Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Now it's on to the New Year!

Hi everyone,

I trust you all had a blessed Christmas with family and/or friends.  My family all came to our home for Christmas Eve.  I loved every minute with each one of them.  Although I will  say that I was exhausted when I finally laid down in bed around 10:15pm.  Of course it took me a little while to fall asleep because my brain was still spinning from everything.  But, I wouldn't have changed one single thing. 

This was the first year in some time, that all six of my Grandsons were here, at the same time.  Of course, I had to take a photograph of them, because I am so extremely proud of each one of these young men.  Here's a photograph of them:

It seems like just such a short time ago that they were just young boys, doing crafts with Grandma.  I truly miss those very special times with them, but I understand that they are adults now and their days are very busy, what with either working, going to college, or both.  I love them so much, they'll never truly know just how much they mean to me!

My daughters and their mates are loving, caring, very special people and I'm also very proud of the six of them.  Family is what makes Christmas very, very special to me.  But, I have to say that I miss my Mom and Dad very much, especially at this time of year.  It's because of them, that I love Christmas so very much.  To me, it's a time for loving family and close friends, but mostly for giving thanks to God for giving us His baby Son on Christmas Day. 

I hope your Christmas was as special and loving as mine was.  Now New Year's Eve and the first day of 2018 is almost upon us.  We're not doing anything on New Year's Eve, but we will start the year off with pork and sauerkraut!  Not necessarily because we believe that you won't have luck in the new year without having it, but because we both love it!  But, it never hurts to get some help in the luck department!  haha.

All my best to each of you for a blessed new year of 2018.  Please remember to give thanks for every small blessing you receive, because we each are given many small blessings.  It's too bad that so many folks don't see all their may blessings, but choose to focus on the negative.  I am so very thankful to just wake up each morning, that truly is a blessing from God to me, every day!

Happy New Year!

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Merry Christmas!

Hi everyone,

I just want to take a minute to wish each of you a very merry Christmas.  Please always remember the true reason why we celebrate Christmas, which is because we remember the birth of Jesus Christ, our Savior, who suffered and died on a cross to give us eternal life.

I hope you all will be spending time with those you love and care about during these next three days.  Remember, tomorrow is not promised for any of us!  So, tell those you love just how much they mean to you, now.

Merry Christmas and all my best to each of you, for a blessed and happy 2018.


Sunday, December 17, 2017

Happy Sunday!

Hi folks,

Wow, just one week until Christmas Eve.  I can't wait.  My family will all be here at our home and that excites me, immensely.  It's been four years since all six of my Grandsons have been able to attend Christmas Eve at our home.  Time for another photograph of the six of them so I can change out the photo from 2013.  They are all grown up men now and I still don't know where the time has gone to.  How about you? 

I have everything done that I could do ahead of time and I have my lists for each day this week.  I can only do one or two small preparations each day, so I have to spread  them out.  Being ill isn't easy, but I will do whatever I need to do to stay alive.  This is for myself as well as my entire family!

Well, my tail bone is slowly getting less painful, so that's a blessing to me.  The research I did said it takes approximately four weeks and I'm almost there.  Just two more days!  I'm just thankful that it's healing. 

I hope you all are almost ready for Christmas.  Mostly, because it's almost here whether you are ready or not.  I would suggest that you start early for Christmas 2018, like in January or February.  Well, at least by June!

Enjoy your last week before Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and remember to give thanks to God for all His many, many blessings.  Have a safe week and may God lead you, always.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Hello everyone!

Hi folks,

I'm sorry I haven't posted a new blog for a while, but I've been busy trying to prepare things for Christmas Eve, ahead of time.  I try to do one or two things each day, but it has been a bit harder for me during the last three weeks, because I injured the end of my tail bone, and it's been giving me a lot of pain.  It's not too bad when I'm on my feet, but I can't stay standing for very long, anytime.    Oh well, I suppose it could be worse, I could be bed ridden!  Actually, that's the only place that it doesn't hurt me.  But, of course, I can't stay in bed all day.

I am proud of myself because I've accomplished all the baking I wanted to do:  home made sugar cookies (my Mom's recipe), chocolate chip/walnut cookies, eight layer cookies, Praline cashews, Chex mix with M&M's and other goodies, three different kids of chocolate bark and a cooked turkey with stuffing (for Christmas Day).  My family all comes and spends Christmas Eve at our home.  I figure there will probably be about seventeen of us that evening for dinner. 

The turkey and stuffing is for Christmas Day.  It will be just my husband and myself, but after all the hustle the evening before, I have started to enjoy a quiet Christmas Day with just the two of us, and I want to keep it as work free as possible.  I've already frozen the turkey and filling for then and will make the gravy that day.  We'll also have a vegetable and lots of sweet desserts. 

All my shopping is complete, my hand made Christmas cards are mailed and hopefully, next week I'll have plenty of time to just relax and enjoy the holiday.  How about you?  I hope you all have a blessed Christmas with family and friends and that you, also, started early this year!  If not, try to do that next year.  There isn't any reason you can't start shopping for Christmas a couple of months into the new year.  It certainly makes for a more pleasant and relaxing Christmas season, especially if you are not ill.  Being ill does indeed, change how you handle everything!

Take a deep breath and relax before running around once again!  Enjoy those few precious moments you have of solitude and quiet.  They may be few and far between.  Be safe always and may God bless you and your loved ones.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Happy Thursday!

Hey everyone,
This will have to be short, as I have things I need to accomplish today.  Since I've gotten sick, I really don't accomplish too much in any given day.  By lunch time, I'm on the sofa with my feet up, for the rest of the day.

How are your Christmas plans coming?  I hope you started early, like I did.  All my gifts are wrapped in handmade felt Christmas bags, and I finished addressing my handmade Christmas cards, yesterday.  My Christmas Eve meal is pretty well planned out and I even started my cookie baking.  I have to admit that if I didn't start very, very early, I wouldn't be able to do what I like to do for Christmas.  I'm thankful to God for all His many blessings upon me and my family.

I'm still hand making lap size blankets for little children who are in the York Hospital Children's Ward and for the Children's Home of York.  My husband just delivered over forty of them, as well as about 30 stuffed animals, earlier this week.  I hope it will cheer the kids up and make them feel safe.

I hope you all will remember the true meaning of Christmas, and not let it get lost in the hoopla of gifts and parties.  We celebrate the anniversary of the birth of Jesus and we give thanks to God for His Son's life and His death upon a cross.  After all, He suffered and died to give us eternal life with Him in heaven.  That is, if we choose to live our lives as He directs us to!

Have a safe month of December, leading up to Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  Love your family and give thanks, always, for all the many blessings you do have!  May God bless each of you.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

It's almost here....

