I started writing a booklet today. 

I'm not sure if I'm worthy enough to be writing about Divine Mercy, but I've certainly been given Jesus' mercy over and over again in my lifetime.  I realized, a few years ago, that God had a plan for me.  That's why I'm still living.  So, I want to do whatever He chooses for me.  I will post my booklet, when it's complete, for sale at amazon.  If anyone is interested in reading it.

Now, to change the subject, I found out yesterday, that the books that are available for reading at:
www.amazon.com, are not just for Kindle.  They are for any of the 'reading' electronic gadgets, as well as, for IPod, cell phones and computers.  I just assumed they were only for a Kindle, since it's called Kindle Direct Publishing.  Just some food for thought!

Well, here in Eastern Pennsylvania, we've been having a bit of summer and I'm not liking it!  I want spring to be here, not summer.  If this keeps up, we will go from Winter directly to Summer and then back to Winter once again.  That means we will have the heat on at home and then one day turn the heat off and turn on the air conditioner.  What's up with this, anyways?  I suppose it's that Global Warming they've been speaking about for quite a few years now.  Whatever it is, I don't like it!!!
Not that my liking it or not will make any difference.  Just saying...

Well, I hope you will all have a good evening and enjoy being outside.  If you have allergy problems, I'd say it's best to stay indoors.  That's what I'm doing most of the time.  Don't forget to put some time aside for yourself.  Do something you enjoy doing or do nothing at all.  It's totally up to you!

Stay safe and God bless.

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