- Author/Writer
- My Soothing Poems from the Heart
- White to Black - With Many Shades In Between
- "Train-Trekking" With a Capital "T"
- Five Myths Regarding Women and Heart Disease!
- Heart Disease
- The Kauffman Farm (and other childhood memories)
- Sleepless Nights
- A Mother's Love
- The Secret in The Claw Feet Box
- Prolonged Uncertainties
- Footprints on The Pontiac
- There's a Growl In My Stomach!
- The Rail Rider
- Living and Loving With Divine Mercy
- The Day the Flowers Died
- Crafty-Cruise Wtih A Capital C
- Sassy With A Capital S
- Women & Heart Disease
- Hubert And The Fence
- Returning Home
- "Returning Home"
- Life, Love and Lies
- Generation to Generation: Passing It Onward!
Friday, May 31, 2013
What are you celebrating?
Hi all,
Today is an exciting day for me. Two of my Grandsons, Tucker and Toby, will be graduating from York Catholic High School tonight. I am so sad that I will not be able to attend, but my husband, Gerry, will be there. I know he'll fill me in on everything that happens.
I can hardly believe that as of tonight, four of my Grandsons (Jacob, Cori, Toby and Tucker) will all have graduated from high school. That leaves two left: Luke, who will be a Junior at YCHS next year and Tanner, who will be a sophomore at West York High School.
I just don't know where the years have gone. I still remember the day each of my boys (Grandsons) were born. I remember so well, sitting on the couch with them, reading them story books. I also used to do crafts with them. They loved making something with Grandma. They were so proud of themselves. They were so smart and clever, even as toddlers. I am so proud of the six of them. I hope they know that!
Although I must say that I'm not at all surprised that they've turned into wonderful young men. It all goes back to my Mother and Father (Dorothy and Harry Utterback). They were great parents to me and my siblings. They taught us good values, morals and ethics. They showed us how to take responsibility for everything we did, be it good or bad. They taught us to tell the truth, even when it hurts; to love with all our heart and soul; to remain faithful to those we love; to always be honest and most of all, to honor God in all we do.
All those things I taught to my girls (Marlena, Angela and Candice); and they in turn passed on to their boys. So, as I said, I'm not surprised that my Grandsons are becoming such strong young men. I'm sure that Mom and Dad are up there in heaven, looking down on all six of my boys, smiling with joy. I thank both my Mom and Dad for all the things they did for me; for all the things they so lovingly taught me; and for all their constant love and approval.
Back in 2006, I prayed to God that He would allow me to live long enough to see all six of my Grandsons graduate from high school. After tonight, I will have two to go. So, in three more years, all six of them will have graduated from high school. Of course, I hope to live longer than three more years, but I will be thankful for all the years God gives me.
I count every day as a blessing. I was very close to death back in 2006, but God still had plans for me here on this earth. I am so thankful for this time and I hope there will be many more years to come. His will be done!
Toby and Tucker's graduation from York Catholic High School means so much to me because, you see, it's where I graduated from, way back in 1966, forty seven years ago. All three of my daughters, also are graduates of YCHS. So, as you can see, this school has a special place in my heart.
I'm sure some of you are also celebrating graduations this weekend or next. So, I know you are having some of the same feelings as I am lately. Whatever you're celebrating, remember to take time to thank God for all your blessings. I do every day.
Have a great weekend and stay safe always.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
What's next for you?
Hi all,
Well, today is May 29th. Just two more days until June 1st. Can you believe it? Where has this year gone? During the last few weeks, I've been doing some serious thinking about what my next writing project should be. I've finally decided that it is now time to start doing some research for my next adult fiction novel.
This novel will be number three in the escapades of those wonderful eight ladies and their husbands. It's been suggested to me that in this book the husbands accompany their wives on their yearly get-a-way. So, that's exactly what will happen in this novel.
I've put some feelers out to my seven lady friends, asking for some input as to where they'd like to see them go. Since each of my friends and their husbands, plus myself and my husband, are represented by a character in the book, I'd thought I'd let them give me some ideas. Of course, I will remind you, that the novels are completely fiction, but it's kind of fun reading about the things your character does, the places they go, and all the trouble they can get into. Even the husbands seem to like reading the books. I suppose they also enjoy reading about their alter-egos. At least I hope they do.
In case you haven't been following the books in my series, the first one was "Sassy" With A Capital "S" and the second was "Crafty-Cruise" With a Capital "C". The third one will be ... well, I haven't figured that out as of yet.
You can check them out on their individual blog pages or you can go to and put my full name into the search space (Susan Lapp Mellott). Then hit search. All thirteen of
my books will come up for your perusal.
I am anxious to get started on this new novel. It probably won't be available until early next year. It will take a bit of time to do all the research for it.
I'd like to thank all of you who have supported me in my writing endeavors. It means so much to me to have your support and encouragement. I will never be able to thank you enough. I've lost the ability to do so much because of my illness. So, if I couldn't write, I just don't know what I'd do.
My husband, Gerry, is my biggest supporter and I love him for that. He's always trying to sell my books to people he knows. He's a wonderful husband and I thank him for all he does for me now.
Today's hump day, so for all you folks out there who are working a Monday to Friday job, you're soon on the downward slide of the week. Of course, it helped that this week was a short work week to start with.
Don't forget to make time for yourself every day. Even if it's only thirty minutes. We all need that!
Have a great day!
Well, today is May 29th. Just two more days until June 1st. Can you believe it? Where has this year gone? During the last few weeks, I've been doing some serious thinking about what my next writing project should be. I've finally decided that it is now time to start doing some research for my next adult fiction novel.
This novel will be number three in the escapades of those wonderful eight ladies and their husbands. It's been suggested to me that in this book the husbands accompany their wives on their yearly get-a-way. So, that's exactly what will happen in this novel.
I've put some feelers out to my seven lady friends, asking for some input as to where they'd like to see them go. Since each of my friends and their husbands, plus myself and my husband, are represented by a character in the book, I'd thought I'd let them give me some ideas. Of course, I will remind you, that the novels are completely fiction, but it's kind of fun reading about the things your character does, the places they go, and all the trouble they can get into. Even the husbands seem to like reading the books. I suppose they also enjoy reading about their alter-egos. At least I hope they do.