Good evening all,

I hope your Thanksgiving was very special for you and your family.  I always enjoy spending time with my family, whether it's a holiday or not.  They are all very busy and I understand why I don't see them too often, but that's okay with me.  Just knowing that they're all okay and doing well is joy enough for me.

Well, December 1st. is almost upon us.  Just one more day left in November.  I did some gift wrapping today.  Actually, I'm almost finished.  I suppose my next endeavor will be to start addressing my hand created Christmas greeting cards.  I actually had them all finished by the end of October.  I think I created approximately sixty five cards.  I just love trying new designs and seeing how they turn out. 

I've been busy with my children's security blankets.  I have 36 of them completed as of now, and my husband will take them to a few hospitals in a week or so.  I also have 41 stuffed animals completed to hand out to hospitalized children, as well.  Each of the blankets have an animal, which is dressed, hand embroidered in the center of the blanket.  Here are some photos!

If you want to enjoy your Christmas Season, get started now!  Then at least one week before Christmas, you can just relax and enjoy your family get-to-gathers.  I hope the rest of your week goes well. May God bless each of you, always.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving!

Good evening folks,

I hope your week is going well.  Thursday is the day that we all give thanks to God for all His many blessings.  You may be thinking:  what do I have to give thanks for?  Well you woke up this morning, didn't you?  If you're reading this, I know you did.  Did you have food to eat today?  Do you have a job to go to?  Do you have someone who cares about you?  Are you in pretty good health?  Do you have warm clothes to wear this winter?  Do you have clean water to drink?  And on and on.....

We all have so much to give thanks to God for.  I hope that on Thursday, you will stop and take a few minutes to realize all the many blessings you have now.  So many people get caught up in what they don't have and never take the time to think about all they do have. 

What's really important to you?  For me, it's my family and friends, after God, of course.  The many things we do are just that, things!  They aren't the important people in our lives.  So, on this Thanksgiving Day, please take time to consider someone else's life and how they have to live every day.  Someday, that could and may be you!

Happy Thanksgiving to each of you and may God always fill you with His Mercy and Compassion.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Stress and Anxiety!

Hi folks,

How's your week going?  I hope it's not too bad for you.  I remember when I was younger, still working, raising children and was involved in other activities, how stress and anxiety would creep their heads into my life.  Actually, they still, from time to time.  I suppose that's true for all of us, no matter how old you are, or what your circumstances are at the present time.  Stress and anxieties are just a part of living!  I wish they weren't.

What do you do to try to control them?  As for me, I turn to God.  But, I will admit the anxieties return very fast.  There are many things about ourselves that we can control, but anxiety is not one of them.  I wish it was and I'm sure you do also.  I put my faith in God because He is the only one who can truly help me. 

Unfortunately, unless another person is in the exact same circumstances as you, no one else can understand what you're going through.  That is sad because many times what we need is to share with someone we love how we feel and we can't.  That's why I turn to God.  He's the only one who will listen to me and try to help me.  Fear is another feeling that we can't really control.  Perhaps you suffer from the fear of something.  Whether it's a legitimate fear or not, it exists for you and many times, no one else can understand that.  Many times, fear occurs for legitimate reasons that others can't understand.  They may think it's foolish, but it isn't to the person who suffers the fear.  It's very real.

I hope that if you are suffering from either of the above, that you have someone in your life who will be there for you and I also hope that you will turn to God for His help.  Don't be ashamed or embarrassed about being stressed, having anxieties and being afraid of something.  They are real feelings and are not just something fabricated. 

I know that with the Thanksgiving and Christmas Seasons approaching, many people experience one or more of the above.  You are not alone, even if others don't understand you!  These things are real to you. 

Have a good week and always turn to God for stability. 

Friday, November 10, 2017

It's Here!

Hi, folks,

I'm sure you know what I'm referring to in my title:  The weekend!   I don't know what the weather is like where you are, but here in South Central Pennsylvania, it's cold and windy.  With the wind chills, we are to drop down below freezing over night.  I guess that means that our heat will be on for quite a while now. 

I remember when we actually had a spring and fall, when during the spring we could turn off the central air and open the windows.  Then in the fall, we could turn off the heat and just be comfortable.  We don't have that happening much anymore.  I truly miss that!  How about you?

I can't believe that Thanksgiving is less than two weeks away, and you all know, that once we pass Thanksgiving, Christmas is almost upon us.  I have to say that I truly enjoy both of these seasons, especially the Christmas Season. 

Christmas is a very special time of year for me.  When I was a youngster, we lived on a small farm, and my parents didn't have much money, but they always made the Christmas season very special for me and my siblings.  Dad always put up a platform, which was painted white on the top, and Mom hooked rolls of paper, that were made to look like red bricks, around the two exposed sides of the platform. 

Nest, Dad would set the Christmas tree on the one end of the platform.  Then, we'd decorate the tree with some beautiful ornaments, which were very special to my folks.  We had plastic ice sickles which had a little hook on the top of them, for hanging them on the tree.  Of course, Mom always put tinsel on the tree, also.  She'd also put Angel Hair on our tree.  (If you've never heard of that, it's spun glass that feels like silk.  Mom would spread it all over our tree and when the lights were on, they cast shadows all through the angel hair.  It was a bit messy, but it was beautiful when the lights were turned on.)  FYI:  My husband and I still hang many of those same ornaments on our tree, as well as, some of the ice sickles.)

After the tree was all decorated, Dad would set up the train, which ran around the entire perimeter of the platform.  Then, Mom would set up the village and lastly, she'd spread green flakes that looked like grass and brown flakes for roads.  On top of that, she'd spread the artificial snow everywhere.  They even had small lights inserted into the houses making it look very realistic.  Us kids loved everything about Christmas at our home. 

You see, it wasn't so much about the gifts we got, it was about the birth of Jesus and the peace the season brought to us.  Mom always played Christmas music right after Thanksgiving, which we loved.  I suppose it's no surprise that I have always loved the Christmas Season, seeing how special my parents made the season for me and my siblings.  Of course, on Christmas morning, the three of us couldn't wait to go downstairs to see what Santa had left for us.  Compared to what a lot of kids get today, what we got was sparse, but we didn't truly care. 

I brought my three daughters up with those same Christmas traditions.  We, also, couldn't afford to spend much money on Christmas gifts, but that never seemed to spoil anything. 

As I am getting older, I am realizing, more and more, how much thanks I owe to my beloved Mom and Dad, for raising us the way they did.  Tradition has, and always will be, very important to me.  I was just thinking yesterday, how much I owe my Mom for sharing all her many, many creative abilities with me.  I am truly so thankful to her because with my life being what it is today, because of my chronic Congestive Heart Fairlure, if I couldn't create things for other people and especially children, I would surely be in a deep depression.  But, I stay busy, even if it is while I'm on the sofa with my feet up.  I truly have to give back for all the many, many blessings I've been given by God.

