Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Are You Creating?

Hi all,

My question today is "Are you creating anything?"  I believe that most of us have some creative abilities of one sort or another.  For instance:  First, my husband creates pricing for Triangle Fire Protection Co., where he is an estimator.  True, he has to check out quite a bit of information before he comes up with the quote, but that's still being creative.  Second, all three of my daughter have businesses on the web, for which they've set up there sites and a link for their Facebook pages.  That's being creative.  Third, JD, who is my son-in-law is making home made fudge for the Thanksgiving Holiday.  That's being creative.  Fourth, Mike, who is also a son-in-law, is a policeman.  Is there any doubt that he sometimes has to be creative?  Fifth, Kevin, who is my daughters partner, works for Harley Davidson.  He works on the assembly line and has learned many of the line jobs.  That's being creative. 

So, don't tell me you are not creative.  We all are in our own way.  Do you love to create new delicious meals to surprise your family?  Will you be wrapping the Christmas gifts you purchase for others?  Will you be setting up the Thanksgiving Day table for way too many people?  Will you be running around like crazy on Black Friday trying to get the best bargains? 

If you will be doing any of these things, you, also are being creative in one way or another.  For myself, I will be creating a large dish of mashed potatoes and two pumpkin pies for Thursday, so I will be doing some creating there. 

Of course, most of my creating, will be done in the form of writing and producing Christmas cards with my artistic abilities.  Actually, I am almost done with Christmas cards.  I have approximately fifteen or so cards left to create.  It's taking me quite a while but I'm getting there.  After I complete the cards, I have another quick project to complete before Christmas.

So, get "creative" in one way or another.  You'll be surprised at how much creativity you have within you!  Good luck and get started...

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