Friday, May 31, 2013

What are you celebrating?

Hi all,

Today is an exciting day for me.  Two of my Grandsons, Tucker and Toby, will be graduating from York Catholic High School tonight.  I am so sad that I will not be able to attend, but my husband, Gerry, will be there.  I know he'll fill me in on everything that happens. 

I can hardly believe that as of tonight, four of my Grandsons (Jacob, Cori, Toby and Tucker) will all have graduated from high school.  That leaves two left:  Luke, who will be a Junior at YCHS next year and Tanner, who will be a sophomore at West York High School. 

I just don't know where the years have gone.  I still remember the day each of my boys (Grandsons) were born.  I remember so well, sitting on the couch with them, reading them story books.  I also used to do crafts with them.  They loved making something with Grandma.  They were so proud of themselves.  They were so smart and clever, even as toddlers.  I am so proud of the six of them.  I hope they know that! 

Although I must say that I'm not at all surprised that they've turned into wonderful young men.  It all goes back to my Mother and Father (Dorothy and Harry Utterback).  They were great parents to me and my siblings.  They taught us good values, morals and ethics.  They showed us how to take responsibility for everything we did, be it good or bad.  They taught us to tell the truth, even when it hurts; to love with all our heart and soul; to remain faithful to those we love; to always be honest and most of all, to honor God in all we do. 

All those things I taught to my girls (Marlena, Angela and Candice); and they in turn passed on to their boys.  So, as I said, I'm not surprised that my Grandsons are becoming such strong young men.  I'm sure that Mom and Dad are up there in heaven, looking down on all six of my boys, smiling with joy.  I thank both my Mom and Dad for all the things they did for me; for all the things they so lovingly taught me; and for all their constant love and approval. 

Back in 2006, I prayed to God that He would allow me to live long enough to see all six of my Grandsons graduate from high school.  After tonight, I will have two to go.  So, in three more years, all six of them will have graduated from high school.  Of course, I hope to live longer than three more years, but I will be thankful for all the years God gives me. 

I count every day as a blessing.  I was very close to death back in 2006, but God still had plans for me here on this earth.  I am so thankful for this time and I hope there will be many more years to come.  His will be done! 

Toby and Tucker's graduation from York Catholic High School means so much to me because, you see, it's where I graduated from, way back in 1966, forty seven years ago.  All three of my daughters, also are graduates of YCHS.  So, as you can see, this school has a special place in my heart. 

I'm sure some of you are also celebrating graduations this weekend or next.  So, I know you are having some of the same feelings as I am lately.  Whatever you're celebrating, remember to take time to thank God for all your blessings.  I do every day. 

Have a great weekend and stay safe always.

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