I hope your weekend is a good one.  Be safe and have some fun.  May God bless each of you and keep you safe, always.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Sunday's News

Happy Sunday everyone,

I just found out about the shooting in Texas at a Baptist Church.  Twenty people were killed.  I have to ask this question every time something like this happens:  "What is happening in our world today?"  It seems that hatred and violence is taking over in, not just this country, but everywhere throughout the world. 

I have no idea how we stop these senseless killings from happening.  All I can do is to pray, asking God to help us all to start living according to His Divine plan. 

I will pray for all those families who lost loved ones today in Texas. 

Please take a few minutes to ask God to have Divine Mercy on every family who was involved in today's senseless killing. 

Well, it's back to work for most of you tomorrow, since it's Monday once again.  I hope your Monday goes well for you and everyone who works with you.  When you arrive at work in the morning, go in with a smile on your face and love in your heart, giving thanks to God that you have a job to go to every day.  Many folks can't find a job and therefore have no money coming in to feed their families.  So, if you have a job, thank God for your blessings. even though it's another Monday!

I hope your week is a good one with many blessings coming your way.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Happy Wednesday!

Hi everyone,

How are you all doing this evening?  I hope you're all doing okay.  I'm doing all right and I give thanks for every day I am still living.  You know, I've been seeing the commercial on television lately, about Congestive Heart Failure.  They say, "If you have congestive heart failure, tomorrow's not promised!" 

I can tell you that is a truthful statement.  If you have chronic CHF, you can go into failure so quickly, without even realizing it.  I cherish every day that God sees fit to let me have another day on this earth.  I take care of myself and I always put my hearth first.  That means before anyone else.  You may think that's selfish, but if I don't I may not be here for another day!  I've learned to live my life giving thanks to God for each day I wake up. 

I start my day with prayers to God, giving thanks for the gift of another day and asking for mercy for my husband, family, extended families and friends.  I end each day, once again, thanking God for the many blessings He's given to me, and for prayers for all those I love and care about. 

I have so much faith in God and I am so thankful for His many blessings throughout my life.  I live every day giving gratitude and acceptance to Our Lord and Savior.  I also try every day to say the Divine Mercy Chaplet, around the three o'clock hour.  It's become so important to me to pray the Chaplet every day.  If you don't know what it is, search it out on line.  It just may change the way you look at your life.

Well, Halloween is almost upon us.  Of course, next month, November, we celebrate Thanksgiving.  What will you be thankful for?  We truly have so much to thank God for, much more than we choose to think about. 

After Thanksgiving, Christmas will be just around the corner.  I just love the Christmas Season.  It makes me feel hopeful, happy, loving, thankful and full of God's love.  It's not about presents, it's about being with those you love and letting them know how much they mean to you.  How quickly those we love can be taken away from us.  So, when you think about the Christmas Season  coming up, don't concentrate on the money you'll be spending, all the shopping you'll have to do, how busy you'll be, etc.  Those things are choices you make!  I Christmas shop all year round.  I prepare things ahead of time.  I manage my money throughout the year that way.  It's all about choices we make. 
You only get as much joy out of something, as the amount of joy you put into it.  January is the time for you to start working on Christmas for the end of that year.  Again, it's all about the choices we make.  Others don't make those choices for us!

Have a good rest of the week and may God bless each of you.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Who do you turn to for help?

Hi folks,

I hope your week is going well, but if it isn't, today is Hump Day, so we're now on the down side of this week.  So cheer up!  Tomorrow will be a better day!

I'd like to tell you all about something that has helped me to change my life, for the better!  It's been about seven years since I first heard about St. Faustina and Divine Mercy.  She was from a poor family and her name was, Maria Faustina Kowalski.  From a very young age, she wanted to become a nun.  She kept going to the Convent asking if she could join, but they kept turning her away, because she was just a young child.  Finally, when she was some older, they accepted her into the convent, so she could study to become a nun. 

After studying and officially becoming a nun, Jesus appeared to her instructing her to write down everything that He says to her.  So she did.  This was in the early nineteen thirties.  She took paper and every time Jesus appeared before her, she wrote down what He said.  He wanted her to help Him to save souls from perishing in hell. 

She became very ill and even though she suffered greatly, Jesus kept appearing to her and instructing her to write down everything He said.  Unfortunately, she died in her early thirties from her illness.  Her writings were saved and published in a book called, The Diary of St. Faustina."

Here's an excerpt from it:  "I desire that you know more profoundly, the love that burns in my heart for souls, You will understand this when you meditate upon my passion.  Call upon my mercy on behalf of sinners; I desire their salvation." 

He later instructed her to have a painting down just as He was appearing to her at that time.  He also told her that across the bottom should be written:  Jesus, have mercy on us.  She did just as Jesus instructed her to do.  This image is called the, "Divine Mercy Image." 

Jesus instructed Maria Faustina to let everyone know about The Divine Mercy Chaplet."  It carries so many blessings, especially if said, or sung, during the three o'clock hour, which was the approximate time when Jesus died on the cross on Calvary.  He grants so many blessings and so much mercy to all those who say the chaplet daily. 

I say the Chaplet just about every day.  If it's not always convenient at three o'clock, I say it as close to that time as I am able.  I'm sure that starting from the time Jesus was turned over to the people, was scourged at the pillar, the walk and many falls trying to carry His cross to Calvary and then until His death, took much longer than one hour. 

What I will tell you, is that since I found out about St. Faustina and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, my spiritual life and the way I look at things, has changed drastically.  I have put everything into God's hands, including my illness. 

I am so thankful that God chose to give me life over eleven and one half years ago, instead of taking me home to be with Him.  I know He has a plan for me and I try to do whatever He'd like me to do.  Creating something for someone else, be it adults or children, makes me feel very close to Jesus.  I know that He is always with me and I am so thankful for that.  Without Him, I am nothing!

This is a photo of the Divine Mercy Image.  I'm sorry it's not a very good photo, but you can get the idea from it.   The red represents the blood, and the blue represents the water, which poured out of the heart of Jesus while hanging on the cross.  He did this to give us eternal life.

Have a good evening and be safe.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Happy Hump Day, everyone!

Hi folks,
How's your week going for you?  I hope your answer is "okay" but if it isn't, just remember that you are now on the down slide of this week.  At least that's something to cheer you up!

What do you think about all the destruction that's happening lately throughout the world?  I'm speaking about the weather and the wild fires that are going on in California.  It seems to me that every year the weather becomes more savage.  So many have lost their lives because of it and so very many have lost everything that they own, including their homes. 