In case you haven't been following the books in my series, the first one was "Sassy" With A Capital "S" and the second was "Crafty-Cruise" With a Capital "C". The third one will be ... well, I haven't figured that out as of yet.
You can check them out on their individual blog pages or you can go to and put my full name into the search space (Susan Lapp Mellott). Then hit search. All thirteen of
my books will come up for your perusal.
I am anxious to get started on this new novel. It probably won't be available until early next year. It will take a bit of time to do all the research for it.
I'd like to thank all of you who have supported me in my writing endeavors. It means so much to me to have your support and encouragement. I will never be able to thank you enough. I've lost the ability to do so much because of my illness. So, if I couldn't write, I just don't know what I'd do.
My husband, Gerry, is my biggest supporter and I love him for that. He's always trying to sell my books to people he knows. He's a wonderful husband and I thank him for all he does for me now.
Today's hump day, so for all you folks out there who are working a Monday to Friday job, you're soon on the downward slide of the week. Of course, it helped that this week was a short work week to start with.
Don't forget to make time for yourself every day. Even if it's only thirty minutes. We all need that!

Monday, May 27, 2013
It came so fast, and it left so fast!
Hi all,
Of course, I am referring to the Memorial Day Holiday. It seems like just a few weeks ago, we celebrated New Years Day. Where does the time go? I hope you all had a great holiday weekend. I also hope that you all, in some way, remembered all the military, both alive and who have passed.
As far as for me, we had a special service, right after our church service, to honor all those who have served, or are still serving in our military. It was very nice. One of our friend's grandson played Taps on the bugle (I think it was a bugle, maybe not.). Whatever he played it on, he did a great job.
The weather was a bit chilly for me over this weekend, the wind certainly didn't help any. I stayed inside all day Friday and Saturday. It warmed up some on Sunday, so I was out for a little while. Today, the weather was good.
I watched the weather a short time ago, and now within the next two or three days, it's to be in the nineties. What is up with this crazy weather, anyways? We go from one day using the furnace and then the next using the air conditioner. I call that crazy!
I haven't been doing much in the line of writing, lately. I suppose that's because I don't know what project I want to do next. Maybe I'll start another short story. I just don't feel like I'm quite ready to start another full length novel yet. I guess I'll give it another day or two and then just plunge right into something.
What have you been up to lately? I'm sure all of you have been busy with everyday living, especially if you still have children at home, or are still working. I remember those days only too well. There was just never enough time to get everything done. I feel for you, honest I do.
I feel like there is something that I should be working on, but for the life of me, I just can't figure out what it is. Perhaps I'm just not used to not having a project going. I suppose I will figure it out at some point.
As this Memorial Day weekend comes to an end, I want to say that I hope you all enjoyed yourselves. To all those men and women who are currently serving in the armed forces, and to those who served in the past, I want to say Thank You! And for all the families who have lost a loved one, while they were fighting for freedom for our country, I want to tell you that I am truly sorry for your loss.
I hope this week brings good things for all of you. One good thing is that it is a short work week, so that will make a lot of you happy. Take care and stay safe.
Saturday, May 25, 2013
I believe, I trust, I love! Do you?
Hi all,
I hope you're all having a good Memorial Day weekend. It's a bit chilly and windy outside for me, so I've been hanging indoors. It has warmed up a bit since this morning, but not enough for me to want to be outside. It just seems like the cold goes straight through to my bones. I suppose that's because they keep my blood pressure very low. I do hope you have been doing something that makes you happy and gets you outside for a while. I understand the weather is to get a little warmer, without all the wind, tomorrow and Monday.
What do you do when someone you love is hurting and there's nothing you can do to help them, except to be there as moral support? The answer, obviously, is that there's really not much you can do. This I do know: I believe and trust in God to help them to get through these hard times. I also know that God's love is with them every minute of the day. More than that, there's not much we can do to help those we love, who are suffering emotionally or physically. But, that doesn't mean we don't feel their pain deep inside of us. I surely do and it hurts me greatly.
We are all children of God. It you trust in Him and love Him unconditionally, He will always be right there by your side. I know this to be true, because God's always been right here, helping me through all the bad times of my life, as well as, rejoicing with me during the joyous times.
If you are in a bad way, emotionally or physically, please reach out to God. He will not disappoint you. This I promise you. You need to turn over all your problems to Him and then trust that whatever happens is the will of God. It may not be the answer you want, but He does know what's better for us than we do. Believe! Trust! Love!
I suppose I'm being a little melancholy today. Someone I love is hurting and I wish I could make the pain go away, but I can't. I'm sure you've all been in this situation during your life time. It's the feeling of being helpless and I don't handle those feelings very well. But, I have turned this situation over to God. Now, to just stop trying to take it back.
This is the time of the year when we need to be thinking about all our military men and women out there, who are currently fighting for our freedom. Also, for all those who fought and served in any of our military branches over the past generations. So many died trying to fight for our country's freedom. We honor them as we celebrate Memorial Day on Monday. Please take a few minutes during this long weekend to remember all of them. Say a prayer for all those who are currently serving and for all the families of those who have died during military service.
If you have time, please check out the novels I've put on sale on Amazon. You can access them by going to Then fill my name in the search block (Susan Lapp Mellott) and all my books will come up. There are both books for children and adults.
I wish everyone a good and safe holiday weekend. Please have fun and stay safe.
I hope you're all having a good Memorial Day weekend. It's a bit chilly and windy outside for me, so I've been hanging indoors. It has warmed up a bit since this morning, but not enough for me to want to be outside. It just seems like the cold goes straight through to my bones. I suppose that's because they keep my blood pressure very low. I do hope you have been doing something that makes you happy and gets you outside for a while. I understand the weather is to get a little warmer, without all the wind, tomorrow and Monday.
What do you do when someone you love is hurting and there's nothing you can do to help them, except to be there as moral support? The answer, obviously, is that there's really not much you can do. This I do know: I believe and trust in God to help them to get through these hard times. I also know that God's love is with them every minute of the day. More than that, there's not much we can do to help those we love, who are suffering emotionally or physically. But, that doesn't mean we don't feel their pain deep inside of us. I surely do and it hurts me greatly.
We are all children of God. It you trust in Him and love Him unconditionally, He will always be right there by your side. I know this to be true, because God's always been right here, helping me through all the bad times of my life, as well as, rejoicing with me during the joyous times.
