Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Today is the First Day of the Rest of Your LIfe!

Hi all,

I'm sure you've heard this statement many times in the past.  If perchance, you haven't, it means that each day is a gift from God.  Each day is a day for you to better yourself, to be thankful for all the blessings God's bestowed upon you.  Today is the time for you to expect more of yourself; a time for you to show kindness and love to others; a time for you to let go of any resentment or ill feelings towards others; a day for you to make changes in yourself.

Have you ever considered that today could be the last day of your life?  If so, what have you done today to make it an outstanding day for yourself and others?  I'm sure most of us would have to answer that question by saying, "I've done nothing special today." 

The reason we'd give that answer is because, normally, we don't think about today being our last day on earth.  We're too busy running around, working, chasing kids, cooking, doing laundry, and a whole lot of other things.  Basically, we take each day for granted, planing on tomorrow, next week, next month and even next year, actually happening. 

I suppose it would be a bit pessimistic to always think that today may be the last day of my life.  I'd say it would be quite a downer, now wouldn't it?  Of course it would!   We have to have hope and faith for tomorrow, next month and even next year.  But, we shouldn't take life for granted, because every day of every year, people die suddenly or accidentally.  That's just a fact of life.  I do hope that your life goes on many years in the future, but that's not up to me. 

Well, to change the subject, what have you been up to lately?  As for me, I've been writing.  What else would you expect of me?  Last night I participated in a Webisode on writing e-books for Amazon.  Most of it I already knew, but I did learn a few new things.  I'm always open to new information.  Information that may help me to improve my writing or learning better skills for selling my e-books.

One new tidbit I learned last evening, is that children's books are very much in demand right now for electronic reading.  So, I need to get on that, and try to get my "Hubert" picture book formatted for an e-book.  Then I need to upload it to Amazon.  (  I now have six e-books available on Amazon.  You can purchase them for any electronic reading device or computer, by going to and do a search using my full name:  Susan Lapp-Mellott

I hope you all had a great 'hump' day today.  I also hope, that tomorrow, which will be the first day of the rest of your life, will be an empowering and rewarding day for you.  As for me, I'll be grocery shopping.  I'm not sure how empowering this will be for me, but it sure will be rewarding! 

Take care and God bless you.

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