Sunday, November 18, 2012

One Day Closer!

Hi all,

Well, we're now one day closer to Thanksgiving Day.  I have so many things for which to be thankful, that I'm not sure I could name them all. 

1.  I will start with the fact that I'm still alive; that I wake up every morning is truly a blessing for me.

2.  I am so thankful for my three daughter:  Marlena, Angela and Candice.  I'm also very thankful for my great sons-in-law:  Michael and JD.  And for Kevin who is Angela's partner.

3.  I am so blessed because of my six grandsons:  Jacob (21), Cori (20), Tucker (18), Toby (18) Luke (16) and last but not least, Tanner (15).  I love my six Grandsons so very much and I am so proud of them.

4.  When God brought Gerry, my husband, into my life, He certainly blessed me.  He is a good man, and a very supportive husband.  He helps me a lot, since becoming ill.  Thank you, Lord, for bringing him into my life.

5.  I am thankful that we have a home that's paid off; more than enough food to sustain us; enough money to do a few extra things which we enjoy; decent cars to drive; and a new furnace to keep us warm and cozy.

6.  I am thankful that, even though I was born with a defective heart, I am still living.  My life may be sedentary, but I accept my life and my health just as it is.

7.  I am thankful that God has stayed with me, every minute of every single day for all my sixty-four years of life.

8.  I am so grateful for the blessing of creative abilities.  My writing, paper crafting, drawing and art work are so fulfilling to me.

9.  I am, also, so thankful for my extended family, whom I love very much.  Also, for all the friends I have.  I so appreciate their friendship.

Of course, Thanksgiving Day is only one day out of the year.  Yet, our blessings are given to us every day of our lives.  Even the hardships we face, are given to us to help make us grow and become  stronger individuals.  We may not see that at the time we are going through hard times, but God has a
plan for all of us.  God does work in mysterious ways, sometimes in so small a way that we don't really see it. 

I have to share one of those times.  For the past five or six weeks, I've been looking around the house for a cross to put on my key chain.  I found a few.  One was a good size, but it didn't have the ability for me to hook it onto the chain.  Another one was a bit too small, it had a small fake diamond in the center.  I hooked it on though and have been using it.  I realized the other day, that the stone fell out of the cross.  I started my search all over again, but to no avail.

A few days ago, after the mail came, I opened an envelope from the Marian Fathers, whom I sometimes donate money to help them.  There, attached to a placard, was a beautiful cross with the Divine Mercy picture of Christ on the front.  It was the perfect size for my key chain and there were not stones in it.  I immediately loved it.  All I could say to myself was, "God works in mysterious ways.  Thank you, Lord, for my cross."

I don't consider myself an overly religious person, but my faith is stronger than it's ever been my whole life.  I suppose coming close to dying will do that to a person. 

Well, now I've shared with you some of the things I'm thankful for this Thanksgiving.  How about you?  Please share your 'thanks' with me. 

To comment:  click on "Comment".  write your response and sign it, click on the circle that says anonymous and then fill in the letters in the space, which are in the box above that space, click send or enter, whatever it says and I should get your response.  Thanks.


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