If you are in a bad way, emotionally or physically, please reach out to God. He will not disappoint you. This I promise you. You need to turn over all your problems to Him and then trust that whatever happens is the will of God. It may not be the answer you want, but He does know what's better for us than we do. Believe! Trust! Love!
I suppose I'm being a little melancholy today. Someone I love is hurting and I wish I could make the pain go away, but I can't. I'm sure you've all been in this situation during your life time. It's the feeling of being helpless and I don't handle those feelings very well. But, I have turned this situation over to God. Now, to just stop trying to take it back.
This is the time of the year when we need to be thinking about all our military men and women out there, who are currently fighting for our freedom. Also, for all those who fought and served in any of our military branches over the past generations. So many died trying to fight for our country's freedom. We honor them as we celebrate Memorial Day on Monday. Please take a few minutes during this long weekend to remember all of them. Say a prayer for all those who are currently serving and for all the families of those who have died during military service.
If you have time, please check out the novels I've put on sale on Amazon. You can access them by going to Then fill my name in the search block (Susan Lapp Mellott) and all my books will come up. There are both books for children and adults.
I wish everyone a good and safe holiday weekend. Please have fun and stay safe.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Books on Sale, Now!
Hi all,
I just wanted to let everyone know that I've put some of my short stories on sale. You can go to:, to access which ones they are. All you have to do is get onto Amazon, then put my name (Susan Lapp Mellott) in the search block and click search. All of my books should come up so you will be able to decide which ones you'd like to read.
These can be purchased for any reading device, Pad, or computer. You don't have to have a Kindle to purchase and read them. I hope you'll take advantage of this sale. With the long weekend approaching, you may have some time for yourself to sit and enjoy reading a book.
Here are just a few of the books on sale. Some are for children and some for adults. Enjoy!
Thanks in advance for any support you can give me.
I just wanted to let everyone know that I've put some of my short stories on sale. You can go to:, to access which ones they are. All you have to do is get onto Amazon, then put my name (Susan Lapp Mellott) in the search block and click search. All of my books should come up so you will be able to decide which ones you'd like to read.
These can be purchased for any reading device, Pad, or computer. You don't have to have a Kindle to purchase and read them. I hope you'll take advantage of this sale. With the long weekend approaching, you may have some time for yourself to sit and enjoy reading a book.
Here are just a few of the books on sale. Some are for children and some for adults. Enjoy!
Thanks in advance for any support you can give me.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
What do I do with the rest of my life?
Hi all,
I suppose for many of you, the above question does not apply. Your life is probably so full already, you certainly don't need another responsibility in it. But, that doesn't hold true for many older folks. Old age has been always labeled as "The Golden Years", but for many of us, there's nothing golden about them.
I'm not speaking about myself, as I have found my niche in life and that would be writing, creating handmade greeting cards and a few other things. But, this isn't true for all older people. What does one do when they can no longer do the things they used to do. The things that made them happy and gave them self-esteem. Usually this occurs when an older person becomes sickly from one medical condition or from a series of illnesses. This illness prevents them from doing the routine things they used to do. It lets them feeling bored and they often fall into a depression.
I believe you have to pick yourself up, over and over again, and keep on plugging away at living. First of all, I found that one needs to embrace their illnesses and accept that their life has changed. Once you've accepted this, you are able to find something to do with your time, which will enrich your life.
In my opinion, the worst thing you can do is to keep on pushing yourself to do something, which you know darn well, you can't do anymore. Most times when you do this, it ends with you making yourself more ill than you were before you chose to do it. I have done that a time or two, in the past, but stopped a few years ago. I am living each day of my life for me, first, and then for my husband and family. After all, if I am too ill to do anything for myself, then what good am I to any of them?
I suppose what I'm saying is this: each of us knows our limits. So, stop pushing yourself to do something which will, surely, compound your health. I will say to every person out there who suffers from any type of chronic illness, that you need to accept and embrace that illness. Stop pushing yourself to do things which you know will do you more harm than good, just because you want things to be the way they were. In all probability they will never be that way again. Just accept it and move on. Stop feeling sorry for yourself because you're life has changed due to health reasons.
You don't have to like it, but fighting it only makes it worse. Why? Because each time you push to make your life the way it was, it fails and sets you back further. Move on to something else, but what? I'm sure you're asking that question right now. I believe that when you embrace your limitations and accept them, your life will change. You will find something that you are able to do. Something to make you feel good about yourself. It doesn't have to be something that you are doing for someone else. Just do it for yourself, you do deserve it!
If the truth be told, you've probably done for others all your life. These are your golden years, make this time about you for a change! I believe that there is not one person out there who can't find something to do with themselves, if they really open themselves up to God's soft nudging.
I personally thank God every day for what He's put in my life. Growing old is not always easy, but if we try very hard, we can find something to make our lives worthwhile. Old age is the time for each person to start taking care of themselves and to put themselves first, most of the time. If you don't do it now, you never will. Your time on this earth will not last forever.
I am sorry if this sounds like a lecture, because it certainly was not meant that way. Life is so precious and we never know what day will be our last on this earth. God bless you and stay safe.
Monday, May 20, 2013
It's the first day of the rest of my life!
Hi all,
Always remember that each new day is the first day of the rest of your life. A life that may be short or may be very long. We just never know when our lives will be over. Every human likes to think that they'll go from toddlers, to teens, to young adults, to middle aged adults and then on into old age. That's the way we'd like our lives to go. Unfortunately, it doesn't always work out the way we want. In fact, life very seldom ever ends up the way we plan it to go.
There's a lot we can do to make our lives work out well. We can trust in God and work hard every day to succeed at whatever we choose to do. We can grow up and accept the consequences of all our bad choices, as well as the good ones we make. We can love with all our heart and soul. We can be truthful and honest and try our best to be good and faithful spouses, parents and friends.
I'd like to believe that most of us choose to try our best to accomplish all the things I mentioned above. Sometimes, as hard as we try, things just don't work out the way we'd like. Don't let this get you down. Stay strong and keep doing what you know is right.
Many times in life, God sets us on a path, without us even knowing it. I've had many experiences during my lifetime which were extremely painful and hurtful for me. But, I choose not to dwell on those times. I prefer to remember the good times, the learning times, the loving times, and the growing times in my life.
Because of my chronic illness, my lifestyle has changed drastically. Don't misunderstand me, I am not complaining in any way. I am so thankful that God had plans for me yet, on this earth. That, of course, is why I write. It's the only way I can give back.