I truly believe that God is telling us that we, and I mean everyone, has to change the way we act and how we look at things.  I believe that the first thing we need to do is to put God first in our lives once again. 

I was struck at how everyone came together to help the folks in Texas after that first destructive  hurricane hammered them, destroying so much and killing so many people.  No one truly cared is you were white or black, what religion you practiced, what nationality you were, whether you were straight or gay, or whether you had money or were poor.  We all just worked together.  Those who could go to Texas, went and helped.  The rest of us donated money to help in any way we could. 

That help has continued throughout the continued storms causing destruction in other places.  And after that deranged man in Los Vegas, killed and wounded so many innocent people, so many of those present, who weren't hurt, stopped running and tried to help those who were hit by the gun fire. 

It has been proven, time and time again, that there are so very many good, kind, loving and caring folks here, in the United States.  Why can't it always be like that?  Can you just imagine how different this country would be, and every country throughout the world, if we practiced love and acceptance, instead of hate and judgement all the time.  Wouldn't that be wonderful? 

I know that no matter what country you may live in, these same things are happening there also.  Please pray for everyone, throughout the world, for peace and love to take over this world.

I hope the rest of your week goes well.  Be safe and may God bless each of you.

We all need God's Divine Mercy, always.

Monday, October 2, 2017

I'm excited!

Hi everyone,

My newest manuscript is now finished at the printers and will be delivered tomorrow.  I can't wait.  I always get excited to see one of my new novels in an actual book.  It's called,  Life, Love and Lies, and it's the story of a young woman who has to make choices, which could land her in big trouble in future years.  She decides to do what is best for herself and an infant. 

I will be selling the actual book and I will also be putting it on for electronic reading.  I'll let you all know when it is available on Amazon.

This novel is for adult reading and not for children.  If you're interested in purchasing an actual copy of the book, let me know and I'll give you the details.

Have a great week and may God stay with each of you.  Please pray for all those who lost their lives or were injured in Los Vegas today.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Hello Monday, and almost, Goodbye Monday!

Hi everyone,

It's ;Monday and now it's almost over, already.  Time goes so quickly for me.  I am trying to get my new novel published and, as usual, I am having trouble.  What else is new?  I was speaking to the customer service person, and I told her that writing the manuscript is no problem.  It's the changing the text and covers into the proper format that is extremely hard for me.  

I may know how to operate a computer, but I'm not computer geek.  Maybe I should have waited until tomorrow morning to even try to submit it, instead of doing it this afternoon, when I was already tired.  I didn't sleep very well last night.  I told the lady that it may be a day or two until I figure out how to change it to the correct format.  Why do things have to be so complicated? 

Our vacation was wonderful, although I did very little during the time we were away.  I did finish about 12 or 14 stuffed animals, so I guess I did accomplish something good.  I now have twenty five finished.  I just hope the children who are in the hospital, will enjoy them.  Here's some photos of some of the recent ones.

I hope the kids enjoy cuddling with one of them.  What do you think?

Well, I'm tired tonight, so I am going to make this short.  Be safe always and may God bless you and your families.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Happy Sunday!

Hi everyone,

"Today is the day the Lord has made, let us be glad and rejoice in it!'  I was going to tell everyone to have a good day, but then the Lord put the above phrase in my head, so I had to start with it.

I just finished going to Mass and I feel God's blessings all around me.  I can honestly say that I would be nothing without God in my life, every single day!  I hope you feel that way, also, because if you don't, you will never have any true love, peace or contentment in your life.

I don't now what you will be doing today, but whatever it is, I hope you started it off with God.  Have some fun today, perhaps with family members and/or friends.   But whatever you choose to do, remember to give thanks to God for the opportunity to be alive on this day.

What have you all been up to lately?  I've been busy continuing to hand make stuffed animals for children who are in the hospital.  I thought they may be a good pre-Christmas gift to these kids some time around the middle of December.  What do you think?

I hope the little kids enjoy them as much as I do making them.  Have a great Sunday and don't for get to spend some time today with God!  Be safe always.


Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Hello Tuesday!

Hi everyone,

I hope all of you took a few minutes yesterday to remember 9/11.  It was a horrific  day for the United States, sixteen years ago. 

Even though it was 16 years ago, I still remember where I was and what I was doing when I first heard about what had happened in New York City.  I was at my part time job, which was handling the finances for a small book binding company.  When I went upstairs to the factory, one of the co-owners of the business, had her radio on and we heard the news broadcast about the plane hitting one of the twin tower in New York City. 

Soon after that, I left for the day and went home.  The afternoon and evening was spent in front of the television  I felt so much sadness and fear.  What was happening?  Why is there so much hatred in our world?  Will it ever stop? 

Then I started thinking about the families of all those folks who were innocently killed.  First of all, those who boarded that airplane, did so expecting to reach their destinations, safely.  Also, the employees of the airlines were just doing their job.  The families of everyone on that plane, had no idea that they'd never see or speak with their loved ones ever again.   

The same holds true for those who were on the job, at the pentagon, when it was struck by a plane.  They simply went to work that morning, as usual.  Their families kissed them goodbye, expecting to see them that evening.

I commend the passengers on the other plane.  They knew they were going to die and they decided to take matters into their own hands, by fighting back against their attackers.  Yes, they died, but they saved lives by causing that plane to crash where it couldn't kill anyone else.

Of course, there has been so many other attacks against the US since then, as well as in other countries.  When will it end?  And what about all the innocent folks who have been killed by the extreme weather, which the world has been experiencing! 

Many times I have sat and wondered about why this is all occurring.  I truly believe that God is trying to send us a message.  Not just here in the United States, but throughout the world.  We need to hear God's message and change our actions toward others. 

I hope you all have a safe and good day, today!  Please take a few minutes to stop and give praise and honor to God for all He's blessed you with today and every day.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Do you want Jesus' Divine Mercy in your life?

Hi everyone,
In case you've never heard about Saint Faustina, I'd share with you that when she was very young, back in the twenties, she always knew she wanted to be a Nun when she was older.  She actually tried to get into the convent, and more than once, before she was old enough for them to accept her.

After she finally was old enough, she joined the convent and became a Nun.  She died in 1938 from a disease, which was incurable.  But, in a short period of time, as a Nun, she was blessed to have Jesus appear before her, asking her to write down everything He said to her.  She did and she eventually had a diary, filled with all the many things Jesus told her.

There is a book called, "Divine Mercy Minutes with Jesus", which contains daily excerpts from that diary.  I read each day's reading after I get up every morning.  Here was today's entry:

September 6:  And I will tell you one more thing....take these graces not only for yourself, but also for others; that is, encourage the souls with whom you come in contact to trust in my infinite mercy.  Oh, how I love those souls who have complete confidence in Me.  I will do everything for them!

