Thursday, May 23, 2013

Books on Sale, Now!

Hi all,

I just wanted to let everyone know that I've put some of my short stories on sale.  You can go to:, to access which ones they are.  All you have to do is get onto Amazon, then put my name (Susan Lapp Mellott) in the search block and click search.  All of my books should come up so you will be able to decide which ones you'd like to read. 

These can be purchased for any reading device, Pad, or computer.  You don't have to have a Kindle to purchase and read them.  I hope you'll take advantage of this sale.  With the long weekend approaching, you may have some time for yourself to sit and enjoy reading a book.

Here are just a few of the books on sale.  Some are for children and some for adults.  Enjoy!
Thanks in advance for any support you can give me.

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