If even one person reads something I've written and smiles, learns somethings, or is helped in any way, then I've succeeded in my endeavor. How about you? What are you hoping to accomplish with your life?
Note: If anyone is interested in a hard copy of my novel, "Crafty-Cruise" With A Capital "C", I have fifteen copies left. Please let me know, as they will go quickly. The cost is $11.00, plus shipping.
I hope this first day of the rest of your life is a great one. This photo is a picture of the flowers my husband gave me almost two weeks ago. I can't believe how beautiful they still are.
Saturday, May 18, 2013
I just can't figure it out!
Hi all,
How's your weekend going? Mine is going okay. Nothing special going on with me. I've been doing some writing today. I've been revamping some of my short stories by making them a bit longer or adding two together. I'm just not ready to start on another sequel adult novel yet. Maybe sometime over the summer or early fall. We'll see how things go with me.
What have you been up to? The weather here today wasn't really very nice. It was a bit chilly outside. I didn't stay outside for very long. Maybe it's just me, since my blood pressure is kept so low. I don't know, but I thought it was chilly and damp.
My title statement has to do with the weather. I truly can't figure out what's going on with it. One day it's nice and fairly warm and the next, it's cold and chilly. We're on the short side of May, but it doesn't seem like it. We've had eighty degrees one day and sixty degrees the next. I'm sorry, but that just isn't normal. Also, it's been so rainy and damp, that I just can't seem to kick this allergy problem or whatever it is. I just have so much drainage all the time. At least my sore throat finally went away. Oh, well, there's no use complaining, because there's nothing any of us can do about the weather. We just have to take whatever comes our way.
Have you gotten to spend any of the weekend doing something for yourself? I hope you have and if not, please try to make time tomorrow to do so. It's important to your health.
I'm not doing anything special this weekend. Just the same old thing. I did spend some time today with a lady that I didn't know very well. She's very nice. I think we may be friends, at least I hope so. It looks like I'll be spending the evening alone, but that's okay. I really don't mind. I do cherish my alone time. I wouldn't like it if it was an all the time thing, but once and awhile is okay with me.
Nothing really going on in my life, except writing, laundry and preparing meals. What an exciting life I lead now. Oh, I'm really not complaining, just making an observation about my life. I'll take whatever God has in store for me. How about you? Do you need to improve your lifestyle, or do you need to slow things up a bit. Either way, just do it. You only live one lifetime and those years go by so swiftly. Take it from me, I know first hand how quickly they pass.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend. Take a few minutes tomorrow to give thanks to God for all He's done for you and for all He's given you.
How's your weekend going? Mine is going okay. Nothing special going on with me. I've been doing some writing today. I've been revamping some of my short stories by making them a bit longer or adding two together. I'm just not ready to start on another sequel adult novel yet. Maybe sometime over the summer or early fall. We'll see how things go with me.
What have you been up to? The weather here today wasn't really very nice. It was a bit chilly outside. I didn't stay outside for very long. Maybe it's just me, since my blood pressure is kept so low. I don't know, but I thought it was chilly and damp.
My title statement has to do with the weather. I truly can't figure out what's going on with it. One day it's nice and fairly warm and the next, it's cold and chilly. We're on the short side of May, but it doesn't seem like it. We've had eighty degrees one day and sixty degrees the next. I'm sorry, but that just isn't normal. Also, it's been so rainy and damp, that I just can't seem to kick this allergy problem or whatever it is. I just have so much drainage all the time. At least my sore throat finally went away. Oh, well, there's no use complaining, because there's nothing any of us can do about the weather. We just have to take whatever comes our way.
Have you gotten to spend any of the weekend doing something for yourself? I hope you have and if not, please try to make time tomorrow to do so. It's important to your health.
I'm not doing anything special this weekend. Just the same old thing. I did spend some time today with a lady that I didn't know very well. She's very nice. I think we may be friends, at least I hope so. It looks like I'll be spending the evening alone, but that's okay. I really don't mind. I do cherish my alone time. I wouldn't like it if it was an all the time thing, but once and awhile is okay with me.
Nothing really going on in my life, except writing, laundry and preparing meals. What an exciting life I lead now. Oh, I'm really not complaining, just making an observation about my life. I'll take whatever God has in store for me. How about you? Do you need to improve your lifestyle, or do you need to slow things up a bit. Either way, just do it. You only live one lifetime and those years go by so swiftly. Take it from me, I know first hand how quickly they pass.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend. Take a few minutes tomorrow to give thanks to God for all He's done for you and for all He's given you.
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Can you believe it?
Hi all,
Another one just about bites the dust... We're on the downward slope of the week now. Tomorrow is Friday and, once again, the weekend will be upon us. It still amazes me how fast the week passes by, even without me doing much of anything. I do hope you week has been a good one. I'm sure there are many of you out there, who will be glad to see the week end, for a variety of reasons.
The thing is, that for many of you, the weekend is filled with running around, doing laundry, grocery shopping and social activities. If that sounds like your life, then I hope, for your sake, that you will try to slip in some time for yourself to just relax. Find a nice quiet spot, kick off your shoes, lay your head back, close your eyes and just relax! Even if it's only for a half hour. That's better than nothing. Believe me, I remember those days very well. I raised three daughters, who were all busy with sports, dancing, friends and many other things. Maybe that's why, I now love it when I can just sit quietly, with my eyes closed and let me mind must wander. I enjoy those times, at least for awhile. The peace and tranquillity feel so great to me.
Well, I'm still writing. I just rewrote another of my short stories and put it up on Amazon. It's titled: Sleepless Nights. I wrote it some time ago. So, I just made it longer and cleaned it up a bit. Then all I had to do was create the cover. You can check it, plus eleven other of my books, by going to: Enter my name (Susan Lapp Mellott) in the search space and click on the word search. All twelve of my comes should come up.
I'd like to take the time to plug my three daughters web sites. Two of them are sales consultants for At Home, which is a web site that sells beautiful home wares of all sorts. The other daughter is a sales consultant for Tastefully Simply. If you haven't heard of that before, it's a gourmet food business. Below is the links to all three of their sites, plus my grandson's site. I love the laundry and cleaning products he sells.
Well, that's about all for today. Just try to get through tomorrow and then you'll have the weekend upon you! God bless...