The prayer response is:  Yes, Lord, I take Your graces, not only for myself, but for souls I meet, that they may trust in You even more.  May they grow to have complete confidence in You!  Amen.

You too can read these daily entries by going to:

I hope you have a wonderful evening and that each of you are safe and content.  If you're not content with your life, then you definitely need to read about Jesus' Divine Mercy!


Sunday, September 3, 2017

Happy Sunday!

Hello, everyone,
I wish each of you a blessed Sunday, today.  As usual, I will be attending Mass in a little while and then I will try to keep God's Day, free of any manual work.  After all, even God rested on Sunday!

I hope you all had a good week and since this is a long holiday weekend, I hope you will have some time to rest and just kick back and do nothing.  Or, at least, whatever you choose to do.  I will continue working on my embroidery projects, which isn't work for me.  I do these projects as a way to "give back" for all my many blessings from God.

Since making seventy security blankets for young kids and giving them all away, I needed to think of another project I can do for children who are in hospitals.  So, now I'm working on Teddy Bears.  They're not real large, as children who are in hospitals really shouldn't have gigantic Teddy Bears in bed with them.  I just want to give them something to love, something to squeeze and something to help them not be so afraid.

Here's a few of them.

I do hope these little teddy bears will help make the children feel not so afraid, while in the hospital.

I wish each of you a very happy, carefree Sunday, as well as a good Monday off from work.  Remember to always give thanks to God for all your blessings and please remember to pray for all those folks in Texas who are now without homes, furniture, etc.  Be safe always!

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Let's just pretend...

Hi folks,

Let's just pretend, at least for a few minutes, that everyone in your town or city, your state, and in our country, decides to be kind, loving, friendly and caring to everyone they come in contact with, be it a family member, a neighbor, a co-worker, or a stranger,  Wow, wouldn't that make our lives amazing and our homes, cities and everywhere, great places to live? 

I never understood why people act the way they do.  Why is there so much hate, revenge and anger in the world today?  And why?  I truly wished I could understand why people choose to kill another person, either on purpose or because they won't do as they want, say during a robbery.  What gives them the right to take another person'
s life? 

Life is a gift given to us by God, through our Mother and Father.  What makes a person go from a nice, considerate youngster, into a hateful teen and then adult?  I wish someone could explain that to me, because I truly don't understand where all the hate in this world comes from.  Do you?

I know that my caring about this problem won't really change anything, not one bit, but I just don't understand why all this hate exist.  Oh, I realize that hatred has been a part of our world since the beginning of time.  Every day, as I pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet, I relive the crucifixion and death of Jesus.  So, this hatred started many, many centuries ago.  But, my question is why does it have to continue? 

I suppose no one has the answer to this question and never will.  Just something for all of us to ponder about for a while. 

I hope your week is going well and if not, the weekend is almost upon us.  So just relax!  Stay safe and always ask God for His love and mercy.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Happy Saturday evening, folks!

How's everyone doing this evening?  I hope you all are doing well.  I'm sure that many of you are spending your weekend running around or doing errands, but I hope that you will have some time for yourself and your family tomorrow, Sunday.

I have been trying to make time to finish my manuscript, but I haven't had as much time as I'd like to work on it.  Why?  You got me!  It just seems that my days pass so quickly.  I will say that I did manage to finish my cleaning this week.  It's getting harder for me to do my own cleaning, but I will continue do it, until I can't anymore.  I'm not really worried anymore, if my house is a bit dusty.  I just do the best I can and that's good enough for me.  Of course, if I didn't have a Roomba, I wouldn't be able to do it at all.  If you are wandering if the Roomba works, the answer is "yes" it does.  I love it!  This is our second one and they keep improving them all the time. 

I've finally given away all my small, security blankets for children in hospitals.  I decided to keep them local, if possible.. Of the seventy I made, 26 went to Hershey's Children's Hospital and the remainder of them, went to The York Hospital's Children's Ward.  I will make some more of them, but probably not until October and November.  I'm going to put either Santa or a snow man on those, since they'll be given out just before Christmas.

I was trying to decide what my next project should be, as my way of 'giving back' for all my blessings.  So, two days ago, I tried something new, a Teddy Bear, which turned out pretty good.  My husband said he thought it was cute.  So now I have two finished and have started on four more.  These are also for children.  I've never tried anything like this before, but I'm always willing to try to do something new.  I thank God for my creative talents every day.  He has truly blessed me in so many ways.

I hope the remainder of your weekend goes well for you all.  Please stay safe and pray, pray, pray.  It's the only way that this country and our world, will ever stay safe for our children and grand children. 

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

What is your passion?

Hi folks,
How's everyone doing this evening?  I hope all is well with you and your family.  As far as I know, my family is all doing well and I am so thankful for that fact. 

As for my title tonight, I've been thinking about how so many of us go through life never finding our true passion.  You know, what you'd really love to do with your life.  Of course, for many of us, we grow up,  get out on our own, get a job doing whatever we can to make money to live, and so often  stick with that job for many years.

Some years ago, I went to a seminar entitled:  "What are you passionate about?  I always assumed that what we choose as our profession, was our passion, but somehow I knew that couldn't be right, because all though I was really good working at finances, I knew I wasn't passionate about my work.  Oh, of course, I did the best I could, always, at my job.  But I have to admit that it wasn't what made me happy.  It just paid the bills. 

After attending that meeting, I realized that my passion was doing everything that was creative.  I've truly been blessed with many, many creative abilities and I'm so thankful for them.  But it was my beloved Mom who showed me how to do so many things in the creative field, that helped  make me the woman I am today.  I will always be thankful for all her help. 

I was a middle child and I don't know if you believe that many middle children have a drive that just doesn't stop them from doing what they love.  I can remember so many times, as a teenager, when my Mom showed me how to sew, that my attitude always was:  I can do it, unless I prove to myself that I positively can't do it.  I still feel that way today.

I also learned from Mom that anything you do you should do it to the best of your ability.  This is the way I've tried to live my life and taught my daughters.  I never understood how someone could just stand there and say that they can't do something, if they've never even tried to do it. 

Whenever I show someone else how to do something in the creative line, I always tell them to just do the best they can and that will always be good enough.  Also I tell them that when you're doing anything by hand, it never will be absolutely perfect.  For heavens sake, even machines don't always produce perfect items, now do they. 

So, if you've been wandering where your passion lays, look deep inside yourself.  What is it that you would have always loved to be able to do, but never tried?  Well, now's the time, just try it!  You'll never know if you will be good at it, if you never try.  Don't forget this:  Practice makes perfect, or at least gets you closer to perfect each day.  Don't give up on your dreams.  If someone my age can take on line classes, you certainly can do it also.

