Tuesday, July 17, 2018

What have you all been up to?

Good evening everyone,

I'm sure that many of you have been very busy enjoying the summer, what with picnics, camp fires, cookouts, swimming, etc.  As for me, I rarely go outside.  But, perhaps I will tomorrow, as the weather is to be a bit better, with lower temperatures and much lower humidity.  I enjoy walking out back and looking at my flower beds.  My Black Eyed Susan's are blooming and they look beautiful.

I am now finished writing my new novel.  It's not as long as some of my other ones, but it does have just over one hundred pages.  I did my first re-read today and found some changes that I needed to make.  Now starts the proof-reading, which is so hard for me.

If you've never proof-read any document, I can tell you that it's very hard to do.  Most people, when we read, just surface read.  At least, that's what I can it.  I guess it's like scanning each sentence, which means we really don't actually look closely at each word.  When I proof, I have to read out loud, and read slowly, by saying each word as I proof.

Of course, computers today, have spell check and will usually let you know if you've made a mistake in word choice, but they don't proof the pages.  Only you can do that!  I will have to proof it twice, just in case I miss something, the first time through.

This novel is fiction and is about a subject that is close to my heart.  It takes place at the sea shore, and also has some interesting paranormal activity in it, as well.  I'll let everyone know when it's available for purchase, either in actual book form or for electronic reading.  I'll let you all see a copy of the cover, when I've got one, that is.

I thank all those who have bought my novels, either the actual book or an electronic copy.  It means so much to me for all your support.

May God be with each of you and keep you safe, always.

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