Another one just about bites the dust... We're on the downward slope of the week now. Tomorrow is Friday and, once again, the weekend will be upon us. It still amazes me how fast the week passes by, even without me doing much of anything. I do hope you week has been a good one. I'm sure there are many of you out there, who will be glad to see the week end, for a variety of reasons.
The thing is, that for many of you, the weekend is filled with running around, doing laundry, grocery shopping and social activities. If that sounds like your life, then I hope, for your sake, that you will try to slip in some time for yourself to just relax. Find a nice quiet spot, kick off your shoes, lay your head back, close your eyes and just relax! Even if it's only for a half hour. That's better than nothing. Believe me, I remember those days very well. I raised three daughters, who were all busy with sports, dancing, friends and many other things. Maybe that's why, I now love it when I can just sit quietly, with my eyes closed and let me mind must wander. I enjoy those times, at least for awhile. The peace and tranquillity feel so great to me.
Well, I'm still writing. I just rewrote another of my short stories and put it up on Amazon. It's titled: Sleepless Nights. I wrote it some time ago. So, I just made it longer and cleaned it up a bit. Then all I had to do was create the cover. You can check it, plus eleven other of my books, by going to: Enter my name (Susan Lapp Mellott) in the search space and click on the word search. All twelve of my comes should come up.
I'd like to take the time to plug my three daughters web sites. Two of them are sales consultants for At Home, which is a web site that sells beautiful home wares of all sorts. The other daughter is a sales consultant for Tastefully Simply. If you haven't heard of that before, it's a gourmet food business. Below is the links to all three of their sites, plus my grandson's site. I love the laundry and cleaning products he sells.
Well, that's about all for today. Just try to get through tomorrow and then you'll have the weekend upon you! God bless...
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Sleepless Nights
I just uploaded my newest short story, fiction book at It's the story of Molly, who lost her husband of many years, four years ago to cancer. These days, or shall I say, nights, she lay awake in the very early hours of the morning, unable to fall back to sleep. What does she do? What does she think about? What memories help her to get through those long lonely hours? Go to amazon, enter my name 'Susan Lapp Mellott' into the search bar and purchase the book, to get all the answers.
The book will be available first thing tomorrow (Thursday) morning, or if you are one who has sleepless nights, it will be available around 2:00 am. Let me know what you think of it.
Monday, May 13, 2013
What's next?
Hi all,
Is this May or February???? I heard on WGAL weather, that it's to get down in the low thirties or high twenties tonight. What's up with that? I know I've said it before, but I'll say it again: The weather is the one commodity that we humans have absolutely no control over! So, that means, that we have to take whatever comes as far as the weather.
Well, Monday is fastly coming to an end and 2013's Mother's Day is over for another year. I hope all you Moms, Grandmas and any woman who's responsible to a child, had a great Mother's Day. I didn't get to see my daughters on Mother's Day, because my husband and I weren't home until supper time, but my youngest came in this morning with an edible arrangement for me. In case you don't know what that is, it's an arrangement of fresh fruit on skewers. It was beautiful and I had some of the fruit for dessert tonight. It was yummy.
The truth is that my three daughters tell me many times throughout the year that the love me. I'm very secure in my relationship with my girls. I can't tell you how proud I am of the three of them. The are wonderful Mothers. When I see them in their Mother roles, I know that I've passed onto them all the values, morals, honesty and love that my dear Mother taught me. My six Grandsons are very lucky to have them for Mothers.
I suppose for many of you it was back to work this morning. Even though I don't work outside the home anymore, (actually, I don't work much in the home either) I am a creature of habit. So, that being said, Monday is laundry day for me. So, now you know what I did today.
How was your day? I remember very well, that Monday's were very busy days at work. The good thing about that was that it helped the day to pass very quickly. For that I was always grateful and I'm sure you are, also. If you work a full time job, I hope it's doing something that you enjoy doing. There's nothing worse than having to go to work every day to a job that you hate. If that's the case with you, perhaps you should start trying to find a new job in a field you may enjoy. Of course, I do know that it's not easy finding jobs today, but just keep checking out the want ads, and have faith that one day you will find a job you enjoy doing.
As for me, I hope to get back onto my writing tomorrow. At least, I'm going to make the effort to do some writing. I hope you enjoy the rest of Monday and that tomorrow is a great day for each and every one of you. God bless and keep each of you safe.
My husband brought home these flowers for me last week. Aren't they beautiful!
Is this May or February???? I heard on WGAL weather, that it's to get down in the low thirties or high twenties tonight. What's up with that? I know I've said it before, but I'll say it again: The weather is the one commodity that we humans have absolutely no control over! So, that means, that we have to take whatever comes as far as the weather.
Well, Monday is fastly coming to an end and 2013's Mother's Day is over for another year. I hope all you Moms, Grandmas and any woman who's responsible to a child, had a great Mother's Day. I didn't get to see my daughters on Mother's Day, because my husband and I weren't home until supper time, but my youngest came in this morning with an edible arrangement for me. In case you don't know what that is, it's an arrangement of fresh fruit on skewers. It was beautiful and I had some of the fruit for dessert tonight. It was yummy.
The truth is that my three daughters tell me many times throughout the year that the love me. I'm very secure in my relationship with my girls. I can't tell you how proud I am of the three of them. The are wonderful Mothers. When I see them in their Mother roles, I know that I've passed onto them all the values, morals, honesty and love that my dear Mother taught me. My six Grandsons are very lucky to have them for Mothers.
I suppose for many of you it was back to work this morning. Even though I don't work outside the home anymore, (actually, I don't work much in the home either) I am a creature of habit. So, that being said, Monday is laundry day for me. So, now you know what I did today.
How was your day? I remember very well, that Monday's were very busy days at work. The good thing about that was that it helped the day to pass very quickly. For that I was always grateful and I'm sure you are, also. If you work a full time job, I hope it's doing something that you enjoy doing. There's nothing worse than having to go to work every day to a job that you hate. If that's the case with you, perhaps you should start trying to find a new job in a field you may enjoy. Of course, I do know that it's not easy finding jobs today, but just keep checking out the want ads, and have faith that one day you will find a job you enjoy doing.
As for me, I hope to get back onto my writing tomorrow. At least, I'm going to make the effort to do some writing. I hope you enjoy the rest of Monday and that tomorrow is a great day for each and every one of you. God bless and keep each of you safe.