My advice to you today:  Don't ever give up on yourself and always find out what you are passionate about and then learn how to do it.  Don't put it off because the day to start may never come.

Have a wonderful week and be safe always.

Here's one of my creations:  It's a table runner I made for my Grandson and his partner, who both love dogs..

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Is it true?

Hi everyone,

My title refers to the fact that it's now August already.  The summer months are flying by, but then every month, be it winter, fall, summer or spring, flies by to me.  Time in general goes so quickly the older you become. 

Oh there is a day here and there, that moves along very slowly for me, but they are the rarity in my life.  Generally, that kind of day would be one that I spend entirely alone, especially if it's a weekend day. 

My generation, when we were young, were taught that Saturdays and Sundays, were considered 'family' time.  I can't really remember a time when my Dad worked, even in garden, on a Sunday.  He did on Saturdays, because he worked full time at The York Barbell Company.  It was the only full time job my Dad ever had.  The company itself, wasn't well known when he started.  Some of the other employees were hired at the same time as my Dad.  To me, that's dedication, when a person stays at the same job all of their adult life.  Even when they could probably make more money elsewhere.  Dad was so good at his job as Traffic Manager.  I suppose it was from him that I learned good work ethics.  So, thanks Dad for teaching me how to be a hard worker at a job  Of course, I haven't worked for many years now, because I have been medically disabled since 2006. 

To change the subject a bit, I have to say that there is so much about how things are done today and the way people are so unkind to one another, that I'm almost glad that I am old now.  I fear for how this world will be in another twenty-five or so years.  Whatever happened to all the rules we were taught as children, from our parents and in school every day?  Sometimes I think that parents today must be too tired to teach their kids how to be polite to others, how to say 'thank you' and 'no thank you', 'May I please have...,' and so many other things that I taught my kids.  It's called being polite.  Perhaps that word isn't even in the dictionary today.  Oh, I forgot, who uses a dictionary today???
Well, I occasionally still do.  I'm not sure that proper spelling even matters today, what with all the short cuts in spelling that are used today.  I'm sorry, but I'm old school and I like it that way!

Another thing that bothers me today is when you're speaking with someone, mostly the younger generations than me, they can't even look directly at you and answer you.  They are looking at their cell phones and barely paying any attention to you, or whoever is speaking to them.  Personally, I don't put up with that behavior from my family members.  Of course, they already know that about me, so they are pretty careful how much attention they pay to their phones when they're in my presence.  I'm sorry, but I just think that it's rude!  What do you think?

How's the weather where you are?  We had one bad storm pass through this afternoon that did some considerable damage in parts, in this area.  Once again, the end of our street, where it intersects with a major road, was flooded.  What surprised me was how the cars just kept flying through the intersection.  They didn't even slow up.  The water was up over the curbs on all four sides of the road.  Why is everyone always in such a hurry these days?  Half the time they don't even pay any attention to yellow lights or even sometimes red ones. 

Okay, I'm done complaining for the evening.  Besides, it doesn't make any difference anyways, now does it?  I hope the rest of your week goes well.  May God bless you and keep you and your families safe.

This is one of the Christmas Table runners I made.  Sorry, it's not a great photo of it.

Friday, July 28, 2017

The weekend is here!

Good evening everyone,

Well, for all of us living in South Central Pa. and Northern Maryland, the weekend won't start out very nice, but at least later on Saturday and Sunday, will be nicer.  Since there's nothing anyone can do about the weather, we will just have to make the best of it!

I hope your work week went well.  If not, there's always next week and perhaps that will go well for you.  As for me, every day is pretty much the same, it doesn't matter if it's a weekday or a weekend.  I'm not complaining though, I'm thankful for each day God gives me.  I keep hearing that commercial on television for Congestive Heart Failure where they say:  If you have Congestive Heart Failure, tomorrow is never promised.  I know this is true, so I never take any day for granted.  I thank God each morning when I wake up for giving me another day of life.  I know I have be very, very blessed by God, always.

How about you?  Do you give thanks to God for all your many blessings?  So often, we take things for granted and we complain and become angry when things don't go the way we want, or we don't get what we want.  Every one of us needs to stop doing that.  We all have been blessed so many times over. 

If the people living in the USA don't soon thank God and give Him, and Him alone praise, I fear for what may happen to the US and to the entire world.  I want a safe, honest and loving place to live for my Grandchildren and for their children to come.  Isn't that what all of you want, also? 

We need to thank God often, pray to Him every day, and trust in His help.  We need to turn to Him for help and understanding and we need to practice acceptance and gratitude every single day of our lives.  That is the only way for our future generations to have a safe and good life in this world.

I hope your weekend goes well.  Remember that Sunday is The Lord's Day, so spend a little time with Him either at church or in your own home.  Be safe always!

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Happy Saturday evening!

Hi everyone,

I hope your weekend is going well thus far.  Mine has been good, as I got to spend a few hours today with one of my Grandsons and his partner.  I love spending, even a small amount, of time with any of my six Grandsons, or anyone in my family.  I do realize how busy they all are, as they all live very active lives, which is good.  It's still hard for me to believe that my six little Grandsons are now all grown up men.  I am so proud of them and I wish them all the best in their lives and relationships, always.

I've been working on my manuscript a good bit this week.  It's moving right along, which makes me very happy.  I pretty much know how the story will end, but it will take some more writing to get to that point.  I can't tell you how much I enjoy coming up with a story line for a new manuscript.  It helps me to feel good that I'm using the abilities that God gave to me. 

I've been making table runners to be either given away now, or for Christmas gifts.  They are all done by hand.  I just finished some Christmas ones. I will have to upload a photo of them to my laptop, which I am using to post this tonight, so I can show them to you.  I just started a new design today.  It is of an antique baby carriage, which is filled up with flowers.  I have all the pieces cut out and pinned together, but will start embroidering them later tonight.  I love to keep busy while I sit, with my feet up, on the sofa.  That's where I do all my embroidery work.

I can't believe that July will soon be ending, although I can't say I will be sad to see this heat and humidity leave us.  Today was the first time, in about three or four weeks, that I actually went anywhere.  It's just easier for me to stay in my home in the air conditioning.  How are you handling the heat lately.  If you have heart issues, I do hope you are staying inside with the air on.

I am very pleased with myself because I have lost another pound.  It's very hard for me to lose weight since I can't exercise at all.  It has to be done simply by what I am eating.  I am trying to lose weight because every pound I lose, makes it easier on my heart.

I do hope you all have a great day tomorrow, Sunday.  I also hope you will remember to take a few minutes to give praise and thanks to God tomorrow.  Be safe and may God bless each of you.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Wow, did it pour!

