Friday, October 26, 2012

Happy Friday!

Hi all,

Well, the weekend is fastly approaching us.  What are your plans for it?  I hope you spend some time doing something creative.  That could be anything.  For me is will be writing and on Sunday, I'll put my creative abilities to work making a casserole for a Halloween party. 

Everyone of us has been blessed with some talent or ability that we do well.  If you haven't figured out what your ability is, then you need to think about what you really like to do.  Usually, it's something that you're good at, or that brings you great joy.  Also, it's perhaps something that you don't get to do often, because you have a busy schedule.  Whatever it is, it's your passion.  Find it, embrace it and do it as often as you can.

Well, it looks like the big storm, Sandy, is fastly approaching us.  Are you ready for it?  Have you secured your porch or patio furniture, by bringing it inside?  How about anything you may have hanging from your porch or in a tree?  I hope that the worst of it bypasses us and it heads more out to sea.  Of course, only God controls the weather, even though we'd like to control that also.

I didn't get much time today to work on my novel, "CraftyCruise" With a Capital "C".  I had to take a quick trip to pick up some gifts for prizes for Sunday's party.  Perhaps later this evening, I'll do a bit of writing. 

I hope you all have a great weekend and a safe time through this storm.

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