My husband brought home these flowers for me last week. Aren't they beautiful!
Saturday, May 11, 2013
How was your day?
Hi all,
Well, that's the big question for today. How was your day? I hope it had some fun, some enjoyment, some rest and some love in it. Mine certainly did. It started out with a Mother's Day breakfast, in honor of, of course, us Mothers. This was the fun part. Next came the rain so we watched television, that was the enjoyment part. Then came lunch with a bit of sun, then came more rain, and that was the rest part. The love part came practically all day, because I got to spend most of the day with my husband. Now I'm tired and he's going to play bingo and cards with some friends. All in all, I'd say it was a good day. It could have been worse, we could have argued all day!
I'm sure some of you are thinking, wow, it doesn't take much to make it a good day for her. You'd be right, it doesn't take much to make me happy. I've learned, over the years, to make the most of the simple things in life. I used to worry about just about everything, but not anymore. I have enough really serious things to worry about, so I certainly try to let go of the little things. They just aren't important to me anymore. My husband doesn't understand that about me. He still cares about every little thing.
I do hope that your day was as fulfilled for you and mine was for me. If you've been running around all day, between errands and kids, I do hope that you'll find some time this evening for yourself, or at least for you and your partner together.
I have to tell you that time goes too fast not to make the most of every minute. That doesn't mean that you need to run around like a chicken with it's head cut off, every minute of every day. Some of the most enjoyable times for me, is when I am totally alone, with no distractions at all. No noisy television or radio playing, just me and my thoughts. I know what I want to do with the rest of my life, how about you?
I've spent so much time with just God and me. I stopped asking and talking and just listened. He showed me what He wanted me to do with whatever time I have left on this earth. So, that's what I'm trying to do. Obviously, one of those things is writing this blog. My purpose is two-fold. First, it is to share the blessings that God's given me with all of you. Second, is to promote myself and my writing. I feel this is what God wants for me to do with my life.
I have no desire to be a famous writer or to make a lot of money. We have enough money to live a good lifestyle, we have plenty to eat and a good roof over our heads. There really is nothing else I need.
Just a few words about tomorrow. As you all know, tomorrow is Mother's Day. As for me, my beloved Mother died almost seventeen years ago. I love and miss her very much. She's in my thoughts so much of the time. She taught me so much: honesty, faithfulness, love, loyalty, to be humble, good values and ethics, and to love God with all my heart and soul. So, Happy Mother's Day, Mom! I love you!
To all you, Mother's, out there, may I wish each and every one of you a happy Mother's Day. It is your day! Enjoy it to it's fullness. If your Mother is still living, tell her how very much you love and respect her. Tomorrow just may be late!
Thursday, May 9, 2013
What's on Your Mind?
Hi all,
Well, tomorrow is Friday and another work week will be behind us. What's on your plate for the weekend? I hope it's something fun.
I've been thinking of all the high school graduations that are fast approaching. I have two grandsons who are graduation from York Catholic High School on the 31st. of this month. It's funny, I can remember when they were first born and it seems just like yesterday. It's hard for me to believe that soon four of my grandsons will be out of high school. That leaves only two to go. Of the two left, one will be a Junior next year and the other will be a Sophomore. Man oh man, where did the years go. Then I have two older ones who are already out of high school. The oldest Grandson will be twenty-two this June and the next to the oldest, will be twenty-one. All those years have just flown by so quickly. I have pictures of the six of them together, when they ranged from about four years old to ten years.
I'm sure they'd say that the past years have gone slowly, but just wait until they get older. It will be then, that they realize just how fast life passes. When you're young, you think your grandparents and parents will live forever. Then, all of a sudden, your grandparents are gone. More time flies by and then both of your parents are deceased, also. It's at this time, that you really look back over your life and wonder where all the years went. It's funny, how we really don't appreciate so much until we get old. Then it all makes perfect sense to us.
I'm not worried about getting older, as I have put my life into God's hands. He will be there for me no matter what direction my life takes. He always has been right by my side. I'll be sixty five in a little over a month and a half. I'm so lucky to still be alive. I have no idea what God's plan is for me in the future, or how many years I'll still be on this earth. I don't believe He's done with me yet. That's why I beat death back in 2006. I'll continue to do my best to do His will for as long a period of time He permits me.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and as always, I hope you find some time just for yourself. You need it and the benefits will go toward making your family happy. Have some fun!
Well, tomorrow is Friday and another work week will be behind us. What's on your plate for the weekend? I hope it's something fun.
I've been thinking of all the high school graduations that are fast approaching. I have two grandsons who are graduation from York Catholic High School on the 31st. of this month. It's funny, I can remember when they were first born and it seems just like yesterday. It's hard for me to believe that soon four of my grandsons will be out of high school. That leaves only two to go. Of the two left, one will be a Junior next year and the other will be a Sophomore. Man oh man, where did the years go. Then I have two older ones who are already out of high school. The oldest Grandson will be twenty-two this June and the next to the oldest, will be twenty-one. All those years have just flown by so quickly. I have pictures of the six of them together, when they ranged from about four years old to ten years.
I'm sure they'd say that the past years have gone slowly, but just wait until they get older. It will be then, that they realize just how fast life passes. When you're young, you think your grandparents and parents will live forever. Then, all of a sudden, your grandparents are gone. More time flies by and then both of your parents are deceased, also. It's at this time, that you really look back over your life and wonder where all the years went. It's funny, how we really don't appreciate so much until we get old. Then it all makes perfect sense to us.
I'm not worried about getting older, as I have put my life into God's hands. He will be there for me no matter what direction my life takes. He always has been right by my side. I'll be sixty five in a little over a month and a half. I'm so lucky to still be alive. I have no idea what God's plan is for me in the future, or how many years I'll still be on this earth. I don't believe He's done with me yet. That's why I beat death back in 2006. I'll continue to do my best to do His will for as long a period of time He permits me.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and as always, I hope you find some time just for yourself. You need it and the benefits will go toward making your family happy. Have some fun!
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Same old, same old!
Hi all,
I hope you all are doing well today. I'm finally getting back into my normal routine after being away for four days last week. I spent Thursday through Sunday in Ocean City with some of my lady friends. We had a good time, despite the weather being very cold and windy. I would have enjoyed it much more, if I could have sat on a bench out on the boardwalk for awhile. No such luck this trip.