Hi folks,

We had some big storms come through here this afternoon.  They left a lot of flooding and trees and limbs down as they left us.  I understand we may be in for some more as the evening continues.  We were lucky.  We had no damage to our property and our electric stayed on through it all, which was a good thing for me.  I need to have our air on in hot and humid weather.  We did have some flooding close to our home, at the intersection.  I'm very thankful that it wasn't worse than what it was.  Did the storms affect you or your homes?

I'm still working on my new manuscript.  I've been working on it every day, for at least 1 1/2 to 2 hours every day.  I think I'm on a page somewhere in the 60's.  In case I haven't told you, the title will be:  Life, Love and Lies.  Almost the entire story takes place within the confines of a circus.  Of course, like most circuses, they move across the country.  I'm excited to keep working on it.  I have the entire story line all figured out and pretty much how it will end.  I'm still doing some research as the circus moves from one state to another.    I can't tell you how much I love and enjoy writing.  I'm so glad that I didn't let me age stop me from taking writing courses from the Children's Institute of Literature, when I was in my early forties.  And, that I continued taking on-line courses through the web site:  WOW-Woman On Writing, about five or six years ago.  I've learned so much from both places and if I'm going to write books, I needed to learn how to do it properly.  This would be thanks to my dear beloved Mother, who always told me and my siblings, when we were young, "If you're going to take the time to do something, do it right!"  So, thank you, Mom, so very much for that great advice all those years ago. 

As far as my embroidery work goes, I'm still working on it.  But I've taken a little break from the small blankets for children and I am currently working on table runners for Christmas gifts or an any time gift.  I only have twenty of the blankets left, as I donated 26 to the Hershey Children's Hospital and 24 to the York Hospital Children's wing.  The lady from the York Hospital called me within an hour after my husband delivered the to her, and she said they were so beautiful and she couldn't wait for the kids to receive them.  She thanked me so much and I told her it was my pleasure to do something nice, something to help these children not to be so afraid while in the hospital.  Giving back makes me feel good about myself.  I just wish I could do more for those kids.  I was thinking of some other way I may be able to help them, but I need to think on that subject for a while longer.

I hope your week goes well.  If you are taking a vacation anytime soon, please be careful and always be safe, no matter where you are. 

Thursday, July 13, 2017

What makes you happy?

Hi everyone,

I've shared with all of you that I was making security blankets for young children who are in hospitals.  I had a total of seventy done.  So my husband took 26 of them up to the Hershey Children's Hospital and then today he took 24 to the York Hospital Children's Ward.  After he dropped them off, I had a phone call from the lady in charge. 

She was so excited.  She told me that she thinks the kids will love them so much.  She thinks they're adorable.  She also asked me how long it takes to make one.  (approx. 4 to 5 hours).  She said that she can't wait for her and the nurses to hand them out to the young ones.  She kept thanking me for making them.  I told her that it was my pleasure.  I just wanted to do something to make a small child's life easier while in the hospital. 

I still have about 20 of them left, and I plan on making more of them.  I need to stay busy and I love doing things for someone else, especially for frightened children.  Here's one of my favorites, but then they all seem to be my favorite.

Well, this is going to be short tonight.  I hope your week is going well and that the weekend will have some fun for you and your family.  Personally, I'll be so happy when this intense heat and humidity comes to an end.  I feel like I will be stuck indoors for ever.  Oh, well, this too shall pass.
Be safe always and take care of your family.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Sometimes, things just happen!

Hi everyone,

How's your week going thus far?  Mine is about the same as usual.  I hope you all had a good 4th of July.  As for us, we didn't do much of anything.  My husband ran 26 of the young children's security blankets to Hershey Children's Hospital for me during the morning of the 4th.  I so appreciate all that he does for me.  If it wouldn't be for him, I wouldn't have the craft store supplies that I need to make these blankets or any of the other projects that I create. 

I took a break from making the blankets to work on some Christmas gifts.  I'm making some table runners.  They're all done by hand and I just love doing them.  I can't even imagine how I would be if I didn't have creative abilities.  I'm sure I'd be in a deep depression by now.  I am so thankful, every day, for all the blessings God has bestowed upon me, all through my life.

How about you?  Do you give thanks for the many blessings you have in your life?  I think it's so very sad, because so many people don't thank God for everything they do have.  All they complain about is what they don't have.  I sometimes wander what the world is becoming, so many people are so self-centered.  They only think about themselves, they blame everything bad that happens to them on some one else, instead of putting the fault back onto themselves.  It saddens me so much that so many folks still haven't figured out that happiness only comes from within oneself.  It DOES NOT come from exterior things, including money. 

My life certainly isn't exciting, active or filled with money, but my life is filled with joy.  I have a wonderful husband, daughters, sons-in-law and grandsons.  I am so proud of each and every one of them.  Knowing they are my family, makes me smile.  I basically have everything that I need or want in this life.  No, I don't have a large, swanky house, fancy car, a lot of money and things, but I have everything that I need to live my life.  I am at peace and very contented just the way I am.

If you're not, then I would suggest that you turn to God.  Stop putting yourself first and start putting Him and other people first in your life.  You do need to take care of yourself, but every single person alive is capable of helping out another person in need. 

I hope your week finishes up with peace in your life.  Stay safe.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

I've made my decision!

Hi everyone,

In case you're wondering what I'm referring to in my title, it means that I've decided to start another new novel.  I've done most of the research for it already and I started writing the manuscript two days ago.  I'm excited about this one, as I'm stepping out of my comfort zone once again.

It just seems so easy for me to write a story when it is about people and their everyday lives.  You know, stories that come from the heart, stories about family, friends and love.  Although this one will be about family love, it will also involve much deceit.

I haven't yet come up with a definite name yet, but I'm tossing around this:  Life, Love and Lies!  This new novel will definitely include all three of these "L" words.  I have to think about the title for a little while yet and then I'll decide whether I'll use this one or not.

I'm not going to share with you all today, what the story is about, but I suppose you can deduct some of the content from my suggested title.  This new novel will also include death and great loss.  I hope I'll get some time today to work on it, but I have some other projects going on as well.  We'll see how the day progresses.

I also have to come up with a cover for this novel.  I have to admit that I haven't even considered that issue, as of yet.  I'm sure, if I put my thinking cap on, I'll come up with just the right one.  Wish me luck, I may need it.

What have you all been up to lately?  I hope, now that it's summer, you will have some time for some summer fun, especially with your families.  I'm sure all of the swimming pools are open now and the public parks, as well.  Spending time with your family doesn't always have to mean spending money.  Although many times it does!  Just have a back yard meal together.  It's pretty simple and it's not too expensive.  You provide the meats and the grill, and ask everyone else to bring a covered dish.  That way it won't be too expensive.  Just do it!

