Sunday, May 13, 2018

Sunday's Mercy Minutes...

  • Divine Mercy Daily

    Seek Light and Strength



    When the confessor started talking to me, I did not understand a single word. Then I saw Jesus Crucified and He said to me, It is in My Passion that you must seek light and strength (Diary, 654).

    My Prayer Response:

    After the confession, I meditated on Jesus’ terrible Passion, and I understood that what I was suffering was nothing compared to the Savior’s Passion, and that even the smallest imperfection was the cause of this terrible suffering. Then my soul was filled with very great contrition, and only then I sensed that I was in the sea of the unfathomable mercy of God. Oh, how few words I have to express what I am experiencing! I feel I am like a drop of dew engulfed in the depths of the bottomless ocean of divine mercy (Diary, 654).
    *Diary passages with bolded words are Jesus speaking

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