I'm sure I will have plenty of nice weather to sit out on the terrace or on the boards in September when my husband and I are in Ocean City.
I, once again, took some marvelous pictures of the sky while there. I don't know what has gotten into me, but I seemed to be obsessed with taking pictures of the sky out over the ocean while in OC. I also took some good ones on the drive home. I don't know why we never take the time to stop and look up at the sky on a day to day basis. Any ideas? I guess we just make ourselves too busy.
Anyways, since returning home, I've gotten back to my writing. I'm working on rewriting some of my short stories for both children and adults. I thought I'd redo them, making them a bit longer. Most of them were stories I wrote while taking one of my writing classes.
I can't explain it, but writing has, kind of, taken over my life. I especially enjoy writing non-fiction stories. It makes me feel good to write from my heart. Either way, fiction or nonfiction, I just love to write.
I think writing relaxes me. How about you? What do you do to relax? Whatever it is, I hope it's something fun. Perhaps you cook, or walk, or create something, or dance, or read, or take a hot bath. I, for one, love my hot tub bath every evening. It relaxes me so much and when it's cold, it warms me up. How much more could I ask for? Let me know what you do to relax.
I realize that if you are raising children, your time is not your own very often. I know how hard it is to just get fifteen minutes to yourself. But, you need to try to make this time for you!
For most of you, the fact that tomorrow is 'hump' day will make you smile. I hope, for all your sakes, that the coming weekend brings nice weather. Maybe you will be able to find time to just sit outside and feel the warmth of God's sun on you.
I hope your work week goes well for those of you working. For those who are retired, I hope you do something special for yourself this week. Find you creative side and create something. It will make you feel good about yourself.
Have a great week!
I hope you all are doing well today. I'm finally getting back into my normal routine after being away for four days last week. I spent Thursday through Sunday in Ocean City with some of my lady friends. We had a good time, despite the weather being very cold and windy. I would have enjoyed it much more, if I could have sat on a bench out on the boardwalk for awhile. No such luck this trip.
I'm sure I will have plenty of nice weather to sit out on the terrace or on the boards in September when my husband and I are in Ocean City.
I, once again, took some marvelous pictures of the sky while there. I don't know what has gotten into me, but I seemed to be obsessed with taking pictures of the sky out over the ocean while in OC. I also took some good ones on the drive home. I don't know why we never take the time to stop and look up at the sky on a day to day basis. Any ideas? I guess we just make ourselves too busy.
Anyways, since returning home, I've gotten back to my writing. I'm working on rewriting some of my short stories for both children and adults. I thought I'd redo them, making them a bit longer. Most of them were stories I wrote while taking one of my writing classes.
I can't explain it, but writing has, kind of, taken over my life. I especially enjoy writing non-fiction stories. It makes me feel good to write from my heart. Either way, fiction or nonfiction, I just love to write.
I think writing relaxes me. How about you? What do you do to relax? Whatever it is, I hope it's something fun. Perhaps you cook, or walk, or create something, or dance, or read, or take a hot bath. I, for one, love my hot tub bath every evening. It relaxes me so much and when it's cold, it warms me up. How much more could I ask for? Let me know what you do to relax.
I realize that if you are raising children, your time is not your own very often. I know how hard it is to just get fifteen minutes to yourself. But, you need to try to make this time for you!
For most of you, the fact that tomorrow is 'hump' day will make you smile. I hope, for all your sakes, that the coming weekend brings nice weather. Maybe you will be able to find time to just sit outside and feel the warmth of God's sun on you.
I hope your work week goes well for those of you working. For those who are retired, I hope you do something special for yourself this week. Find you creative side and create something. It will make you feel good about yourself.
Have a great week!
Sunday, May 5, 2013
What day did you say it was?
Hi all,
I have to keep reminding myself that today is Sunday. My Red Hat ladies and I spent the last four days in Ocean City, MD. So, I sort of lost track of what day we were on. We had a good time, at least I did. I hope they did as well. They got to do alot more than I did, but with my heart problems, I can't do alot anymore.
My best friend, Donna, and I spent most of the time together. She, also, has health issues which make it hard for her to walk much. So, we entertained ourselves. She and I go back a long way, so we always enjoy spending time alone. It would have been better if the weather wouldn't have been so cold and windy, but we all made the best of it.
We did go to the casino on Friday. That was fun! This time I actually won twenty dollars. One can not go to a casino with the idea that you're going to win money. If you do, that's great. Some of us won a bit and some lost the money they'd set aside for this purpose. But, be we had a good time. We really weren't there all that long, because it doesn't take long to loose a few dollars.
Tomorrow is Monday. For me that means doing a couple loads of laundry. But, I really don't mind doing laundry. My husband and a good friend of his, are going to a York Revolutions baseball game tomorrow. I'm glad he has someone who will be able to join him. I hope they have a good time and enjoy the game.
I suppose for many of you, tomorrow will mean heading back to work. I hope you all had a great weekend. I understand the weather around here was beautiful. Too bad it wasn't like that in Ocean City, MD. As you travel to your jobs tomorrow morning, remember the saying, "This too shall pass!"
Some day you're children will be all grown up and you will be able, hopefully, to retire. Or at least, work a part time job. The only suggestion I'd make to you about retirement would be to have something already planned to do with yourself. So many people have worked their whole lives and when they retire, they don't know what to do with themselves. Sometimes there isn't enough money to do much of anything, so they sit at home and get depressed. Everyone tells you that you need to plan ahead with your financial matters, but don't tell you that there's a lot more to it than the money planning.
Well, needless to say, I didn't get any writing done over the weekend. So, this week I certainly need to getting cracking on my writing. I have a few children's books to format before I can place them for sale at I'll keep you informed as to when they are available.
You can check out the nine books that I already have for sale at Amazon by going to the pages, right here on my blog page. Or you can go directly to do a search using my name: Susan Lapp Mellott, and all nine of them will come up.
Well, you have a few hours left to this weekend, so enjoy it. If you haven't set aside some time for yourself this weekend, do it now. It will make you feel better. I hope you all have a great week.
I have to keep reminding myself that today is Sunday. My Red Hat ladies and I spent the last four days in Ocean City, MD. So, I sort of lost track of what day we were on. We had a good time, at least I did. I hope they did as well. They got to do alot more than I did, but with my heart problems, I can't do alot anymore.
