Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Time To Get Busy! How About You?

Hi all,

Wow, November is about over already, just three more days!  Time always seems to go so very fast at this time of year.  It seems that I have so much to do and the time just flies away. 

I just spent four days in Ocean City, MD with one of my daughters and some good friends.  We had a very nice time, but it was very tiring for me.  I sincerely enjoyed myself, but I was glad to arrive home yesterday. 

Today I had to get down to business.  I did some laundry; finished six more hand made Christmas cards; washed up my kitchen floor and laid down some new rugs that I'd purchased recently; and worked on a few other projects for Christmas.  Now to get down to business...

Writing is very important to me, as well as all the other creative things I do.  I want, so much, to get back to working on my novel, but there just doesn't seem to be enough time right now.  I'd also like to write another article on cardiovascular disease.  Even though I am not writing much now, I am still doing some creative work. 

I have about six or eight more hand made Christmas cards to finish yet, then I am done for this Christmas.  I truly love creating my own cards.  It allows me to truly put a part of myself into each cards and that means so much to me. 

I need to start doing some wrapping of gifts pretty soon.  I like to be all finished with the wrapping, shopping, and Christmas cards by around the tenth of December.  Then I have plenty of time to start on the home-made candies: peanut and almond bark, peanut butter fudge and gorp (which is a form of Chex mix.) 

In order to thoroughly enjoy the entire holiday, I like to be all finished everything (except last minute preparations for Christmas Eve supper) so I can just enjoy the week before Christmas, as well as Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. 

Tomorrow I am going to attempt to finish my cards and perhaps start on my boxes.  Maybe, if I have any energy left, I'll attempt a bit of cleaning upstairs.  We'll just see how the day goes!

I hope you all aren't waiting for the last minute to do your Christmas shopping and all the other chores that there are to do before the big holiday.  I'm doing most of my shopping on line these days.  Here are three web sites that I am using:  http://www.amway.com/coriebersole; http://www.athome/marlenaebersole;     http://www.athome/angiealbright   Check them out as they are running some marvelous sales right now. 

Take care and don't over do it.  You don't want to be sick for the holidays.

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