Monday, May 27, 2013

It came so fast, and it left so fast!

Hi all,

Of course, I am referring to the Memorial Day Holiday.  It seems like just a few weeks ago, we celebrated New Years Day.   Where does the time go?  I hope you all had a great holiday weekend.  I also hope that you all, in some way, remembered all the military, both alive and who have passed. 

As far as for me, we had a special service, right after our church service, to honor all those who have served, or are still serving in our military.  It was very nice.  One of our friend's grandson played Taps on the bugle (I think it was a bugle, maybe not.).    Whatever he played it on, he did a great job. 

The weather was a bit chilly for me over this weekend, the wind certainly didn't help any.  I stayed inside all day Friday and Saturday.  It warmed up some on Sunday, so I was out for a little while.  Today, the weather was good. 

I watched the weather a short time ago, and now within the next two or three days, it's to be in the nineties.  What is up with this crazy weather, anyways?  We go from one day using the furnace and then the next using the air conditioner.  I call that crazy!

I haven't been doing much in the line of writing, lately.  I suppose that's because I don't know what project I want to do next.  Maybe I'll start another short story.  I just don't feel like I'm quite ready to start another full length novel yet.  I guess I'll give it another day or two and then just plunge right into something. 

What have you been up to lately?  I'm sure all of you have been busy with everyday living, especially if you still have children at home, or are still working.  I remember those days only too well.   There was just never enough time to get everything done.  I feel for you, honest I do.

I feel like there is something that I should be working on, but for the life of me, I just can't figure out what it is.  Perhaps I'm just not used to not having a project going.  I suppose I will figure it out at some point. 

As this Memorial Day weekend comes to an end, I want to say that I hope you all enjoyed yourselves.  To all those men and women who are currently serving in the armed forces, and to those who served in the past,  I want to say Thank You!  And for all the families who have lost a loved one, while they were fighting for freedom for our country, I want to tell you that I am truly sorry for your loss. 

I hope this week brings good things for all of you.  One good thing is that it is a short work week, so that will make a lot of you happy.  Take care and stay safe.

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