My best friend, Donna, and I spent most of the time together. She, also, has health issues which make it hard for her to walk much. So, we entertained ourselves. She and I go back a long way, so we always enjoy spending time alone. It would have been better if the weather wouldn't have been so cold and windy, but we all made the best of it.
We did go to the casino on Friday. That was fun! This time I actually won twenty dollars. One can not go to a casino with the idea that you're going to win money. If you do, that's great. Some of us won a bit and some lost the money they'd set aside for this purpose. But, be we had a good time. We really weren't there all that long, because it doesn't take long to loose a few dollars.
Tomorrow is Monday. For me that means doing a couple loads of laundry. But, I really don't mind doing laundry. My husband and a good friend of his, are going to a York Revolutions baseball game tomorrow. I'm glad he has someone who will be able to join him. I hope they have a good time and enjoy the game.
I suppose for many of you, tomorrow will mean heading back to work. I hope you all had a great weekend. I understand the weather around here was beautiful. Too bad it wasn't like that in Ocean City, MD. As you travel to your jobs tomorrow morning, remember the saying, "This too shall pass!"
Some day you're children will be all grown up and you will be able, hopefully, to retire. Or at least, work a part time job. The only suggestion I'd make to you about retirement would be to have something already planned to do with yourself. So many people have worked their whole lives and when they retire, they don't know what to do with themselves. Sometimes there isn't enough money to do much of anything, so they sit at home and get depressed. Everyone tells you that you need to plan ahead with your financial matters, but don't tell you that there's a lot more to it than the money planning.
Well, needless to say, I didn't get any writing done over the weekend. So, this week I certainly need to getting cracking on my writing. I have a few children's books to format before I can place them for sale at I'll keep you informed as to when they are available.
You can check out the nine books that I already have for sale at Amazon by going to the pages, right here on my blog page. Or you can go directly to do a search using my name: Susan Lapp Mellott, and all nine of them will come up.
Well, you have a few hours left to this weekend, so enjoy it. If you haven't set aside some time for yourself this weekend, do it now. It will make you feel better. I hope you all have a great week.
Friday, May 3, 2013
I just love it!
Hi all,
I"m sure you're wondering what I just love. Well, the answer to that question would have to be watching the sun come up out over the ocean. I don't know what's got me so stirred up lately with the sky, but I love it when the sky has those white puffy clouds or some type of configuration going on up there.
I especially love it when there is a red streak going across the sky. I can't wait, at times, to just look up at the sky to see what beauty awaits me there. I have taken so many pictures of morning, daytime and evening skies. So, I have to ask myself, why has it taken me so long to take the time to observe the sky?
Well, I suppose the answer to that question would be that I just never took the time to look up. One of the most glorious sights that God has given us is right up there in the sky. Take a look. Walk outside, stand still and just look up. You'll be amazed at the marvelous sight you just may see. I know I am every time I look up at the sky.
Actually, God has given us so much beauty in this world. We're just too busy to bother to look around us. Especially right now, everything has just turned green. All the trees are either budding or have already formed leaves. We may not have a lot of meadow areas any more, but if you look at the ones we do, they're beautiful. All the spring flowers are in full bloom and they are so beautiful. Look out the car window when driving along side a river, creek or stream. It's a beautiful sight to behold. Better still, take your camera along with you and take some of the most beautiful pictures you'll every see!
Tomorrow is Saturday. Perhaps you can find some time to grab your camera and seek out some fabulous photos. Have a great weekend and stay safe.
I"m sure you're wondering what I just love. Well, the answer to that question would have to be watching the sun come up out over the ocean. I don't know what's got me so stirred up lately with the sky, but I love it when the sky has those white puffy clouds or some type of configuration going on up there.
I especially love it when there is a red streak going across the sky. I can't wait, at times, to just look up at the sky to see what beauty awaits me there. I have taken so many pictures of morning, daytime and evening skies. So, I have to ask myself, why has it taken me so long to take the time to observe the sky?
Well, I suppose the answer to that question would be that I just never took the time to look up. One of the most glorious sights that God has given us is right up there in the sky. Take a look. Walk outside, stand still and just look up. You'll be amazed at the marvelous sight you just may see. I know I am every time I look up at the sky.
Actually, God has given us so much beauty in this world. We're just too busy to bother to look around us. Especially right now, everything has just turned green. All the trees are either budding or have already formed leaves. We may not have a lot of meadow areas any more, but if you look at the ones we do, they're beautiful. All the spring flowers are in full bloom and they are so beautiful. Look out the car window when driving along side a river, creek or stream. It's a beautiful sight to behold. Better still, take your camera along with you and take some of the most beautiful pictures you'll every see!
Tomorrow is Saturday. Perhaps you can find some time to grab your camera and seek out some fabulous photos. Have a great weekend and stay safe.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
I know what I've been doing lately, how about you?
Hi all,
As for me, I've been writing, writing and writing some more. Since I found out that children's books are in demand on Amazon, I've gone back to the stories I wrote some years ago for children. I've had to rewrite them because they were just short stories. But, I must say, that I'm enjoying doing that.
I never had any covers for these stories, so I've also had to create front covers for all of them. I really enjoy doing this. But then, I enjoy doing anything creative. I've already placed three more children's books for sale at You can purchase any of them for electronic reader or even for your computer. You can also join KD, Kindle Direct, which is sort of like a library. Go to Amazon to check it out.
Well, what have you been doing lately? I'm sure for a lot of you, it's been going to work every day to make a living. How well I remember those days. I used to think that I never had any time for myself and I suppose I really didn't. It was either work, raising three daughters or some other responsibility that kept me busy. How well I remember those days. I can honestly say that I don't miss those days at all.
If I lived in a perfect world, I wouldn't have a chronic illness, but I don't. So, I've learned to accept whatever this world throws at me. Really, what choice do I have? From where I'm sitting, I only have two choices: accept and embrace my illnesses or lay in bed and beg for death to come. As far as I'm concerned, the second choice is not a choice at all! I hope you all feel that way, too.
Well, hump day is about over for another week. I'm sure that's a good thing for all of you who are still working. I know I always felt that way when I was still working a full time job. I don't miss those days at all. Tomorrow you will be on the downward side of yet another week. Keep the faith for the weekend will be here before you know it.
Take care and stay safe.
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