I'll keep you all informed on my new writing project.  I'm still making table runners for Christmas gifts.  I do them all by hand embroidery.  Try it, you just may find that you have a creative ability you knew nothing about!

Have a wonderful day and be safe always.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Happy Wednesday everyone!

Hi folks,

So, how's your week going thus far?  I hope it's going well, but even if it isn't, there's always hope that the remainder of the week will go better for you. 

My week is going like it usually does, fast!  I can't believe that tomorrow is Thursday already.  Perhaps partly because when I got up on Tuesday morning, I thought it was Monday.  That went on for a few hours before I finally realized that it was Tuesday, not Monday. 

I have been indoors for many days now.  I can't be outside with this humidity we've been having for the last ten or so days.  I'm not complaining thought,  because I can always find something creative to do. Actually, I've been tossing around the idea of starting a new manuscript.  I've been praying about it and I have an idea for another novel.  Now I just need to take the time to do some research and write down some of my ideas for my topic. 

I started reading Stephen King's novel, "Joyland."  I can't seem to put it down.  I only have a few pages left in it, so first thing tomorrow morning, it will be finished.  I love his books and I so admire his great imagination.  I just can't ever imagine myself coming up with the plots he comes up with every time.  I've read so many of his books and I've loved every single one.  He has always been my favorite author.   God certainly blessed him with a wonderful imagination.

I was listening to the Solid Gold Oldies on television this evening and I learned that Bobby Darin died in 1973.  I'm not sure I ever knew he died so young.  I looked it up and found that he died from a heart condition.  Of course, I have always loved his music when I was in my teens, but I have to say that I love listening to his music today, because my Dad just loved Bobby Darin.  Every time I hear his song, "Mack the Knife" I can close my eyes and picture my Mom and Dad dancing to it.  It brings me great joy when that happens.  Mom and Dad both passed away many years ago and I miss them all the time. 

It's funny how certain songs from the 40's, 50's and 60's, take me to such a happy place. I think it's because I was a child during most of that time and my world was all about music and dance.  American Bandstand was my favorite television show.  It seemed like such a simpler time back then.  I guess that's because it was, that's for sure, at least for me.

I've taken a little break from my creating security blankets for children in hospitals and started working on hand embroidered table runners and table covers.  They will be used as Christmas gifts.  What have all of you been working on in the creative line? 

What's up for your weekend?  Not much for me, which is normal for me.  My husband is golfing on Saturday.  I'm glad he gets the chance to golf.  He loves the sport and that makes me happy. 

I guess I better close for now.  Be safe always and stay cool.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Hi folks!

In yesterday's new blog I mentioned that I would post some photos of my table runners, which I made for Christmas gifts.

Well, here they are, along with a few more of the security blankets for children in hospitals.

The table runners are all done by hand using embroidery stitches.  The blanket animals are also all done by hand.  I use my sewing machine on the blanket edges on the zig-zag mode.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Happy Monday!

Hi everyone,
How's the weather where you are?  It's wayyyy tooooo hot for me here!  It's been up in the 90's for the past two days and will continue in the 90's tomorrow, also.  I am not liking this weather at all!

What have you all been up to lately?  As for me, I've taken a little break from working on my home embroidered security blankets for children who are hospitalized.  I just finished two table runners and I think they turned out well.  At least I like them.  I've decided to make two more table covers, but they won't be quite as long as the two I just finished.  I'll post some pictures tomorrow so you can see them. 

I love working on hand created projects.  My heart might be only working at a low capacity, but it still has the energy to help me to create things for other people.  I can't tell you how much that means to me.  I am so thankful that God has bestowed these creative abilities upon me ever since I was a child.  It means so much to me now, since I no longer have the energy to even leave my home very often.  But, I can do these things while I'm sitting on the sofa with my feet and legs up.  I am so thankful for this.

How are things where you live?  I saw on the television today, that today was one year since the senseless deaths at the Pulse Club in Florida.  I truly don't understand what is wrong with people today.  Why is there so much hatred in this world?  Can't people see that this senseless killing of other people doesn't prove anything.  The shooters either end up in jail for life or dead. 

I truly don't understand why people can't just mind their own business.  Who another person loves, what color their skin is, what religion they are, how they act, or just because they're different, isn't anyone else's business.  Just mind your own business and live your own life.  These people are bullies.  I don't care why they say they take another person's life.  God made everyone of us the same.  He loves us all.  God is the only one who has the right to judge us, no one else. 

If a person puts their faith in the Lord, living according to His will, there wouldn't be so many senseless murders.  Whatever happened to sitting down and talking things through with another person?  Today it seems that the answer to everything is violence.  Well, it's not! 

Violence is not only against the law, but it certainly is against God's laws. 

I hope you have a good week and that those you love will be safe.  Love God and live according to His plan for us, not any other way!

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Good evening, everyone!

Hi folks,

How's our week going thus far?  Mine is going okay.  I am trying to do a bit of cleaning each morning because my house needs cleaned.  Oh, it's not filthy, but it starting to show a bit of dust here and there.  I am not, by any means, a cleaning fanatic! How about you?  I have too many other things I can be doing:  reading a good book, working on my security blankets for kids in hospitals or talking to a friend on the phone.  As you by now guessed:  Cleaning isn't my favorite thing to do anymore.

Well, it looks like the next couple of days will be strange, weather wise.  It's to be only in the mid sixties tomorrow, but by Monday, it's to be ninety degrees.  What is up with this strange weather?  I, for one, do not like it one bit.  But, since I can't do anything to change it, I suppose I'll just have to live with it, now won't I?

Can you believe that it's already June 6th?  I certainly can not.  It seems like just a short time ago, we celebrated Christmas and welcomed in 2016.  Time moves by so quickly for me, which surprises me so much.  One would think that when a person lives a very sedentary lifestyle, and by that, I mean me on the sofa with my feet up, time would go slowly.  Well, it doesn't. 

I am so thankful for the fact that I'm still alive, no matter how fast or slow time goes by.  It's hard for me to realize that over eleven years ago, I was very close to death.   I give so much praise to God for His giving me more time on this earth.  My family means so much to me and although I don't see them too often, other than my husband, I am so thankful that I am alive to hear what's going on in their lives.  I'm also very thankful for as much time to be with my husband as God allows me.

I'm still creating security blankets for young children who are in hospitals.  I now have sixty-eight of them completed.  They take about five hours to do one.  Here are some photos of them:

I hope the children who receive them will love them as much as I have loved the time I spent creating them.  They are approximately 30" x 36".

Well, I hope your week goes well for you and that you have something fun planned for the weekend.  Or, at least something relaxing for yourself.  Be safe and may God bless you always.